{- Copyright (C) 2011, Benjamin Drung Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -} module DistroInfo (DebianEntry, debVersion, debSeries, debFull, debianEntry, debianAll, debianDevel, debianOldstable, debianStable, debianSupported, debianSupportedLTS, debianSupportedELTS, debianTesting, debianUnsupported, UbuntuEntry, ubuVersion, ubuSeries, ubuFull, ubuntuEntry, ubuntuAll, ubuntuDevel, ubuntuLTS, ubuntuStable, ubuntuSupported, ubuntuSupportedESM, ubuntuUnsupported, ) where import Data.Map hiding (map, filter, lookup) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List import Data.Time import Text.CSV -- | Represents one Debian release data set -- (corresponds to one row of the debian.csv file). data DebianEntry = DebianEntry { debVersion :: String, debCodename :: String, debSeries :: String, debCreated :: Day, debRelease :: Maybe Day, debEol :: Maybe Day, debEolLTS :: Maybe Day, debEolELTS :: Maybe Day } deriving(Eq, Show) -- | Represents one Ubuntu release data set -- (corresponds to one row of the ubuntu.csv file). data UbuntuEntry = UbuntuEntry { ubuVersion :: String, ubuCodename :: String, ubuSeries :: String, ubuCreated :: Day, ubuRelease :: Day, ubuEol :: Day, ubuEolServer :: Maybe Day, ubuEolESM :: Maybe Day } deriving(Eq, Show) -- | Splits a string by a given character (similar to the Python split function) -- splitS '-' "2010-05-23" = ["2010", "05", "23"] splitS :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] splitS _ [] = [[]] splitS c (x : xs) = let rest = splitS c xs in if x == c then [] : rest else (x : head rest) : tail rest -- | Convert a given date string in ISO 8601 format into a Day convertDate :: String -> Day convertDate date = case map (read :: String -> Int) (splitS '-' date) of year : month : day : [] -> fromGregorian (toInteger year) month day year : month : [] -> if month == 12 then fromGregorian (toInteger year) month 31 else addDays (-1) (fromGregorian (toInteger year) (month + 1) 1) _ -> error ("Date \"" ++ date ++ "\" not in ISO 8601 format.") -- | Drop empty rows from CSV files dropEmptyRows :: [Record] -> [Record] dropEmptyRows = filter (\ r -> r /= [""]) -- | Converts a String into a Day if it exists maybeDate :: Maybe String -> Maybe Day maybeDate Nothing = Nothing maybeDate (Just date) = Just (convertDate date) -- | Converts a given CSV data into a list of Ubuntu entries ubuntuEntry :: CSV -> [UbuntuEntry] ubuntuEntry [] = error "Empty CSV file." ubuntuEntry (heading : content) = map (toEntry . fromList . zip heading) $ dropEmptyRows content where toEntry :: Map String String -> UbuntuEntry toEntry m = UbuntuEntry (m ! "version") (m ! "codename") (m ! "series") (convertDate $ m ! "created") (convertDate $ m ! "release") (convertDate $ m ! "eol") (maybeDate $ Map.lookup "eol-server" m) (maybeDate $ Map.lookup "eol-esm" m) -- | Converts a given CSV data into a list of Debian entries debianEntry :: CSV -> [DebianEntry] debianEntry [] = error "Empty CSV file." debianEntry (heading : content) = map (toEntry . fromList . zip heading) $ dropEmptyRows content where toEntry :: Map String String -> DebianEntry toEntry m = DebianEntry (m ! "version") (m ! "codename") (m ! "series") (convertDate $ m ! "created") (maybeDate $ Map.lookup "release" m) (maybeDate $ Map.lookup "eol" m) (maybeDate $ Map.lookup "eol-lts" m) (maybeDate $ Map.lookup "eol-elts" m) ------------------- -- Debian Filter -- ------------------- -- | Return the latest entry of a given list. latest :: Int -> [a] -> [a] latest i m = if length m < i then error "Distribution data outdated." else [m !! (length m - i)] -- | List all known Debian distributions. debianAll :: Day -> [DebianEntry] -> [DebianEntry] debianAll _ = id -- | Get latest development distribution based on the given date. debianDevel :: Day -> [DebianEntry] -> [DebianEntry] debianDevel date = latest 2 . filter isUnreleased where isUnreleased DebianEntry { debCreated = created, debRelease = release } = date >= created && maybe True (date <=) release -- | Get oldstable Debian distribution based on the given date. debianOldstable :: Day -> [DebianEntry] -> [DebianEntry] debianOldstable date = latest 2 . filter isReleased where isReleased DebianEntry { debRelease = release } = maybe False (date >=) release -- | Get latest stable distribution based on the given date. debianStable :: Day -> [DebianEntry] -> [DebianEntry] debianStable date = latest 1 . filter isReleased where isReleased DebianEntry { debRelease = release, debEol = eol } = maybe False (date >=) release && maybe True (date <=) eol -- | Get list