mod common; use common::*; use docufort::*; use docufort::{core::*,recovery::*,write::*}; #[test] fn test_block_1_hash() { let mut hasher = DummyInput::new(); let mut cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); println!("CONTENT COMPONENT START: {}",cursor.position()); write_content_component(&mut cursor, false,None,None, B_CONTENT, &mut hasher).unwrap(); println!("CONTENT COMPONENT START: {}",cursor.position()); write_content_component(&mut cursor, true,None, None,B_CONTENT, &mut hasher).unwrap(); println!("CONTENT COMPONENT START: {}",cursor.position()); write_content_component(&mut cursor, false,None, None,B_CONTENT, &mut hasher).unwrap(); assert_eq!(hasher.finalize(),BLOCK_1_HASH); } #[test] fn test_find_block_start_after_truncation() { let cursor = generate_test_file(); let mut vec = cursor.into_inner(); for (trunc,ans) in [(290,268),(200,184),(100,23)]{ vec.truncate(trunc); let mut crsr = Cursor::new(vec);; let position = find_block_start(&mut crsr).unwrap(); assert_eq!(position,ans); vec = crsr.into_inner(); } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_3_clean() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); cursor.set_position(268); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, false,false); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { errors_corrected, block, hash_as_read, .. }) => { assert_eq!(&hash_as_read[..],block.take_end().hash.hash()); assert_eq!(&hash_as_read[..],BLOCK_3_HASH); assert_eq!(errors_corrected,0); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_3_one_err_data() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 268; let content_start = block_start + HASH_AND_ECC_LEN; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v[content_start] |= 128; // should set a bit high on the utf 8 str, making an illegal char. cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, false,false); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { errors_corrected, block, hash_as_read, .. }) => { assert_ne!(&hash_as_read[..],block.take_end().hash.hash()); assert_eq!(errors_corrected,0); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_3_data_recovery() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 268; let content_start = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v[content_start] ^= v[content_start]; v[content_start+2] ^= v[content_start+2]; cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, true,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { errors_corrected, block, hash_as_read, .. }) => { assert_eq!(&hash_as_read[..],block.clone().take_end().hash.hash()); assert_eq!(errors_corrected,2); if let Block::A { middle, .. } = block { let Content{ data_len, data_start, ecc, compressed } = middle; assert!(ecc); assert!(compressed.is_none()); cursor.set_position(data_start); let mut data = vec![0u8;data_len as usize]; cursor.read_exact(&mut data).unwrap(); assert_eq!(data.as_slice(),A_CONTENT.as_slice()); } }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_3_one_err_data_corrected() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 268; let content_start = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v[content_start] |= 128; // should set a bit high on the utf 8 str, making an illegal char. cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, true,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { errors_corrected, block, hash_as_read, .. }) => { assert_eq!(&hash_as_read[..],block.take_end().hash.hash()); assert_eq!(errors_corrected,1); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_3_one_err_corrected() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 268; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v[block_start] ^= v[block_start]; // invert all the bits on the tag for the block cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, true,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { errors_corrected, block, hash_as_read, .. }) => { assert_eq!(&hash_as_read[..],block.take_end().hash.hash()); assert_eq!(errors_corrected,1); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_3_header_corruption() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 268; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v[block_start] ^= v[block_start]; // invert all the bits v[block_start+1] ^= v[block_start+1]; v[block_start+2] ^= v[block_start+2]; cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, true,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::ProbablyNotStartHeader { start_from } => { assert_eq!(start_from,block_start as u64); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_3_data_corruption() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 268; let content_start = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v[content_start] ^= v[content_start]; // invert all the bits v[content_start+2] ^= v[content_start+2]; v[content_start+3] ^= v[content_start+3]; cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, true,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { corrupted_content_blocks,.. }) => { assert_eq!(corrupted_content_blocks.len(),1); let cc = CorruptDataSegment::EccChunk { chunk_start: 289, chunk_ecc_start: 285, ecc_start: 285, data_start: (content_start + ECC_LEN)as u64 , data_len: A_CONTENT.len() as u32 }; assert_eq!(corrupted_content_blocks[0],cc); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_3_truncate_in_data() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 268; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v.truncate(block_start+HEADER_LEN+ECC_LEN+4);//part way through the data cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, true,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::OpenABlock { truncate_at } => { assert_eq!