# discord_channel_cleaner Simple software to delete messages in discord channels after a certain amount of time. It was created for photography gallery channels to delete text messages that are x hours old but keep images. If `keep_images` is set to true, messages with attachments (images) and links from the configured allow list are not deleted. If false, all messages get deleted. ## Installation via cargo: ```bash cargo install discord_channel_cleaner ``` via docker: ```bash docker pull phib/discord_channel_cleaner ``` ## Usage ### Start Simply call `discord_channel_cleaner`. If the `settings.toml` is not in the cwd, the path can be given as an argument: `discord_channel_cleaner /home/phil/chan_clean_conf.toml`. #### With docker When running, mount local `settings.toml` to `/dcc/settings.toml`. ```bash docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/settings.toml,target=/dcc/settings.toml,readonly discord_channel_cleaner ``` ### Setup You need to register a Discord application with a bot. The required gateway intents are "Read Messages/View Channels", "Read Message History", "Send Messages" and "Manage Messages". Copy (or create) the `settings.toml` file and replace with your values. Each channel needs his own channel section. The ID's can be copied easily via right-click if you activate "Developer Mode" on your discord account.