# ContainerCreateRequest ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **hostname** | Option<**String**> | The hostname to use for the container, as a valid RFC 1123 hostname. | [optional] **domainname** | Option<**String**> | The domain name to use for the container. | [optional] **user** | Option<**String**> | The user that commands are run as inside the container. | [optional] **attach_stdin** | Option<**bool**> | Whether to attach to `stdin`. | [optional][default to false] **attach_stdout** | Option<**bool**> | Whether to attach to `stdout`. | [optional][default to true] **attach_stderr** | Option<**bool**> | Whether to attach to `stderr`. | [optional][default to true] **exposed_ports** | Option<[**::std::collections::HashMap**](serde_json::Value.md)> | An object mapping ports to an empty object in the form: `{\"/\": {}}` | [optional] **tty** | Option<**bool**> | Attach standard streams to a TTY, including `stdin` if it is not closed. | [optional][default to false] **open_stdin** | Option<**bool**> | Open `stdin` | [optional][default to false] **stdin_once** | Option<**bool**> | Close `stdin` after one attached client disconnects | [optional][default to false] **env** | Option<**Vec**> | A list of environment variables to set inside the container in the form `[\"VAR=value\", ...]`. A variable without `=` is removed from the environment, rather than to have an empty value. | [optional] **cmd** | Option<**Vec**> | Command to run specified as a string or an array of strings. | [optional] **healthcheck** | Option<[**crate::models::HealthConfig**](HealthConfig.md)> | | [optional] **args_escaped** | Option<**bool**> | Command is already escaped (Windows only) | [optional][default to false] **image** | Option<**String**> | The name (or reference) of the image to use when creating the container, or which was used when the container was created. | [optional] **volumes** | Option<[**::std::collections::HashMap**](serde_json::Value.md)> | An object mapping mount point paths inside the container to empty objects. | [optional] **working_dir** | Option<**String**> | The working directory for commands to run in. | [optional] **entrypoint** | Option<**Vec**> | The entry point for the container as a string or an array of strings. If the array consists of exactly one empty string (`[\"\"]`) then the entry point is reset to system default (i.e., the entry point used by docker when there is no `ENTRYPOINT` instruction in the `Dockerfile`). | [optional] **network_disabled** | Option<**bool**> | Disable networking for the container. | [optional] **mac_address** | Option<**String**> | MAC address of the container. | [optional] **on_build** | Option<**Vec**> | `ONBUILD` metadata that were defined in the image's `Dockerfile`. | [optional] **labels** | Option<**::std::collections::HashMap**> | User-defined key/value metadata. | [optional] **stop_signal** | Option<**String**> | Signal to stop a container as a string or unsigned integer. | [optional] **stop_timeout** | Option<**i32**> | Timeout to stop a container in seconds. | [optional] **shell** | Option<**Vec**> | Shell for when `RUN`, `CMD`, and `ENTRYPOINT` uses a shell. | [optional] **host_config** | Option<[**crate::models::HostConfig**](HostConfig.md)> | | [optional] **networking_config** | Option<[**crate::models::NetworkingConfig**](NetworkingConfig.md)> | | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)