(truncate_at,(block_start-MN_ECC_LEN) as u64); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_3_truncate_in_header() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 268; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v.truncate(block_start+HEADER_LEN+ECC_LEN-4);//part way through the data cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, true,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::IncompleteStartHeader { truncate_at } => { assert_eq!(truncate_at,(block_start-MN_ECC_LEN) as u64); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_1_clean() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 23; cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, false,false); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { errors_corrected, block, hash_as_read, corrupted_content_blocks,.. }) => { assert!(corrupted_content_blocks.is_empty()); assert_eq!(errors_corrected,0); assert_eq!(&hash_as_read[..],block.take_end().hash.hash()); assert_eq!(&hash_as_read[..],BLOCK_1_HASH); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_1_corrupt() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 23; let mut file_contents = cursor.into_inner(); let content_start1 = 40 + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN; file_contents[content_start1] ^= file_contents[content_start1]; file_contents[content_start1+2] ^= file_contents[content_start1+2]; cursor = Cursor::new(file_contents); cursor.set_position(block_start); dbg!(&B_CONTENT); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, false,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { errors_corrected, block, hash_as_read, corrupted_content_blocks,.. }) => { assert!(corrupted_content_blocks.len() == 2); assert_eq!(errors_corrected,0); assert_ne!(&hash_as_read[..],block.take_end().hash.hash()); assert_ne!(&hash_as_read[..],BLOCK_1_HASH); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_1_truncate_in_data() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 23; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v.truncate(block_start+HEADER_LEN*2+ECC_LEN*2+4);//part way through the data cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, true,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::OpenBBlock { truncate_at, hash_for_end, errors ,..} => { //This leaves no content, but that is technically a valid B Block. assert_eq!(truncate_at,(block_start+HEADER_LEN+ECC_LEN) as u64); assert_eq!(hash_for_end,NULL_HASH); assert_eq!(errors,0); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } #[test] fn test_try_read_block_1_truncate_in_header() { let mut cursor = generate_test_file(); let block_start = 184; let mut v = cursor.into_inner(); v.truncate(block_start+HEADER_LEN+ECC_LEN-4);//part way through the data cursor = Cursor::new(v); cursor.set_position(block_start as u64); let res = try_read_block::<_,DummyInput>(&mut cursor, true,true); assert!(res.is_ok()); match res.unwrap() { BlockState::IncompleteStartHeader { truncate_at } => { assert_eq!(truncate_at,(block_start-MN_ECC_LEN) as u64); }, a => panic!("Invalid Read: {:?}",a), } } use std::io::{Cursor, Read, Seek}; #[test] fn test_empty_file_recovery() { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor); assert!(summary.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_file_with_incomplete_header() { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(vec![0x01, 0x02, 0x03]); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor); assert!(summary.is_err()); } #[test] fn test_tail_recovery_clean() { let file_content = generate_test_file().into_inner(); let mut cursor = Cursor::new(file_content); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let TailRecoverySummary { original_file_len, recovered_file_len, has_blocks, tot_errors_corrected,.. } = summary; assert_eq!(tot_errors_corrected, 0); assert_eq!(original_file_len, recovered_file_len); assert!(has_blocks); } #[test] fn test_tail_recovery_trailing_truncate() { let mut file_content = generate_test_file().into_inner(); file_content.extend_from_slice(&MAGIC_NUMBER); let mut cursor = Cursor::new(file_content); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let TailRecoverySummary { original_file_len, recovered_file_len, has_blocks, tot_errors_corrected, file_ops, corrupted_content_blocks, } = summary; assert_eq!(tot_errors_corrected, 0); assert_eq!(file_ops.len(), 1); assert_eq!(original_file_len - MAGIC_NUMBER.len() as u64, recovered_file_len); assert!(has_blocks); assert!(corrupted_content_blocks.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_tail_recovery_open_a_data() { let block_start = 268; let mut file_content = generate_test_file().into_inner(); let new_len = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN + 4; file_content.truncate(new_len); let mut cursor = Cursor::new(file_content); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let TailRecoverySummary { original_file_len, recovered_file_len, has_blocks, tot_errors_corrected, file_ops, corrupted_content_blocks, } = summary; assert_eq!(tot_errors_corrected, 0); assert_eq!(original_file_len as usize, new_len); assert_eq!(recovered_file_len as usize, block_start - MN_ECC_LEN); assert!(has_blocks); assert_eq!(file_ops.len(), 2); assert!(corrupted_content_blocks.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_tail_recovery_open_a_header() { let block_start = 268; let mut file_content = generate_test_file().into_inner(); let new_len = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN - 4; file_content.truncate(new_len); let mut cursor = Cursor::new(file_content); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let TailRecoverySummary { original_file_len, recovered_file_len, has_blocks, tot_errors_corrected, file_ops, corrupted_content_blocks } = summary; assert_eq!(tot_errors_corrected, 0); assert_eq!(original_file_len as usize, new_len); assert_eq!(recovered_file_len as usize, block_start - MN_ECC_LEN); assert!