use docker_command::*; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; fn new_path(s: &str) -> PathBuf { Path::new(s).into() } #[test] fn test_is_program() { assert!(Launcher::from(BaseCommand::Docker).is_docker()); assert!(Launcher::from(BaseCommand::SudoDocker).is_docker()); assert!(!Launcher::from(BaseCommand::Podman).is_docker()); assert!(Launcher::from(BaseCommand::Podman).is_podman()); } #[test] fn test_build() { assert_eq!( Launcher::from(BaseCommand::Docker) .build(BuildOpt { build_args: vec![("barg1".into(), "bval1".into()), ("barg2".into(), "bval2".into())], context: new_path("/myContext"), dockerfile: Some(new_path("/myContext/myDockerfile")), iidfile: Some(new_path("/myIidfile")), no_cache: true, pull: true, quiet: true, tag: Some("myTag".into()), }) .command_line_lossy(), "docker build --build-arg barg1=bval1 --build-arg barg2=bval2 --file /myContext/myDockerfile --iidfile /myIidfile --no-cache --pull --quiet --tag myTag /myContext" ); } #[test] fn test_create_network() { assert_eq!( Launcher::from(BaseCommand::Docker) .create_network(CreateNetworkOpt { name: "myNetwork".into(), }) .command_line_lossy(), "docker network create myNetwork" ); } #[test] fn test_remove_network() { assert_eq!( Launcher::from(BaseCommand::Docker) .remove_network("myNetwork".into()) .command_line_lossy(), "docker network rm myNetwork" ); } #[test] fn test_user() { let mut user = UserAndGroup { user: NameOrId::Name("myUser".into()), group: None, }; assert_eq!(user.arg(), "myUser"); = Some(NameOrId::Name("myGroup".into())); assert_eq!(user.arg(), "myUser:myGroup"); user.user = NameOrId::Id(1000); assert_eq!(user.arg(), "1000:myGroup"); } #[test] fn test_run() { assert_eq!( Launcher::from(BaseCommand::Docker) .run(RunOpt { image: "myImage".into(), detach: true, env: vec![("key1".into(), "val1".into()), ("key2".into(), "val2".into())], init: true, interactive: true, name: Some("myName".into()), network: Some("myNetwork".into()), publish: vec![PublishPorts { ip: Some("".into()), container: 5678.into(), host: Some(987.into()), }, PublishPorts { ip: Some("".into()), container: 5678.into(), host: None, }, PublishPorts { ip: None, container: 5678.into(), host: Some(987.into()), }, PublishPorts { container: 5678.into(), ..Default::default() }], read_only: true, remove: true, tty: true, user: Some(UserAndGroup { user: NameOrId::Name("myUser".into()), group: Some(NameOrId::Name("myGroup".into())), }), volumes: vec![ // Read-write volume Volume { src: new_path("/mySrc"), dst: new_path("/myDst"), read_write: true, ..Default::default() }, // Read-only volume with extra options Volume { src: new_path("/mySrc"), dst: new_path("/myDst"), options: vec!["cached".into(), "z".into()], ..Default::default() } ], command: Some(Path::new("myCmd").into()), args: vec!["arg1".into(), "arg2".into()], }) .command_line_lossy(), "docker run --detach --env key1=val1 --env key2=val2 --init --interactive --name myName --network myNetwork --publish --publish --publish 987:5678 --publish 5678 --read-only --rm --tty --user myUser:myGroup --volume /mySrc:/myDst:rw --volume /mySrc:/myDst:ro,cached,z myImage myCmd arg1 arg2" ); } #[test] fn test_stop() { assert_eq!( Launcher::from(BaseCommand::Docker) .stop(StopOpt { containers: vec!["abc".into(), "def".into()], time: Some(123), }) .command_line_lossy(), "docker stop --time 123 abc def" ); } /// Test that tests/ is faithfully reproduced in the readme. #[test] fn test_readme_example() { let source = include_str!("../tests/"); // Extract the example code between two comments and de-indent let mut example = Vec::new(); let mut copy = false; for line in source.lines() { if line.contains("Begin readme example") { copy = true; } else if line.contains("End readme example") { break; } else if copy { // De-indent let line = &line[4..]; example.push(line); } } let example = example.join("\n"); let readme = include_str!("../"); assert!(readme.contains(&example)); }