#+TITLE: Changelog #+OPTIONS: toc:nil All notable changes to /The Digital Logbook/ will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [[https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html][Semantic Versioning]]. * Unreleased ** Added - Major code refactoring - ~report~ command - ~split~ command ** Fixed - Bug in ~create~ command - Timezone related bug * 0.1.3 -- 2023-11-25 ** Added - Ability to pop an entry from a CSV file - Ability to get length of entries in CSV file - Ability to get last entry in CSV file - Output to cli for ~create~ and ~finish~ commands * 0.1.2 -- 2023-11-19 ** Added - ~create~ command - ~finish~ command - Ability to push new entries to a CSV file