.TH DKIM-MILTER.CONF 5 2024-06-13 "DKIM Milter 0.2.0-alpha.1" .SH NAME dkim-milter.conf \- DKIM Milter configuration file .SH SYNOPSIS .B /etc/dkim-milter/dkim-milter.conf .SH DESCRIPTION .I dkim-milter.conf is the configuration file for DKIM Milter. .BR dkim-milter (8) is a milter application that signs and verifies messages using the .I DomainKeys Identified Mail protocol (RFC\~6376). .PP DKIM Milter accepts incoming connections from the MTA, and then handles each message transaction in either signing mode or verifying mode. That is, it either signs the message, or verifies the message’s signatures according to the configuration. The decision whether the message should undergo signing or verification is made in the following way: If a message comes from a .I trusted source and is submitted by an .I originator that matches a configured .IR "signing sender" , then the message is signed. If a message comes from an untrusted source, it is verified instead. Trusted sources and signing senders are configured with parameters .BR trusted_networks , .BR trust_authenticated_senders , and .BR signing_senders . The originator of a message is taken from the message’s .I Sender header if present, else from the message’s .I From header. .PP The configuration file format uses a flat key–value scheme with one parameter per line. Key and value are separated with the character .BR = . Whitespace before and after key and value is not significant. Blank lines and lines whose first non-blank character is .B # are ignored. Configuration can be reloaded from disk during operation by sending the signal .B SIGHUP to the milter process. If reloading fails, an error is logged and the in-memory configuration remains active. A small set of parameters configured at program start cannot be reloaded: the parameters .BR socket , .BR log_destination , .BR log_level , and .BR syslog_facility . Options passed on the command-line are also not reloaded. .SH PARAMETERS This section lists all configuration parameters available in the three categories “General”, “Signing”, and “Verification” in alphabetical order. .PP Possible values for each parameter are given in parentheses. Below, a .I boolean value is either .B yes or .B no (alias .B true and .BR false ). A .I duration is an integer optionally followed by .B d (days), .B h (hours), .B m (minutes), or .B s (seconds; the default unit). A .I colon-separated value is a possibly empty list or set of elements separated by “:”. .PP A .I data source is some persistent storage providing a list or set of configuration data. Currently, the following data sources are available. The .I cached or .I in-memory filesystem data source is represented as a path prefixed with .B < or .B slurp: (for example, .BR