//! Performance test use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}; use std::time::Instant; use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng}; use dnp3::app::measurement::*; use dnp3::app::*; use dnp3::decode::*; use dnp3::link::*; use dnp3::master::*; use dnp3::outstation::database::*; use dnp3::outstation::*; use dnp3::tcp::*; use clap::Parser; use dnp3::app::control::{CommandStatus, Group12Var1, OpType}; fn config(num_values: usize) -> TestConfig { TestConfig { outstation_level: DecodeLevel::nothing(), master_level: DecodeLevel::nothing(), num_values, max_index: 10, } } #[derive(clap::ValueEnum, Debug, Clone)] enum Action { Unsolicited, DirectOperate, } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Cli { #[clap(long, value_parser, default_value_t = 1)] sessions: usize, #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value_t = 100)] values: usize, #[clap(long, value_parser, default_value_t = 10)] seconds: usize, #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value_t = false)] log: bool, #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] action: Action, #[clap(long, value_parser)] workers: Option, } fn main() { let args: Cli = Cli::parse(); let runtime = match args.workers { Some(x) => tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread() .enable_all() .worker_threads(x) .build() .unwrap(), None => tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread() .enable_all() .build() .unwrap(), }; runtime.block_on(run(args)); } async fn run(args: Cli) { let config = config(args.values); if args.log { tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_max_level(tracing::Level::INFO) .with_target(false) .init(); } let mut harness = TestHarness::create(args.sessions, config).await; println!("settings: {:?}", args); println!("starting up..."); harness.wait_for_startup().await; let duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(args.seconds as u64); println!("iterating for {:?}...", duration); let start = Instant::now(); let iterations = match args.action { Action::Unsolicited => harness.run_unsol(duration).await, Action::DirectOperate => harness.run_commands(duration).await, }; let elapsed = start.elapsed(); let values = config.num_values * iterations; println!("elapsed time: {:?}", elapsed); println!("num requests: {}", iterations); println!( "requests/sec: {:.1}", (iterations as f64) / elapsed.as_secs_f64() ); println!("meas/sec: {:.1}", (values as f64) / elapsed.as_secs_f64()); } struct NullOutstationApplication; impl OutstationApplication for NullOutstationApplication {} struct NullOutstationInformation; impl OutstationInformation for NullOutstationInformation {} #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct TestConfig { outstation_level: DecodeLevel, master_level: DecodeLevel, num_values: usize, max_index: u16, } struct TestHarness { pairs: Vec, } impl TestHarness { async fn create(count: usize, config: TestConfig) -> Self { let mut pairs = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..count { pairs.push(Pair::spawn(config).await) } Self { pairs } } async fn wait_for_startup(&mut self) { for pair in &mut self.pairs { pair.wait_for_null_unsolicited().await; } } async fn run_commands(self, duration: std::time::Duration) -> usize { let start = Instant::now(); let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for pair in self.pairs { let task = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut pair = pair; let mut iterations: usize = 0; loop { let err = pair .assoc .operate( CommandMode::DirectOperate, CommandBuilder::single_header_u16( Group12Var1::from_op_type(OpType::LatchOn), 3u16, ), ) .await .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( err, CommandError::Response(CommandResponseError::BadStatus( CommandStatus::NotSupported )) ); iterations += 1; if start.elapsed() >= duration { return iterations; } } }); tasks.push(task); } let mut iterations = 0; for task in tasks { iterations += task.await.unwrap(); } iterations } async fn run_unsol(self, duration: std::time::Duration) -> usize { let start = Instant::now(); let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for mut pair in self.pairs { let task = tokio::spawn(async move { let mut iterations: usize = 0; loop { pair.update_values(); pair.wait_for_update().await; iterations += 1; if