[package] name = "dockerfile-parser" description = "a Rust library for parsing, validating, and modifying Dockerfiles" authors = ["Tim Buckley "] edition = "2018" license = "MIT" keywords = ["parser", "docker", "dockerfile", "pest"] homepage = "https://github.com/HewlettPackard/dockerfile-parser-rs/" repository = "https://github.com/HewlettPackard/dockerfile-parser-rs/" exclude = [".circleci/**/*"] readme = "README.md" # NOTE: do not change the version here, it will be replaced with the git tag # version by CI version = "0.9.0" [badges] circle-ci = { repository = "HewlettPackard/dockerfile-parser-rs", branch = "master" } [dependencies] pest = "2.1" pest_derive = "2.1" snafu = "0.6" enquote = "1.1" regex = "1.5" lazy_static = "1.4" [dev-dependencies] indoc = "1.0" pretty_assertions = "1.0.0" [lib] name = "dockerfile_parser" path = "src/lib.rs"