//~ #include //~ #include //~ #include //~ #include //~ #include //~ #include //~ #include "cassandra.h" //~ /* //~ * Use this example with caution. It's just used as a scratch example for debugging and //~ * roughly analyzing performance. //~ */ //~ #define NUM_THREADS 1 //~ #define NUM_IO_WORKER_THREADS 4 //~ #define NUM_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS 10000 //~ #define NUM_SAMPLES 1000 //~ #define USE_PREPARED 1 //~ const char* big_string = "0123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567" //~ "0123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567" //~ "0123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567" //~ "0123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567" //~ "0123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567" //~ "0123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567" //~ "0123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567"; //~ UuidGen* uuid_gen; //~ typedef struct ThreadStats_ { //~ long count; //~ double total_averages; //~ double samples[NUM_SAMPLES]; //~ } ThreadStats; //~ void print_error(Future* future) { //~ CassString message = cass_future_error_message(future); //~ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %.*s\n", (int)message.length, message.data); //~ } //~ Cluster* create_cluster() { //~ Cluster* cluster = cass_cluster_new(); //~ cass_cluster_set_contact_points(cluster, ""); //~ cass_cluster_set_credentials(cluster, "cassandra", "cassandra"); //~ cass_cluster_set_num_threads_io(cluster, NUM_IO_WORKER_THREADS); //~ cass_cluster_set_queue_size_io(cluster, 10000); //~ cass_cluster_set_pending_requests_low_water_mark(cluster, 5000); //~ cass_cluster_set_pending_requests_high_water_mark(cluster, 10000); //~ cass_cluster_set_core_connections_per_host(cluster, 1); //~ cass_cluster_set_max_connections_per_host(cluster, 2); //~ return cluster; //~ } //~ CassandraError connect_session(Session* session, const Cluster* cluster) { //~ CassandraError rc = CASS_OK; //~ Future* future = cass_session_connect_keyspace(session, cluster, "examples"); //~ cass_future_wait(future); //~ rc = cass_future_error_code(future); //~ if (rc != CASS_OK) { //~ print_error(future); //~ } //~ cass_future_free(future); //~ return rc; //~ } //~ CassandraError execute_query(Session* session, const char* query) { //~ CassandraError rc = CASS_OK; //~ Future* future = NULL; //~ Statement* statement = cass_statement_new(cass_string_init(query), 0); //~ future = cass_session_execute(session, statement); //~ cass_future_wait(future); //~ rc = cass_future_error_code(future); //~ if (rc != CASS_OK) { //~ print_error(future); //~ } //~ cass_future_free(future); //~ cass_statement_free(statement); //~ return rc; //~ } //~ CassandraError prepare_query(Session* session, CassString query, const PreparedStatement** prepared) { //~ CassandraError rc = CASS_OK; //~ Future* future = NULL; //~ future = cass_session_prepare(session, query); //~ cass_future_wait(future); //~ rc = cass_future_error_code(future); //~ if (rc != CASS_OK) { //~ print_error(future); //~ } else { //~ *prepared = cass_future_get_prepared(future); //~ } //~ cass_future_free(future); //~ return rc; //~ } //~ int compare_dbl(const void* d1, const void* d2) { //~ if (*((double*)d1) < *((double*)d2)) { //~ return -1; //~ } else if (*((double*)d1) > *((double*)d2)) { //~ return 1; //~ } else { //~ return 0; //~ } //~ } //~ void print_thread_stats(ThreadStats* thread_stats) { //~ double throughput_avg = 0.0; //~ double throughput_min = 0.0; //~ double throughput_median = 0.0; //~ double throughput_max = 0.0; //~ int index_median = ceil(0.5 * NUM_SAMPLES); //~ qsort(thread_stats->samples, NUM_SAMPLES, sizeof(double), compare_dbl); //~ throughput_avg = thread_stats->total_averages / thread_stats->count; //~ throughput_min = thread_stats->samples[0]; //~ throughput_median = thread_stats->samples[index_median]; //~ throughput_max = thread_stats->samples[NUM_SAMPLES - 1]; //~ printf("%d IO threads, %d requests/batch:\navg: %f\nmin: %f\nmedian: %f\nmax: %f\n", //~ NUM_IO_WORKER_THREADS, //~ NUM_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS, //~ throughput_avg, //~ throughput_min, //~ throughput_median, //~ throughput_max); //~ } //~ void insert_into_perf(Session* session, CassString query, const PreparedStatement* prepared, //~ ThreadStats* thread_stats) { //~ int i; //~ double elapsed, throughput; //~ uint64_t start; //~ int num_requests = 0; //~ Future* futures[NUM_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS]; //~ unsigned long thread_id = uv_thread_self(); //~ CassCollection* collection = cass_collection_new(CASS_COLLECTION_TYPE_SET, 2); //~ cass_collection_append_string(collection, cass_string_init("jazz")); //~ cass_collection_append_string(collection, cass_string_init("2013")); //~ start = uv_hrtime(); //~ for (i = 0; i < NUM_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS; ++i) { //~ Uuid id; //~ Statement* statement; //~ if (prepared != NULL) { //~ statement = cass_prepared_bind(prepared); //~ } else { //~ statement = cass_statement_new(query, 5); //~ } //~ cass_uuid_gen_time(uuid_gen, &id); //~ cass_statement_bind_uuid(statement, 0, id); //~ cass_statement_bind_string(statement, 1, cass_string_init(big_string)); //~ cass_statement_bind_string(statement, 