[package] name = "discord-rpc-helper" description = "Automatically sets Discord activity based on running Proton games" homepage = "https://github.com/kekonn/discord-rpc-helper" repository = "https://github.com/kekonn/discord-rpc-helper" readme = "README.md" license = "GPL-3.0-only" keywords = ["discord", "rpc", "steam", "proton"] categories = ["games"] version = "1.2.6" edition = "2021" authors = ["kekkon"] include = [ "**/*.rs", "**/*.md", "Cargo.toml" ] [package.metadata.binstall] [dependencies] sysinfo = "0.30" anyhow = "1.0" scraper = "0.19" once_cell = "1" reqwest_cookie_store = "0.8" tokio = {version = "1", features = ["signal", "fs", "sync", "macros", "rt-multi-thread", "io-util", "io-std"]} serde = {version = "^1", features = ["default", "derive"]} serde_json = "^1" async-trait = "^0.1" url = "^2" discord-sdk = "0.3" tracing = "0.1" tracing-subscriber = "0.3" html-escape = "0.2.13" [dependencies.reqwest] version = "0.12" features = ["default", "gzip", "cookies"] [profile.release] opt-level = "s" lto = true codegen-units = 1 # The profile that 'cargo dist' will build with [profile.dist] inherits = "release" lto = "thin" # Config for 'cargo dist' [workspace.metadata.dist] # The preferred cargo-dist version to use in CI (Cargo.toml SemVer syntax) cargo-dist-version = "0.19.1" # CI backends to support ci = "github" # Target platforms to build apps for (Rust target-triple syntax) targets = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"] # The installers to generate for each app installers = [] # Publish jobs to run in CI pr-run-mode = "plan"