of all supported distributions based on the given date. debianSupported :: Day -> [DebianEntry] -> [DebianEntry] debianSupported date = filter isSupported where isSupported DebianEntry { debCreated = created, debEol = eol } = date >= created && maybe True (date <=) eol -- | Get list of all LTS supported distributions based on the given date. debianSupportedLTS :: Day -> [DebianEntry] -> [DebianEntry] debianSupportedLTS date = filter isSupportedLTS where isSupportedLTS DebianEntry { debCreated = created, debEol = eol, debEolLTS = eol_lts } = date >= created && maybe False (date >) eol && maybe False (date <=) eol_lts -- | Get list of all ELTS supported distributions based on the given date. debianSupportedELTS :: Day -> [DebianEntry] -> [DebianEntry] debianSupportedELTS date = filter isSupportedELTS where isSupportedELTS DebianEntry { debCreated = created, debEolLTS = eol_lts, debEolELTS = eol_elts } = date >= created && maybe False (date >) eol_lts && maybe False (date <=) eol_elts -- | Get latest testing Debian distribution based on the given date. debianTesting :: Day -> [DebianEntry] -> [DebianEntry] debianTesting date = filter isUnreleased where isUnreleased DebianEntry { debVersion = version, debCreated = created, debRelease = release } = date >= created && maybe True (date <=) release && version /= "" -- | Get list of all unsupported distributions based on the given date. debianUnsupported :: Day -> [DebianEntry] -> [DebianEntry] debianUnsupported date = filter isUnsupported where isUnsupported DebianEntry { debCreated = created, debEol = eol } = date >= created && maybe False (date >) eol ------------------- -- Ubuntu Filter -- ------------------- -- | Return the newest entry (based on the release date) of a given list. ubuntuNewest :: [UbuntuEntry] -> [UbuntuEntry] ubuntuNewest [] = error "Distribution data outdated." ubuntuNewest (a : []) = [a] ubuntuNewest (a : b : rs) = if ubuRelease a > ubuRelease b then ubuntuNewest (a : rs) else ubuntuNewest (b : rs) -- | Evaluates if a given Ubuntu release is already release and still supported. ubuntuIsReleased :: Day -> UbuntuEntry -> Bool ubuntuIsReleased date UbuntuEntry { ubuRelease = release, ubuEol = eol, ubuEolServer = eolServer } = date >= release && (date <= eol || maybe False (date <=) eolServer) -- | List all known Ubuntu distributions. ubuntuAll :: Day -> [UbuntuEntry] -> [UbuntuEntry] ubuntuAll _ = id -- | Get latest development distribution based on the given date. ubuntuDevel :: Day -> [UbuntuEntry] -> [UbuntuEntry] ubuntuDevel date = ubuntuNewest . filter isUnreleased where isUnreleased UbuntuEntry { ubuCreated = created, ubuRelease = release } = date >= created && date < release -- | Get latest long term support (LTS) Ubuntu distribution based on the given -- date. ubuntuLTS :: Day -> [UbuntuEntry] -> [UbuntuEntry] ubuntuLTS date = ubuntuNewest . filter isLTS . filter (ubuntuIsReleased date) where isLTS UbuntuEntry { ubuVersion = version } = "LTS" `isInfixOf` version -- | Get latest stable distribution based on the given date. ubuntuStable :: Day -> [UbuntuEntry] -> [UbuntuEntry] ubuntuStable date = ubuntuNewest . filter (ubuntuIsReleased date) -- | Get list of all supported distributions based on the given date. ubuntuSupported :: Day -> [UbuntuEntry] -> [UbuntuEntry] ubuntuSupported date = filter isSupported where isSupported UbuntuEntry { ubuCreated = created, ubuEol = eol, ubuEolServer = eolServer } = date >= created && (date <= eol || maybe False (date <=) eolServer) -- | Get list of all ESM supported distributions based on the given date. ubuntuSupportedESM :: Day -> [UbuntuEntry] -> [UbuntuEntry] ubuntuSupportedESM date = filter isSupportedESM where isSupportedESM UbuntuEntry { ubuCreated = created, ubuEolESM = eolESM } = date >= created && maybe False (date <=) eolESM -- | Get list of all unsupported distributions based on the given date. ubuntuUnsupported :: Day -> [UbuntuEntry] -> [UbuntuEntry] ubuntuUnsupported date = filter isUnsupported where isUnsupported UbuntuEntry { ubuCreated = created, ubuEol = eol, ubuEolServer = eolServer } = date >= created && (date > eol && maybe True (date >) eolServer) ------------ -- Output -- ------------ debFull :: DebianEntry -> String debFull DebianEntry { debVersion = version, debCodename = codename, debSeries = series } = if version /= "" then "Debian " ++ version ++ " \"" ++ codename ++ "\"" else "Debian " ++ series ubuFull :: UbuntuEntry -> String ubuFull UbuntuEntry { ubuVersion = version, ubuCodename = codename } = "Ubuntu " ++ version ++ " \"" ++ codename ++ "\""