.TH ds 1 .SH NAME ds \- displays sorted disk space usage .SH SYNOPSIS .B ds [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [directory...] .SH DESCRIPTION .B ds displays the twenty largest directories and files. No directory defaults to the current directory. Multiple directories are permitted. .SH FLAGS .PP \-a, \-\-all .RS 4 displays all entries .RE .PP \-h, \-\-help .RS 4 prints the help information .RE .PP \-x, \-\-one-filesystem .RS 4 ignores other fileystems .RE .PP \-r, \-\-reverse .RS 4 displays entries in descending order .RE .PP \-V, \-\-version .RS 4 Prints the version .RE .PP \-v, \-\-verbose .RS 4 displays skipped entries including the OS error .RE .SH OPTIONS .PP \-c color, \-\-color color .RS 4 sets the size column to a specific terminal color. The valid colors are black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan or none. .RE .PP \-e string, \-\-exclude string .RS 4 exclude lines containing string. May be specified multiple times. .RE .PP \-n lines, \-\-lines lines .RS 4 display number of lines of entries .RE .SH EXAMPLES .PP ds /home /local .RS 4 displays the largest directories and files from /home and /local. .RE .SH AUTHOR Eric Jackson .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR du (1)