# div-int [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/div-int.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/div-int) [![API reference](https://docs.rs/div-int/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/div-int/) Rational numbers with a compile-time denominator. This crate exports the `DivInt` struct, which is a wrapper around integers that are semantically divided by a compile-time constant. It's designed for embedded applications where floats are sometimes represented as rational numbers with a known denominator. ## Example `DivInt` is a number that's internally stored as a u8, but is semantically a rational number which value is the stored number divided by 50: ```rust use div_int::DivInt; let di: DivInt = DivInt::from_numerator(15); assert_eq!(di.numerator(), 15); assert_eq!(di.to_f64(), 0.3); ``` ## Crate features The crate is `no_std` by default. Optional features are: * `serde` - adds serialization support. License: MPL-2.0