#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail function run () { echo $1 eval $1 } function install_tools () { curl --silent --location \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/houseabsolute/ubi/master/bootstrap/bootstrap-ubi.sh | sh run "rustup component add clippy" run "ubi --project houseabsolute/precious --in ~/bin" run "ubi --project houseabsolute/omegasort --in ~/bin" # We need the unstable version for --skip-children run "ubi --project rust-lang/rustfmt --in ~/bin" } if [ "$1" == "-v" ]; then set -x fi mkdir -p $HOME/bin set +e echo ":$PATH:" | grep --extended-regexp ":$HOME/bin:" >& /dev/null if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then path_has_home_bin=1 fi set -e if [ -z "$path_has_home_bin" ]; then PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH fi install_tools echo "Tools were installed into $HOME/bin." if [ -z "$path_has_home_bin" ]; then echo "You should add $HOME/bin to your PATH." fi exit 0