2, cass_string_init(big_string)); //~ cass_statement_bind_string(statement, 3, cass_string_init(big_string)); //~ cass_statement_bind_collection(statement, 4, collection); //~ futures[i] = cass_session_execute(session, statement); //~ cass_statement_free(statement); //~ } //~ for (i = 0; i < NUM_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS; ++i) { //~ Future* future = futures[i]; //~ CassandraError rc = cass_future_error_code(future); //~ if (rc != CASS_OK) { //~ print_error(future); //~ } else { //~ num_requests++; //~ } //~ cass_future_free(future); //~ } //~ elapsed = (double)(uv_hrtime() - start) / 1000000000.0; //~ throughput = (double)num_requests / elapsed; //~ thread_stats->samples[thread_stats->count++] = throughput; //~ thread_stats->total_averages += throughput; //~ printf("%ld: average %f inserts/sec (%d, %f)\n", thread_id, thread_stats->total_averages / thread_stats->count, num_requests, elapsed); //~ cass_collection_free(collection); //~ } //~ void run_insert_queries(void* data) { //~ int i; //~ Session* session = (Session*)data; //~ const PreparedStatement* insert_prepared = NULL; //~ CassString insert_query = cass_string_init("INSERT INTO songs (id, title, album, artist, tags) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); //~ ThreadStats thread_stats; //~ thread_stats.count = 0; //~ thread_stats.total_averages = 0.0; //~ #if USE_PREPARED //~ if (prepare_query(session, insert_query, &insert_prepared) == CASS_OK) { //~ #endif //~ for (i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; ++i) { //~ insert_into_perf(session, insert_query, insert_prepared, &thread_stats); //~ } //~ #if USE_PREPARED //~ cass_prepared_free(insert_prepared); //~ } //~ #endif //~ print_thread_stats(&thread_stats); //~ } //~ void select_from_perf(Session* session, CassString query, const PreparedStatement* prepared, //~ ThreadStats* thread_stats) { //~ int i; //~ double elapsed, throughput; //~ uint64_t start; //~ int num_requests = 0; //~ Future* futures[NUM_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS]; //~ unsigned long thread_id = uv_thread_self(); //~ start = uv_hrtime(); //~ for (i = 0; i < NUM_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS; ++i) { //~ Statement* statement; //~ if (prepared != NULL) { //~ statement = cass_prepared_bind(prepared); //~ } else { //~ statement = cass_statement_new(query, 0); //~ } //~ futures[i] = cass_session_execute(session, statement); //~ cass_statement_free(statement); //~ } //~ for (i = 0; i < NUM_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS; ++i) { //~ Future* future = futures[i]; //~ CassandraError rc = cass_future_error_code(future); //~ if (rc != CASS_OK) { //~ print_error(future); //~ } else { //~ const CassandraResult* result = cass_future_get_result(future); //~ assert(cass_result_column_count(result) == 6); //~ cass_result_free(result); //~ num_requests++; //~ } //~ cass_future_free(future); //~ } //~ elapsed = (double)(uv_hrtime() - start) / 1000000000.0; //~ throughput = (double)num_requests / elapsed; //~ thread_stats->samples[thread_stats->count++] = throughput; //~ thread_stats->total_averages += throughput; //~ printf("%ld: average %f selects/sec (%d, %f)\n", thread_id, thread_stats->total_averages / thread_stats->count, num_requests, elapsed); //~ } //~ void run_select_queries(void* data) { //~ int i; //~ Session* session = (Session*)data; //~ const PreparedStatement* select_prepared = NULL; //~ CassString select_query = cass_string_init("SELECT * FROM songs WHERE id = a98d21b2-1900-11e4-b97b-e5e358e71e0d"); //~ ThreadStats thread_stats; //~ thread_stats.count = 0; //~ thread_stats.total_averages = 0.0; //~ #if USE_PREPARED //~ if (prepare_query(session, select_query, &select_prepared) == CASS_OK) { //~ #endif //~ for (i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; ++i) { //~ select_from_perf(session, select_query, select_prepared, &thread_stats); //~ } //~ #if USE_PREPARED //~ cass_prepared_free(select_prepared); //~ } //~ #endif //~ print_thread_stats(&thread_stats); //~ } //~ int main() { //~ int i; //~ uv_thread_t threads[NUM_THREADS]; //~ Cluster* cluster = NULL; //~ Session* session = NULL; //~ Future* close_future = NULL; //~ cass_log_set_level(CASS_LOG_INFO); //~ cluster = create_cluster(); //~ uuid_gen = cass_uuid_gen_new(); //~ session = cass_session_new(); //~ if (connect_session(session, cluster) != CASS_OK) { //~ cass_cluster_free(cluster); //~ cass_session_free(session); //~ return -1; //~ } //~ execute_query(session, //~ "INSERT INTO songs (id, title, album, artist, tags) VALUES " //~ "(a98d21b2-1900-11e4-b97b-e5e358e71e0d, " //~ "'La Petite Tonkinoise', 'Bye Bye Blackbird', 'Joséphine Baker', { 'jazz', '2013' });"); //~ #define DO_SELECTS //~ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { //~ #ifdef DO_INSERTS //~ uv_thread_create(&threads[i], run_insert_queries, (void*)session); //~ #endif //~ #ifdef DO_SELECTS //~ uv_thread_create(&threads[i], run_select_queries, (void*)session); //~ #endif //~ } //~ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { //~ uv_thread_join(&threads[i]); //~ } //~ close_future = cass_session_close(session); //~ cass_future_wait(close_future); //~ cass_future_free(close_future); //~ cass_cluster_free(cluster); //~ cass_uuid_gen_free(uuid_gen); //~ return 0; //~ }