domain SocialNetwork { SocialNetwork ::= new (id: String). User ::= new (id: Integer, name: String). Comments ::= new (id: Integer, timestamp: String, content: String, submitter: Integer, post: Integer). Posts ::= new (id: Integer, timestamp: String, content: String, submitter: Integer). Submitter ::= new (postId: Integer, userId: Integer). Submissions ::= new (userId: Integer, postId: Integer). Friend ::= new (src: Integer, dst: Integer). LikedBy ::= new (srcComment: String, dstUser: Integer). Likes ::= new (srcUser: Integer, dstComment: Integer). LikesSameComment ::= new (comment: Integer, p1: Integer, p2: Integer). SCC ::= new (comment: Integer, lowestPerson: Integer, value: Integer). LowestFriend ::= new (lowestPerson: Integer, comment: Integer). SCCScore ::= (comment: Integer, score: Integer). // The score of a post based on 10x the number of comments it contains PostCommentScore ::= new (id: Integer, value: Integer). // The score of a comment based on the number of likes it has CommentLikeScore ::= new (commentId: Integer, postId: Integer, value: Integer). // The score of a post based on the number of likes its comments have PostLikeScore ::= new (id: Integer, value: Integer). // The total score of a post based on 10x number of its comments + the total number of likes those comments have PostTotalScore ::= (id: Integer, value: Integer). Test ::= new (val: Integer). //// Most Influential Comment (MIC) // MIC 1. Compute transitive closure over friends who like the same comment LikesSameComment(comment, u1, u1) :- Likes(u1, comment). LikesSameComment(comment, u1, u2) :- Likes(u1, comment), Likes(u2, comment), Friend(u1, u2). LikesSameComment(comment, u1, u3) :- LikesSameComment(comment, u1, u2), LikesSameComment(comment, u2, u3). // MIC 2. Compute the lowest id among friends who like the same comment LowestFriend(lowest, x.comment) :- x is LikesSameComment(_,_,_), lowest = minAll(0, { k | LikesSameComment(_, x.p1, k)}), lowest: Integer. SCC(x.comment, x.lowestPerson, total) :- x is LowestFriend(_, _), c = count({ y | y is LikesSameComment(x.comment, x.lowestPerson, _)}), total = c * c . // MIC 4. For each comment, compute the sum of scores of its SCCs SCCScore(, score) :- c is Comments(_, _, _, _, _), score = sum(0, { k | SCC(, _, k)}), score: Integer. //// Most Controversial Post (MCP) // MCP 1. Compute the score of each post by counting the number of comments on that post and multiplying by 10 PostCommentScore(, val) :- p is Posts(_, _, _, _), c = count({ x | x is Comments(_, _, _, _,}), val = c * 10 . // MCP 2. Compute the score of each comment by counting the number of Likes that comment has CommentLikeScore(,, value) :- c is Comments(_, _, _, _, _), value = count({x | x is Likes(_,}). // MCP 3. For each Post, compute its score based on how many people like comments belonging to that Post PostLikeScore(, val) :- p is Posts(_, _, _, _), val = sum(0, { k | CommentLikeScore(_,, k)}), val: Integer. // MCP 4. For each Post, compute its total score by adding its PostCommentScore and PostLikeScore. PostTotalScore(, val) :- pcs is PostCommentScore(_, _), pls is PostLikeScore(, _), val = pcs.value + pls.value. } model example of SocialNetwork { User(1, "Mary"). User(2, "John"). User(3, "Kate"). User(4, "Dan"). User(5, "Victor"). Friend(1, 2). Friend(2, 3). Posts(661, "2010-02-01T05:12:32.000+0000", "Hello World", 1). Posts(662, "2010-02-01T05:13:32.000+0000", "Hi World", 2). Comments(8881, "t1", "whatever", 1, 661). Comments(8882, "t1", "whatever", 2, 661). Comments(8883, "t1", "whatever", 1, 661). Comments(8884, "t1", "whatever", 3, 661). Comments(8885, "t1", "whatever", 1, 661). Comments(8886, "t1", "whatever", 4, 661). Comments(8887, "t2", "whatever", 2, 662). Likes(1, 8881). Likes(2, 8881). Likes(3, 8881). Likes(2, 8882). Likes(3, 8882). }