(has_blocks); assert_eq!(file_ops.len(), 2); assert!(corrupted_content_blocks.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_tail_recovery_open_b() { let block_start = 23; let mut file_content = generate_test_file().into_inner(); let new_len = block_start + HEADER_LEN * 2 + ECC_LEN * 2 + 4; file_content.truncate(new_len); let mut cursor = Cursor::new(file_content); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let TailRecoverySummary { original_file_len, recovered_file_len, has_blocks, tot_errors_corrected, file_ops, corrupted_content_blocks, } = summary; assert_eq!(tot_errors_corrected, 0); assert_eq!(original_file_len as usize, new_len); assert_eq!(recovered_file_len as usize, 81); assert!(has_blocks); assert_eq!(file_ops.len(), 2); assert!(corrupted_content_blocks.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_tail_test_recovery_ecc_block_3_data() { let block_start = 268; let content_start = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN; let mut file_contents = generate_test_file().into_inner(); file_contents[content_start] ^= file_contents[content_start]; file_contents[content_start + 2] ^= file_contents[content_start + 2]; let mut cursor = Cursor::new(file_contents); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let TailRecoverySummary { original_file_len, recovered_file_len, has_blocks, tot_errors_corrected, file_ops, corrupted_content_blocks, } = summary; assert_eq!(tot_errors_corrected, 2); assert_eq!(original_file_len, recovered_file_len); assert!(has_blocks); assert_eq!(file_ops.len(), 2); // one for a closed read, then another for ecc application on content assert!(corrupted_content_blocks.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_tail_test_recovery_ecc_block_3_header() { let block_start = 268; let content_start = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN - 3; let mut file_contents = generate_test_file().into_inner(); file_contents[content_start] ^= file_contents[content_start]; file_contents[content_start + 2] ^= file_contents[content_start + 2]; let mut cursor = Cursor::new(file_contents); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let TailRecoverySummary { original_file_len, recovered_file_len, has_blocks, tot_errors_corrected, file_ops, corrupted_content_blocks, } = summary; assert_eq!(tot_errors_corrected, 2); assert_eq!(original_file_len, recovered_file_len); assert!(has_blocks); assert_eq!(file_ops.len(), 1); // one for a closed read assert!(corrupted_content_blocks.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_tail_test_recovery_open_3_corrupt_2() { let block_start = 268; let mut file_contents = generate_test_file().into_inner(); let new_len = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN + 4; file_contents.truncate(new_len); let block_start = 184; let content_start = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN; file_contents[content_start] ^= file_contents[content_start]; file_contents[content_start + 2] ^= file_contents[content_start + 2]; let mut cursor = Cursor::new(file_contents); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let TailRecoverySummary { original_file_len, recovered_file_len, has_blocks, tot_errors_corrected, file_ops, corrupted_content_blocks, } = summary; assert_eq!(tot_errors_corrected, 0); assert_eq!(recovered_file_len as usize, 256); assert_eq!(original_file_len, new_len as u64); assert!(has_blocks); assert_eq!(file_ops.len(), 3); // OpenA, Closed mismatch, closed corrupted content block let cc = CorruptDataSegment::Corrupt { data_start: content_start as u64, data_len: A_CONTENT.len() as u32 }; assert_eq!(corrupted_content_blocks[0], cc); for (i, (l, o)) in file_ops.into_iter().enumerate() { match i { 0 => { assert_eq!(l, 268); let expects = BlockState::OpenABlock { truncate_at: 256 }; assert_eq!(&o, &expects); } 1 | 2 => { assert_eq!(l, 184); if let BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { block, hash_as_read, .. }) = o { assert_ne!(block.take_end().hash.hash(), &hash_as_read[..]); } else { panic!("Expected a closed block state!") } } _ => panic!("Too many ops!") } } } #[test] fn test_tail_test_recovery_open_2_corrupt_1() { let block_start = 184; let mut file_contents = generate_test_file().into_inner(); let new_len = block_start + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN + 4; file_contents.truncate(new_len); let content_start1 = 40 + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN; let content_start3 = 102 + HEADER_LEN + ECC_LEN; file_contents[content_start1] ^= file_contents[content_start1]; file_contents[content_start1 + 2] ^= file_contents[content_start1 + 2]; let mut cursor = Cursor::new(file_contents); let summary = recover_tail::<_, DummyInput>(&mut cursor).unwrap(); let TailRecoverySummary { original_file_len, recovered_file_len, has_blocks, tot_errors_corrected, file_ops, corrupted_content_blocks, } = summary; assert_eq!(tot_errors_corrected, 0); assert_eq!(recovered_file_len as usize, 172); assert_eq!(original_file_len, new_len as u64); assert!(has_blocks); assert_eq!(file_ops.len(), 3); let cc1 = CorruptDataSegment::MaybeCorrupt { data_start: content_start1 as u64, data_len: B_CONTENT.len() as u32 }; let cc2 = CorruptDataSegment::MaybeCorrupt { data_start: content_start3 as u64, data_len: B_CONTENT.len() as u32 }; assert_eq!(corrupted_content_blocks[0], cc1); assert_eq!(corrupted_content_blocks[1], cc2); for (i, (l, o)) in file_ops.into_iter().enumerate() { match i { 0 => { assert_eq!(l, 184); let expects = BlockState::OpenABlock { truncate_at: 172 }; assert_eq!(&o, &expects); } 1 | 2 => { assert_eq!(l, 23); if let BlockState::Closed(BlockReadSummary { block, hash_as_read, .. }) = o { assert_ne!(block.take_end().hash.hash(), &hash_as_read[..]); } else { panic!("Expected a closed block state!"); } } _ => panic!("Too many ops!") } } }