# dnd_dice_roller A simple Rust library for taking a DnD like dice string as an input and calculating a result. Supports advantage and disadvantage. ## Usage ```rust use dice_roller::dice::{Dice, RollType}; use std::str::FromStr; let dice = Dice::from_str("2d20 + 1")?; // Roll dice uses thread RNG let result = dice.roll_dice(); A single d20 with a plus five modifier and advantage let second_dice = Dice::new(1, 20, Some(5), RollType::Advantage); let results = second_dice.roll_dice(); ``` ## Example inputs ``` d6 2d6 2d6 + 3 d20 advantage d20 adv d20 a 2d20 + 4 advantage 2d20 - 2 adv 1d6 - 1 disadvantage 1d6 dadv d6 d ```