# djpass (Django Passwords) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Racum/djpass.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Racum/djpass) A command-line tool to generate and verify passwords used in [Django Project](https://www.djangoproject.com). ## Installation You can compile from source, or install via `cargo` (requires version 0.6.0 or higher): ``` $ cargo install djpass ``` ## Usage ### Generating a Password Hash If you run it without arguments it will ask for a password: ``` $ djpass Password: [password] Hash: pbkdf2_sha256$24000$... ``` Passing the password as a single argument will return the hash: ``` $ djpass hello Hash: pbkdf2_sha256$24000$... ``` You can also specify the algorithm used: ``` $ djpass hello -a sha1 Hash: sha1$hzPiRIKYykm8$23... ``` Algorithms: - `PBKDF2` (default) - `PBKDF2SHA1` - `Argon2` - `Scrypt` - `BCryptSHA256` - `BCrypt` - `SHA1` - `MD5` - `UnsaltedSHA1` - `UnsaltedMD5` - `Crypt` The algorithm argument is case-insensitive. ### Verifying a Password Hash ``` $ djpass hello 'sha1$hzPiRIKYykm8$23...' Password ok. ``` If you pass an algorithm during verification it will be ignored. ## Contributing * Be polite, I'm new to Rust, like almost everybody. * Don't go nuts with your *mad-rust-skillz*, legibility is a priority. * Always include a unit test. ## License Djpass is released under the **3-Clause BSD License**. **tl;dr**: *"free to use as long as you credit me"*.