use dns_stamp_parser::DnsStamp; // The list is from static DNS_STAMPS: [&str; 1] = [ "sdns://AgcAAAAAAAAAACC0WWFtenR5met-s8i0oiShMtYstulWSybPBq-zBUEMNT5kbnM0dG9ycG5sZnMyaWZ1ejJzMnlmM2ZjN3JkbXNiaG02cnc3NWV1ajM1cGFjNmFwMjV6Z3FhZC5vbmlvbgovZG5zLXF1ZXJ5" ]; /// Test all DNS Stamp from the [list] by decode and encode and decode it again. /// /// [list]: #[test] fn parental_control() { for stamp_1 in DNS_STAMPS.iter() { match DnsStamp::decode(stamp_1) { Ok(dns_stamp_1) => match dns_stamp_1.encode() { Ok(stamp_2) => match DnsStamp::decode(&stamp_2) { Ok(dns_stamp_2) => { if dns_stamp_1 != dns_stamp_2 { panic!("Not equal: {} {}", stamp_1, stamp_2); } } Err(e) => { panic!("Decode 2: {:?}: {} {}", e, stamp_1, stamp_2); } }, Err(e) => { panic!("Encode 1: {:?}: {}", e, stamp_1); } }, Err(e) => { panic!("Decode 1: {:?}: {}", e, stamp_1); } } } }