# dingtalk-stream-sdk-rust This an **UNOFFICIAL** Rust SDK focused on the development of DingTalk robots. *USE IT ON YOUR OWN RISK* Reference to DingTalk open platform docs [here](https://open.dingtalk.com/document/orgapp/robot-overview) ## Major Function The functions included in SDK: - Receive message from conversation between user and robot - [`Client::register_callback_listener`] - where [`RobotRecvMessage::conversation_type`] == 1 - Receive message from group conversation when robot has been @ - [`Client::register_callback_listener`] - where [`RobotRecvMessage::conversation_type`] == 2 - Send various types of message to bulk users (or single user) - [`RobotSendMessage::single`](up::RobotSendMessage::single) - [`RobotSendMessage::batch`](up::RobotSendMessage::batch) - [`RobotSendMessage::send`](up::RobotSendMessage::send) - Send message to specific group conversation - [`RobotSendMessage::group`](up::RobotSendMessage::group) - [`RobotSendMessage::send`](up::RobotSendMessage::send) - Download media file user sent - [`Client::download`] - Upload media file sent to users - [`Client::upload`] - Create group chat - [`Client::create_group`] See more details in examples ## Additional helper proc-macro provide a proc-macro to make construct [`SampleActionCard2`](up::MessageTemplate::SampleActionCard2) ~ [`SampleActionCard5`](up::MessageTemplate::SampleActionCard5) more convernient. see more in [action_card!](`msg_macro::action_card`)