![dinky](./logo.svg "dinky") A basic, self-hosted, link shortening service. ## Install cargo install dinky ## Build cargo build ## Test cargo test ## CLI options Usage information can be provided with `--help`. ## Configuration There is a configuration file (in TOML format), which will be created in a default XDG path if a path is not specified with the `--conf` CLI parameter. In the case that dinky writes out the configuration, it will be populated with default values, and is therefore a good place to start from. The name of the file created will be printed when `dinky` starts, it may be edited in place, and after restart will be loaded. ### Annotated configuration options ~~~ [settings] bind = "" port = 4444 base_url = "http://example.com/" ~~~ - Port and IP address to bind to. - The fully qualified domain name used to generate links. This must point to the same path as `dinky` is being run on. ~~~ [hash] length = 10 salt = "dinkysalt123" ~~~ - Length of the generated short link hash, and a salt to use in the hash generation. ~~~ [database] kind = "Sqlite" path = "example_db" ~~~ - Database to use. Currently only sqlite is supported. ~~~ [index] hidden = false html = "" css = "" form = "" ~~~ - Wether to hide the index page (if you don't want `dinky` to provide a submission form. - Paths to an HTML template, an HTML form, and a CSS file to serve. These are optional, and should only be used if you wish to radically change how `dinky` looks. Within the template HTML, `{{content}}` is replaced with the form HTML, or any other content or messages that dinky serves. Additionally, `{{ver}}` is replaced with the current version of d`dinky`. ## Installation as a service with Cargo and systemd To set up systemd manually, the unit file must be copied, and the `dinky` user must be created on the system. From inside the project repository: cargo install dinky sudo useradd -m --system dinky --shell /usr/sbin/nologin sudo install -D -o dinky -g dinky ~/.cargo/bin/dinky -t /home/dinky/.cargo/bin/ sudo install -m 644 systemd/dinky.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl enable --now dinky.service ## Use with nginx When being run as a service, `dinky` may be proxied using nginx, e.g. as follows: location /some/path/ { proxy_pass; } See [the nginx docs](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/web-server/reverse-proxy/). ## Preview ![dinky](./dinky.png "dinky preview")