rust #rustc 1.76.0 (07dca489a 2024-02-04) JSY׃(h.N9-66d8041607d2929b20@vϑ+I-693a8f23970c5917c\i %LRlU-13fc9d1ed9c7a2bcrustc_std_workspace_core vJ][.(b{-5af394d9b1f07bdc"E~+-e9d126c51bb8b2bbu$5mS-39c59240bfdfab27 "mL7e?^]-65c422a3ad95273dcfg_if :Xc^,I-7e6330a6c0cb9441 miniz_oxideCMFrf1=f<-306712ebb1ee1a3fadler}s9ycK )2 -349c574f342b0d30 hashbrownKs~曁X5-ce1d65fb391ae98brustc_std_workspace_allocQMzR#|.廍܅ -8933a2fb54d88492 std_detect >1~-b93dac2525ec4d1erustc_demanglex>)F0-a6e97aae2681ad8f addr2line)˂K-1ff34b0cf871cb60gimliӸWFf_Vmgq-0c110dd0650d6cb7object:[fu#r-dcd9be90ae2cb505memchrTivpJ5-516789932d161b4eIph:=jvl-a57e2388c0aea9b1 NativeEndian   big   stdtests       io        ReadBytesExtread_u8 read_i8 read_u16 read_i16 read_u24 read_i24"" read_u32%% read_i32(( read_u48++ read_i48.. read_u6411 read_i6444  read_u12877  read_i128::  read_uint== read_int@@  read_uint128CC  read_int128FF read_f32II read_f64LL  read_u16_intoO read_u32_intoQ read_u64_intoSread_u128_intoU read_i8_into read_i16_intoX read_i32_intoZ read_i64_into\read_i128_into^ read_f32_into`read_f32_into_uncheckedb read_f64_intodread_f64_into_uncheckedf hR  WriteBytesExtjwrite_u8jwrite_i8j write_u16mm j write_i16pp j write_u24ss j write_i24vv j write_u32yy j write_i32|| j write_u48 j write_i48 j write_u64 j write_i64 j write_u128 j write_i128 j write_uint j write_int j write_uint128 j write_int128 j write_f32 j write_f64  W slice_to_u8_mut extend_signextend_sign128 unextend_signunextend_sign128 pack_size pack_size128privateSealed ByteOrder                write_u16_intowrite_u32_intowrite_u64_intowrite_u128_into write_i8_intowrite_i16_intowrite_i32_intowrite_i64_intowrite_i128_intowrite_f32_intowrite_f64_intofrom_slice_u16from_slice_u32from_slice_u64from_slice_u128from_slice_i16from_slice_i32from_slice_i64from_slice_i128from_slice_f32from_slice_f64<BE<LE NetworkEndian read_slice write_slice                     BigEndian      LittleEndianSIZE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$77777"7%7(7+7.7174777:7=7@7C7F7I7L7O7O7Q7Q7S7S7U7U7W7W7X7X7Z7Z7\7\7^7^7`7`7b7b7d7d7f7f7k7l7m7p7s7v7y7|77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777jj΋ŭE֟⨞44M444O4444444444M444O4444444444hjOM 77787717877877188888882!98998992(989!98993.:8:$:8::34;8;';8;;4:;8;*;8;;4A<8<-<8<<6G=8=0=8==6N=8=3=8==8T>8>6>8>>8\?8?9?8??16b?8?<?8??16h@8@?@8@@8oA8ABA8AA8qA8AEA8AA16tB8BHB8BB16{C8CKC8CC4C8CNC8CC8D8DoD8DD2E8ErE8EE2E8EuE8EE3ŲF8FxF8FF3G8G{G8GG4G8G~G8GG4H8HH8HH6I8II8II6I8II8II8J8JJ8JJ8K8KK8KK16K8KK8KK16L8LL8LL8M8MM8MM8M8MM8MM16N8NN8NN16O8OO8OO4O8OO8OO8&P P  PQ Q  QPPQRЃ>QQރ/R RR F8assertion failed: align_of::() <= align_of::()88 RRSكP8P8QRR_&T T  T̓T T̓  TTTܓUޓUSݓ>UU/U UUSR8assertion failed: align_of::() <= align_of::()88TUUST8T8TUU_W8WW8WW8X8XX8XX16X8XX8XX8Y8YY8YY16- Z-  Z-Ы0Z8-ܫZ_/ [/  R[/Ы0[8/ܫ[_1 \1  U\1Ы0\81ܫ\_3 ]3  ]3Ы0]83ܫ]_5 ]5[]5Ѱ0^85ݰ^_7 ^7\^7Ѱ0_87ݰ__9 _9]_9Ѱ0_89ݰ__; `;^`;Ѱ0`8;ݰ`_a8aa8aa8b8bb8bb16b8bb8bb8c8cc8cc16O dO[dOЫ0d8Oܫd_Q dQ\dQЫ0e8Qܫe_S eS]eSЫ0f8Sܫf_U fU^fUЫ0f8Uܫf_W gW[gWѰ0g8Wݰg_Y hY\hYѰ0h8Yݰh_[ i[]i[Ѱ0i8[ݰi_] i]^i]Ѱ0j8]ݰj_  uMukMOkOalign_of     P     j  This crate provides convenience methods for encoding and decoding numbers in either [big-endian or little-endian order]. The organization of the crate is pretty simple. A trait, [`ByteOrder`], specifies byte conversion