# dnsoverhttps - D'oh! [![crates.io](http://meritbadge.herokuapp.com/dnsoverhttps)](https://crates.io/crates/dnsoverhttps) Resolve hostnames by sending DNS queries over HTTPS. It uses `` as the DNS resolver by default, hosted by Cloudflare. According to Cloudflare it is a privacy-first consumer DNS service. See for more information. Based on . ## Drawbacks * When specifing a URL, the hostname has to be specified as well for use in HTTP. The TLS Certificate received from the server is validated, but not checked for the correct hostname.. * Only handles A and AAAA records for now (IPv4 & IPv6, this implicitely handles CNAMES when they are resolved recursively) ## Example: Default resolver ```rust let addr = dnsoverhttps::resolve_host("example.com"); ``` ## Example: Custom resolver ```rust let client = dnsoverhttps::Client::from_url_with_hostname("", "dns.google.com".to_string()).unwrap(); let addr = client.resolve_host("example.com"); ``` ## CLI Usage `dnsoverhttps` comes with a small CLI utility providing `host` functionality to resolve hostnames: ``` $ host example.com example.com has address 2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946 example.com has address ``` To install: ``` cargo install dnsoverhttps ``` ## License MIT. See [LICENSE](LICENSE).