use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches}; use discord_api::get_invite; use colored::Colorize; pub fn get_app() -> App<'static> { App::new("welcome") .about("Fetch the welcome screen of a guild from an invite") .arg( Arg::with_name("invite") .takes_value(true) .index(1) .about("The invite to fetch the welcome screen from") .required(true), ) } pub async fn handle_input(matches: &ArgMatches) { info!("Finding guild welcome screen"); if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("welcome") { let code = matches.value_of("invite").unwrap(); let resp = get_invite(code).await; if let Ok(data) = resp { info!("Confirming existance of guild"); if let Some(guild) = data.guild { info!("Checking if guild {} has welcome screen",; if let Some(welcome) = guild.welcome_screen { println!("\n{}\n",; debug!("Fetching description"); let description_text = if welcome.description.is_none() { debug!("No description set."); String::from("No description set") } else { debug!("Found description"); welcome.description.unwrap() }; println!("{}\n", description_text.italic()); for channel in welcome.welcome_channels { let chan_id = channel.channel_id; let description = channel.description; println!( "{} - {} - {}", channel.emoji_name, chan_id.dimmed(), description.bold() ); } } else { error!("Could not fetch welcome screen"); } } else { error!("Could not fetch guild"); } } else { error!("Invalid response from Discord: {:?}", resp); }; } }