methods for each type of number in Rust (sans numbers that have a platform dependent size like `usize` and `isize`). Two types, [`BigEndian`] and [`LittleEndian`] implement these methods. Finally, [`ReadBytesExt`] and [`WriteBytesExt`] provide convenience methods available to all types that implement [`Read`] and [`Write`]. An alias, [`NetworkEndian`], for [`BigEndian`] is provided to help improve code clarity. An additional alias, [`NativeEndian`], is provided for the endianness of the local platform. This is convenient when serializing data for use and conversions are not desired. # Examples Read unsigned 16 bit big-endian integers from a [`Read`] type: ```rust use std::io::Cursor; use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt}; let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![2, 5, 3, 0]); // Note that we use type parameters to indicate which kind of byte order // we want! assert_eq!(517, rdr.read_u16::().unwrap()); assert_eq!(768, rdr.read_u16::().unwrap()); ``` Write unsigned 16 bit little-endian integers to a [`Write`] type: ```rust use byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt}; let mut wtr = vec![]; wtr.write_u16::(517).unwrap(); wtr.write_u16::(768).unwrap(); assert_eq!(wtr, vec![5, 2, 0, 3]); ``` # Optional Features This crate optionally provides support for 128 bit values (`i128` and `u128`) when built with the `i128` feature enabled. This crate can also be used without the standard library. # Alternatives Note that as of Rust 1.32, the standard numeric types provide built-in methods like `to_le_bytes` and `from_le_bytes`, which support some of the same use cases. [big-endian or little-endian order]: [`ByteOrder`]: trait.ByteOrder.html [`BigEndian`]: enum.BigEndian.html [`LittleEndian`]: enum.LittleEndian.html [`ReadBytesExt`]: trait.ReadBytesExt.html [`WriteBytesExt`]: trait.WriteBytesExt.html [`NetworkEndian`]: type.NetworkEndian.html [`NativeEndian`]: type.NativeEndian.html [`Read`]: [`Write`]:   jkukMukMkOkOkk  l   lP  l lj jRjjkRk k k klll(Rllll%  j    ') =  +RRς6 D Extends [`Read`] with methods for reading numbers. (For `std::io`.)IGK Most of the methods defined here have an unconstrained type parameter thatNK must be explicitly instantiated. Typically, it is instantiated with eitherNC the [`BigEndian`] or [`LittleEndian`] types defined in this crate.F # Examples: Read unsigned 16 bit big-endian integers from a [`Read`]:= ```rust  use std::io::Cursor;* use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};-- let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![2, 5, 3, 0]);07 assert_eq!(517, rdr.read_u16::().unwrap());:7 assert_eq!(768, rdr.read_u16::().unwrap());: ```# [`BigEndian`]: enum.BigEndian.html&) [`LittleEndian`]: enum.LittleEndian.html,; [`Read`]:> "%(+.147:=@CFILOQSUWXZ\^`bdf"%(+.147:=@CFILOQSUWXZ\^`bdf #< Reads an unsigned 8 bit integer from the underlying reader.?D Note that since this reads a single byte, no byte order conversionsG+ are used. It is included for completeness.. # Errors = This method returns the same errors as [`Read::read_exact`]. @ Y [`Read::read_exact`]: \ Ɔ  , Read unsigned 8 bit integers from a `Read`: /  ҇  use byteorder::ReadBytesExt;  ' let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![2, 5]); *' assert_eq!(2, rdr.read_u8().unwrap()); *' assert_eq!