start.elapsed() >= duration { return iterations; } } }); tasks.push(task); } let mut iterations = 0; for task in tasks { iterations += task.await.unwrap(); } iterations } } struct Pair { // measurements exchanged on each iteration values: Measurements, // have to hold onto this to keep TCP server alive _server: ServerHandle, // have to hold onto this to keep master alive _master: MasterChannel, // used to send commands assoc: AssociationHandle, // count of matching measurements received rx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver, // used to update the database outstation: OutstationHandle, } impl Pair { const LOCALHOST: IpAddr = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST); fn update_values(&mut self) { self.outstation.transaction(|db| { for x in self.values.once() { x.apply(db) } }) } async fn wait_for_null_unsolicited(&mut self) { assert_eq!(self.rx.recv().await.unwrap(), 0); } async fn wait_for_update(&mut self) { assert_eq!(self.rx.recv().await.unwrap(), self.values.len()); } async fn spawn(config: TestConfig) -> Self { let (server, outstation) = Self::spawn_outstation(config).await; let assigned_port = server.local_addr().unwrap().port(); let (master, assoc, measurements, rx) = Self::spawn_master(assigned_port, config).await; Self { values: measurements, _server: server, rx, _master: master, outstation, assoc, } } async fn spawn_outstation(config: TestConfig) -> (ServerHandle, OutstationHandle) { let mut server = Server::new_tcp_server(LinkErrorMode::Close, SocketAddr::new(Self::LOCALHOST, 0)); let outstation = server .add_outstation( Self::get_outstation_config(config.outstation_level), Box::new(NullOutstationApplication), Box::new(NullOutstationInformation), DefaultControlHandler::create(), NullListener::create(), AddressFilter::Any, ) .unwrap(); // set up the database outstation.transaction(|db| { for i in 0..=config.max_index { db.add( i, Some(EventClass::Class1), BinaryInputConfig::new( StaticBinaryInputVariation::Group1Var2, EventBinaryInputVariation::Group2Var2, ), ); db.add( i, Some(EventClass::Class1), CounterConfig::new( StaticCounterVariation::Group20Var2, EventCounterVariation::Group22Var5, 0, ), ); db.add( i, Some(EventClass::Class1), AnalogInputConfig::new( StaticAnalogInputVariation::Group30Var1, EventAnalogInputVariation::Group32Var3, 0.0, ), ); } }); let server_handle = server.bind().await.unwrap(); (server_handle, outstation) } async fn spawn_master( port: u16, config: TestConfig, ) -> ( MasterChannel, AssociationHandle, Measurements, tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver, ) { let mut master = dnp3::tcp::spawn_master_tcp_client( LinkErrorMode::Close, Self::get_master_config(config.master_level), EndpointList::single(format!("{}", port)), ConnectStrategy::default(), NullListener::create(), ); let measurements = Measurements::new(config.max_index, config.num_values); let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(16); let handler = TestHandler { count: 0, measurements: measurements.forever(), tx, }; // don't care about the handle let assoc = master .add_association( Self::outstation_address(), Self::get_association_config(), Box::new(handler), Box::new(TestAssociationHandler), Box::new(TestAssociationInformation), ) .await .unwrap(); master.enable().await.unwrap(); (master, assoc, measurements, rx) } fn outstation_address() -> EndpointAddress { EndpointAddress::try_new(10).unwrap() } fn master_address() -> EndpointAddress { EndpointAddress::try_new(1).unwrap() } fn get_master_config(level: DecodeLevel) -> MasterChannelConfig { let mut config = MasterChannelConfig::new(EndpointAddress::try_new(1).unwrap()); config.decode_level = level; config } fn get_association_config() -> AssociationConfig { let mut config = AssociationConfig::quiet(); config.enable_unsol_classes = EventClasses::all(); config } fn get_outstation_config(level: DecodeLevel) -> OutstationConfig { let mut config = OutstationConfig::new( Self::outstation_address(), Self::master_address(), EventBufferConfig::all_types(100), ); config.decode_level = level; config } } struct TestHandler { count: usize, measurements: CyclicMeasurementIterator, tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender, } impl ReadHandler for TestHandler { fn begin_fragment(&mut self, _read_type: ReadType, _header: ResponseHeader) -> MaybeAsync<()> { self.count = 0; MaybeAsync::ready(()) } fn end_fragment(&mut self, _read_type: ReadType, _header: ResponseHeader) -> MaybeAsync<()> { let sender = self.tx.clone(); let count = self.count; MaybeAsync::asynchronous(async move { let _ = sender.send(count).await; }) } fn handle_binary_input( &mut self, _info: HeaderInfo, iter: &mut dyn Iterator, ) { for (v, i) in iter { if self.measurements.expect(Measurement::Binary(v, i)) { self.count += 1; } } } fn handle_double_bit_binary_input( &mut self, _info: HeaderInfo, _iter: &mut dyn Iterator, ) { unimplemented!