use uuid::Uuid; use dodo::{Memory, prelude::*}; use crate::common::Person; #[test] fn can_create_collection() { fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); } #[test] fn can_find_by_id() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let (id, expected_entity) = fixture::create_entity_in(&mut collection); let actual_entity = collection.find(id).expect("entity should exists"); assert_eq!(expected_entity, actual_entity, "entities should be the same."); } #[test] fn cant_find_absent_entity() { let collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let id = Uuid::parse_str("78190929-3d84-4735-9e40-80e3cd5530e9").unwrap(); let entity = collection.find(id); assert!(entity.expect_err("entity should not exist").is_not_found(), "entity should not exist"); } #[test] fn can_find_all_entities() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let (_, entity1) = fixture::create_entity_in(&mut collection); let (_, entity2) = fixture::create_entity_in(&mut collection); let entities = collection .find_all().expect("could not read collection") .collect().expect("could not read collection"); assert!(entities.contains(&entity1), "entity 1 should exist"); assert!(entities.contains(&entity2), "entity 2 should exist"); } #[test] fn can_shuffle_entities() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let (_, entity1) = fixture::create_entity_in(&mut collection); let (_, entity2) = fixture::create_entity_in(&mut collection); let entities = collection .find_all().expect("could not read collection") .shuffled() .collect().expect("could not read collection"); //As long as all entities are yielded, this is considered a success. assert!(entities.contains(&entity1), "entity 1 should exist"); assert!(entities.contains(&entity2), "entity 2 should exist"); } #[test] fn can_insert_entity() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let mut entity = Person::new(); collection.insert(&mut entity).expect("could not insert in collection"); fixture::assert_entity_equals(&collection, &entity); } #[test] fn should_assign_new_id_when_inserted() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let mut entity = Person::new(); collection.insert(&mut entity).expect("could not insert in collection"); let old_id ="entity should have an id"); collection.insert(&mut entity).expect("could not insert in collection"); let new_id ="entity should have a new id"); assert_ne!(old_id, new_id, "entity should have a new id"); } #[test] fn can_update_entity() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let mut entity = Person::with_age(42); collection.insert(&mut entity).expect("could not insert in collection"); entity.age = 18; collection.update(&mut entity).expect("could not update collection"); fixture::assert_entity_equals(&collection, &entity); } #[test] fn cant_update_absent_entity() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let mut entity = Person::with_age(42); let result = collection.update(&mut entity); assert!(result.is_err(), "entity should not have been updated"); } #[test] fn can_upsert_existing_entity() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let mut entity = Person::with_age(42); collection.insert(&mut entity).expect("could not insert in collection"); entity.age = 18; collection.upsert(&mut entity).expect("could not upsert in collection"); fixture::assert_entity_equals(&collection, &entity); } #[test] fn cant_upsert_absent_entity() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let id = Uuid::parse_str("78190929-3d84-4735-9e40-80e3cd5530e9").unwrap(); let mut entity = Person::with_id(id); collection.insert(&mut entity).expect("could not insert in collection"); entity.age = 18; collection.upsert(&mut entity).expect("could not upsert in collection"); fixture::assert_entity_equals(&collection, &entity); } #[test] fn should_keep_id_when_upserted() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let mut entity = Person::new(); collection.insert(&mut entity).expect("could not insert in collection"); entity.age = 18; //Clone entity to leave the current one untouched. collection.upsert(&mut entity.clone()).expect("could not upsert in collection"); fixture::assert_entity_equals(&collection, &entity); } #[test] fn can_delete_entity() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let mut entity = Person::new(); collection.insert(&mut entity).expect("could not insert in collection"); let id ="entity should have an id"); let deleted = collection.delete(id).expect("could not delete from collection"); assert!(deleted, "something should have been deleted"); fixture::assert_entity_not_exists(&collection, id); } #[test] fn can_delete_absent_entity() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let id = Uuid::parse_str("78190929-3d84-4735-9e40-80e3cd5530e9").unwrap(); let deleted = collection.delete(id).expect("could not delete from collection"); assert!(!deleted, "entity should not have been deleted"); fixture::assert_entity_not_exists(&collection, id); } #[test] fn can_clear_collection() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); let (id1, _) = fixture::create_entity_in(&mut collection); let (id2, _) = fixture::create_entity_in(&mut collection); collection.clear().expect("collection should have been clearable"); fixture::assert_entity_not_exists(&collection, id1); fixture::assert_entity_not_exists(&collection, id2); } #[test] fn can_clear_empty_collection() { let mut collection = fixture::Collection::new(Memory::new()); collection.clear().expect("collection should have been clearable"); } mod fixture { use uuid::Uuid; use dodo::{Memory, prelude::*}; use crate::common::Person; pub type Collection = dodo::Collection; pub fn create_entity_in(collection: &mut Collection) -> (Uuid, Person) { let mut entity = Person::new(); collection.insert(&mut entity).expect("could not insert in collection"); let id ="unable to get id from entity"); (id, entity) } pub fn assert_entity_equals(collection: &Collection, expected_entity: &Person) { let actual_entity = collection.find("unable to get id from entity")).expect("entity should exist"); assert_eq!(*expected_entity, actual_entity, "entities should be the same."); } pub fn assert_entity_not_exists(collection: &Collection, id: Uuid) { assert!(collection.find(id).expect_err("entity should not exist").is_not_found(), "entity should not exist"); } }