(5, rdr.read_u8().unwrap()); *  7 7  y F   78#9 Reads a signed 8 bit integer from the underlying reader.<G. @\Ɔ* Read signed 8 bit integers from a `Read`:- ҇ - let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0x02, 0xfb]);0' assert_eq!(2, rdr.read_i8().unwrap());*( assert_eq!(-5, rdr.read_i8().unwrap());+7 7  y 783= Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer from the underlying reader.@ @\Ɔ8 Read unsigned 16 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:; ҇-0::7 7  y[؟  ؟ޞޞ88!3: Reads a signed 16 bit integer from the underlying reader.= @\Ɔ6 Read signed 16 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:9 ҇-9 let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0x00, 0xc1, 0xff, 0x7c]);<7 assert_eq!(193, rdr.read_i16::().unwrap()); :8 assert_eq!(-132, rdr.read_i16::().unwrap()); ;!!7 7  y!џ!!  ؟!98'3= Reads an unsigned 24 bit integer from the underlying reader."@## ##@#$\$Ɔ$$8 Read unsigned 24 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:%;%% ҇%%-&3 let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0x00, 0x01, 0x0b]);&67 assert_eq!(267, rdr.read_u24::().unwrap());&:''7 7  yR  'џ''  ؟'ʪʪ98-3: Reads a signed 24 bit integer from the underlying reader.(=)) ))@**\*Ɔ++6 Read signed 24 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:+9++ ҇+,-,3 let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0xff, 0x7a, 0x33]);,6: assert_eq!(-34253, rdr.read_i24::().unwrap());-=--7 7  y##-џ--  "؟.:""843= Reads an unsigned 32 bit integer from the underlying reader./@// //@00\1Ɔ118 Read unsigned 32 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:1;12 ҇22-29 let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0b]);2<7 assert_eq!(267, rdr.read_u32::().unwrap());3:347 7Ӫ&&4џ44  %؟4;%%8:3: Reads a signed 32 bit integer from the underlying reader.5=55 56@66\7Ɔ776 Read signed 32 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:7988 ҇88-89 let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0xff, 0xff, 0x7a, 0x33]);9<: assert_eq!(-34253, rdr.read_i32::().unwrap());9=::7 7)):џ::  (؟:;((8@3= Reads an unsigned 48 bit integer from the underlying reader.;@<< <<@<<\=Ɔ==8 Read unsigned 48 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:=;>> ҇>>-?E let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0xb6, 0x71, 0x6b, 0xdc, 0x2b, 0x31]);?HC assert_eq!(200598257150769, rdr.read_u48::().unwrap());?F@@7 7  yU,,@џ@@  +؟@<++8G3: Reads a signed 48 bit integer from the underlying reader.A=BB BB@CC\DƆDD6 Read signed 48 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:D9DD ҇EE-EE let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0x9d, 0x71, 0xab, 0xe7, 0x97, 0x8f]);EHD assert_eq!(-108363435763825, rdr.read_i48::().unwrap());FGFG7 7  y//GџGG  .؟G=..8M3= Reads an unsigned 64 bit integer from the underlying reader.H@HH II@II\JƆJJ: Read an unsigned 64 bit big-endian integer from a `Read`:J=KK ҇KK-LQ let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0x00, 0x03, 0x43, 0x95, 0x4d, 0x60, 0x86, 0x83]);LTC assert_eq!(918733457491587, rdr.read_u64::().unwrap());LFMM7 722MџMM  1؟M=118T3: Reads a signed 64 bit integer from the underlying reader.N=OO OO@PP\QƆQQ7 Read a signed 64 bit big-endian integer from a `Read`:Q:QQ ҇RR-R< let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);R?D assert_eq!