# divoom-cli
Command line tool built on top of divoom APIs for controlling divoom devices, like pixoo (and from how divoom's api/doc organizes, maybe more in the future).
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# Check current channel
> divoom-cli channel get
# Set channel to clock with id 100
> divoom-cli channel set-clock 100
# Get clock channel info
> divoom-cli channel get-clock
clock-id: 100
brightness: 100
## How to install
### via Cargo
cargo install divoom-cli
### via winget
winget install DivoomCli
### via scoop
Since we haven't reached the [criteria for Scoop Main bucket](https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Scoop/wiki/Criteria-for-including-apps-in-the-main-bucket), we need to use our own bucket at this moment.
# Add our scoop bucket for the first time.
scoop bucket add r12f https://github.com/r12f/scoop-bucket
# Install
scoop install divoom-cli
## How to use
It is straight forward to use the command line tool. Usually, we do it in 2 steps:
- Use device discovery API to find all devices in the LAN that we are in.
- Use device APIs to control the devices. No login/authentication is needed in the process.
### Discover devices in the same LAN
> divoom-cli discover
- device-name: Pixoo
device-id: 300000001
### Use Devices APIs to control the device
All device APIs are having the same format:
divoom-cli [parameters]
So we can run the commands like below:
# Check current channel
> divoom-cli channel get
# Check current clock
> divoom-cli channel get-clock
clock_id: 100
brightness: 67
# Set channel to clock with id 100
> divoom-cli channel set-clock 100
# Play a gif from Internet by calling the API provided by Divoom Device.
# Please note that: this API can be unstable and only accepts GIF with 16x16, 32x32 and 64x64 image size.
> divoom-cli animation gif play --url https://www.gifandgif.eu/animated_gif/Planets/Animated%20Gif%20Planets%20(16).GIF
# To help playing GIF in a more stable way, we can use the image animation API to craft an animation and draw the GIF
# frames into it and send to device to play, e.g.:
> divoom-cli animation image render-gif "logo-16-rotate-4-frames.gif" 16 -s 100
# Create the same GIF animation as above, but with size stretched, rotation 30 degrees and opacity 0.5.
> divoom-cli animation image render-gif "logo-16-rotate-4-frames.gif" 32 -s 100 -f stretch -o 0.5 -r 30
# Create a text animation
# Please note that: this API only works after we use "animation image render-gif" API to draw anything. This API call will be ignored,
# when the device is showing other things, like clock or channel.
> divoom-cli animation text set 1 "Hello world!"
> divoom-cli animation text set 2 "The gray fox jumped over the lazy dog" -y 20
# Modify existing text animation. E.g. changing "Hello world!" above to "Hello Divoom!"
> divoom-cli animation text set 1 "Hello Divoom!"
# Send a raw request
# NOTICE: the double quotes in json string passed into the program needs to escaped with '\',
# otherwise, rust runtime (not clap) will eat them before reaching main function, even we
# pass the whole string as a string.
> divoom-cli raw '{\"Command\": \"Device/SetHighLightMode\", \"Mode\": 0}'
### Parameter/Output format
By default, divoom-cli uses yaml as output format with all field names in `kebab-case`. And beside yaml, we support json format too.
To specify the output format, we can use `-o` parameter:
> divoom-cli -o json channel get-clock
> divoom-cli -o yaml channel get-clock
clock-id: 100
brightness: 67
For values, divoom-cli always expect `camelCase` to be used, both in parameter and output.
> divoom-cli channel set customPage
> divoom-cli channel get
### More help
We can find more info in the command help like below.
> divoom-cli
divoom-cli 0.0.1
divoom-cli.exe [OPTIONS] [device-address]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-o, --output