() } fn handle_binary_output_status( &mut self, _info: HeaderInfo, _iter: &mut dyn Iterator, ) { unimplemented!() } fn handle_counter( &mut self, _info: HeaderInfo, iter: &mut dyn Iterator, ) { for (v, i) in iter { if self.measurements.expect(Measurement::Counter(v, i)) { self.count += 1; } } } fn handle_frozen_counter( &mut self, _info: HeaderInfo, _iter: &mut dyn Iterator, ) { unimplemented!() } fn handle_analog_input( &mut self, _info: HeaderInfo, iter: &mut dyn Iterator, ) { for (v, i) in iter { if self.measurements.expect(Measurement::Analog(v, i)) { self.count += 1; } } } fn handle_analog_output_status( &mut self, _info: HeaderInfo, _iter: &mut dyn Iterator, ) { unimplemented!() } fn handle_octet_string<'a>( &mut self, _info: HeaderInfo, _iter: &'a mut dyn Iterator, ) { unimplemented!() } } struct TestAssociationHandler; impl AssociationHandler for TestAssociationHandler {} struct TestAssociationInformation; impl AssociationInformation for TestAssociationInformation {} // don't need to send every type #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] enum Measurement { Binary(BinaryInput, u16), Counter(Counter, u16), Analog(AnalogInput, u16), } impl Measurement { const OPTIONS: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions::new(false, EventMode::Force); fn apply(&self, db: &mut Database) { match self { Measurement::Binary(v, i) => db.update(*i, v, Self::OPTIONS), Measurement::Counter(v, i) => db.update(*i, v, Self::OPTIONS), Measurement::Analog(v, i) => db.update(*i, v, Self::OPTIONS), }; } } struct Random { max_index: u16, inner: rand::rngs::StdRng, } impl Random { fn new(max_index: u16) -> Self { Self { max_index, inner: rand::rngs::StdRng::seed_from_u64(0), } } // make sure the value and flags are consistent fn normalize_flags(binary: BinaryInput) -> BinaryInput { if binary.value { BinaryInput::new( binary.value, binary.flags | Flags::new(0b1000_0000), binary.time.unwrap(), ) } else { let raw = binary.flags.value & 0b0111_1111; BinaryInput::new(binary.value, Flags::new(raw), binary.time.unwrap()) } } fn measurement(&mut self) -> Measurement { match self.inner.gen_range(0..=2) { 0 => Measurement::Binary( Self::normalize_flags(BinaryInput::new( self.inner.gen(), self.flags(), self.time(), )), self.index(), ), 1 => Measurement::Counter( Counter::new(self.inner.gen(), self.flags(), self.time()), self.index(), ), 2 => { let value: u16 = self.inner.gen(); Measurement::Analog( AnalogInput::new(value as f64, self.flags(), self.time()), self.index(), ) } _ => unreachable!(), } } fn index(&mut self) -> u16 { self.inner.gen_range(0..self.max_index) } fn flags(&mut self) -> Flags { Flags::new(self.inner.gen()) } fn time(&mut self) -> Time { Time::Synchronized(Timestamp::new(self.inner.gen())) } } #[derive(Clone)] struct Measurements { inner: std::sync::Arc>, } impl Measurements { fn len(&self) -> usize { self.inner.len() } fn new(max_index: u16, count: usize) -> Self { let mut rand = Random::new(max_index); let mut values = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..count { values.push(rand.measurement()); } Self { inner: std::sync::Arc::new(values), } } fn once(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.inner.iter() } fn forever(&self) -> CyclicMeasurementIterator { CyclicMeasurementIterator { next: 0, list: self.clone(), } } } struct CyclicMeasurementIterator { next: usize, list: Measurements, } impl CyclicMeasurementIterator { fn next(&mut self) -> Measurement { let index = self.next; self.next = (self.next + 1) % self.list.inner.len(); self.list.inner[index] } fn expect(&mut self, actual: Measurement) -> bool { let expected = self.next(); if expected == actual { true } else { tracing::error!("expected: {:?} actual: {:?}", expected, actual); false } } }