# dll-syringe [![CI](https://github.com/OpenByteDev/dll-syringe/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/OpenByteDev/dll-syringe/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/dll-syringe.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/dll-syringe) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/dll-syringe/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/dll-syringe) [![dependency status](https://deps.rs/repo/github/openbytedev/dll-syringe/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/repo/github/openbytedev/dll-syringe) [![MIT](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/dll-syringe.svg)](https://github.com/OpenByteDev/dll-syringe/blob/master/LICENSE) A windows dll injection library written in Rust. ## Supported scenarios | Injector Process | Target Process | Supported? | | ---------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------ | | 32-bit | 32-bit | Yes | | 32-bit | 64-bit | No | | 64-bit | 32-bit | Yes (requires feature `into-x86-from-x64`) | | 64-bit | 64-bit | Yes | ## Usage ### Inject & Eject This crate allows you to inject and eject a DLL into a target process. The example below will inject and then eject `injection_payload.dll` into the process called "ExampleProcess". ```rust no_run use dll_syringe::{Syringe, process::OwnedProcess}; // find target process by name let target_process = OwnedProcess::find_first_by_name("ExampleProcess").unwrap(); // create a new syringe for the target process let syringe = Syringe::for_process(target_process); // inject the payload into the target process let injected_payload = syringe.inject("injection_payload.dll").unwrap(); // do something else // eject the payload from the target (optional) syringe.eject(injected_payload).unwrap(); ``` ## Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) This crate supports two mechanisms for rpc. Both only work one-way for calling exported functions in the target process and are only intended for one-time initialization usage. For extended communication a dedicated rpc library should be used. | | `RemotePayloadProcedure` | `RemoteRawProcedure` | | ---------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ | | Feature | `rpc-payload` | `rpc-raw` | | Argument and Return Requirements | `Serialize + DeserializeOwned` | `Copy`, Argument size has to be smaller than `usize` in target process | | Function Definition | Using macro `payload_procedure!` | Any `extern "system"` or `extern "C"` with `#[no_mangle]` | ### RemotePayloadProcedure A rpc mechanism based on [`bincode`](https://crates.io/crates/bincode). The target procedure must be defined using the `payload_procedure!` macro (requires the `payload-utils` feature). The definition of an exported `add` function could look like this: ```rust dll_syringe::payload_procedure! { fn add(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 { a + b } } ``` The code of the injector/caller could looks like this: ```rust no_run use dll_syringe::{Syringe, process::OwnedProcess}; // find target process by name let target_process = OwnedProcess::find_first_by_name("ExampleProcess").unwrap(); // create a new syringe for the target process let syringe = Syringe::for_process(target_process); // inject the payload into the target process let injected_payload = syringe.inject("injection_payload.dll").unwrap(); let remote_add = unsafe { syringe.get_payload_procedure:: f64>(injected_payload, "add") }.unwrap().unwrap(); let result = remote_add.call(&2.0, &4.0).unwrap(); println!("{}", result); // prints 6 // eject the payload from the target (optional) syringe.eject(injected_payload).unwrap(); ``` ### RemoteRawProcedure This mechanism is based on dynamically generated assembly code. The target procedure can be any exported function as long as it uses either the `system` or `C` calling convention. This means that even Win32 functions can be called directly. The definition of an exported `add` function could look like this: ```rust #[no_mangle] extern "system" fn add(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 { a + b } ``` The code of the injector/caller could looks like this: ```rust no_run use dll_syringe::{Syringe, process::OwnedProcess}; // find target process by name let target_process = OwnedProcess::find_first_by_name("ExampleProcess").unwrap(); // create a new syringe for the target process let syringe = Syringe::for_process(target_process); // inject the payload into the target process let injected_payload = syringe.inject("injection_payload.dll").unwrap(); let remote_add = unsafe { syringe.get_raw_procedure:: f64>(injected_payload, "add") }.unwrap().unwrap(); let result = remote_add.call(2.0, 4.0).unwrap(); println!("{}", result); // prints 6 // eject the payload from the target (optional) syringe.eject(injected_payload).unwrap(); ``` ## License Licensed under MIT license ([LICENSE](https://github.com/OpenByteDev/dll-syringe/blob/master/LICENSE) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ## Attribution Inspired by [Reloaded.Injector](https://github.com/Reloaded-Project/Reloaded.Injector) from [Sewer](https://github.com/Sewer56).