(i64::min_value(), rdr.read_i64::().unwrap());SGST7 755TџTT  4؟T>448[5> Reads an unsigned 128 bit integer from the underlying reader.UAUU VV@VV\WƆWW; Read an unsigned 128 bit big-endian integer from a `Read`:W>XX ҇XX-Y let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![Y#4 0x00, 0x03, 0x43, 0x95, 0x4d, 0x60, 0x86, 0x83,Y73 0x00, 0x03, 0x43, 0x95, 0x4d, 0x60, 0x86, 0x83Y6 ]);ZX assert_eq!(16947640962301618749969007319746179, rdr.read_u128::().unwrap());Z[[[ 7 7  y^88[џ[[  7؟[?778b5; Reads a signed 128 bit integer from the underlying reader.\>]] ]]@^^\^Ɔ^_8 Read a signed 128 bit big-endian integer from a `Read`:_;__ ҇_`-`T let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);`WF assert_eq!(i128::min_value(), rdr.read_i128::().unwrap());aIab 7 7  y;;bџbb  :؟b?::8hC> Reads an unsigned n-bytes integer from the underlying reader.cAcc dd@dd\eƆee: Read an unsigned n-byte big-endian integer from a `Read`:e=ff ҇ff-g3 let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0x80, 0x74, 0xfa]);g6= assert_eq!(8418554, rdr.read_uint::(3).unwrap());g@h 7 78>>hџhh  =؟hnbytesh@==8nB; Reads a signed n-bytes integer from the underlying reader.i>jj jj@kk\kƆlll=ll ҇lm-m3 let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0xc1, 0xff, 0x7c]);m6= assert_eq!(-4063364, rdr.read_int::(3).unwrap());n@n7 78AAnџnn  @؟noA@@8pGpAq 7 78DDqџqq  C؟qqACC8sFr>s 7 78GGsџss  F؟ssBFF8z3F Reads a IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point number fromtI the underlying reader.uuu vv@vv\wƆwwH Read a big-endian single-precision floating point number from a `Read`:wKxx  use std::f32;x҇xxx-yy# 0x40, 0x49, 0x0f, 0xdb,yzC assert_eq!(f32::consts::PI, rdr.read_f32::().unwrap());zFzz7 7  yRJJ{џz{  I؟{CII83F Reads a IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point number from|I|}} }}@}}\~Ɔ~~H Read a big-endian double-precision floating point number from a `Read`:~K  use std::f64;҇-ȀЀ#4 0x40, 0x09, 0x21, 0xfb, 0x54, 0x44, 0x2d, 0x18,7C assert_eq!(f64::consts::PI, rdr.read_f64::().unwrap());F7 7  yVMMџ  L؟ĂCLL8HA Reads a sequence of unsigned 16 bit integers from the underlyingƃD reader. F The given buffer is either filled completely or an error is returned.I@ If an error is returned, the contents of `dst` are unspecified.CŅ օޅ@\ƆF Read a sequence of unsigned 16 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:I ҇-0 let mut dst = [0; 2];3 rdr.read_u16_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();6 assert_eq!([517, 768], dst);  77 7 7 [  ySPP؊џʊ͊  O؟݊dstHA Reads a sequence of unsigned 32 bit integers from the underlyingD IۍC Ď@\ƆF Read a sequence of unsigned 32 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:I ҇-ʑ9 let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![0, 0, 2, 5, 0, 0, 3, 0]);ґ<3 rdr.read_u32_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();6  77 7 7 RRRʓџ  Q؟ϓՓ؜HA Reads a sequence of unsigned 64 bit integers from the underlyingD I͖C @\ƆF Read a sequence of unsigned 64 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:Iՙݙ ҇-Ě# 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0,3 rdr.read_u64_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();ޛ6 ۜ 77 7 7 UTTџ  S؟aB Reads a sequence of unsigned 128 bit integers from the underlying˞E ICàˠ ܠ@\ƆG Read a sequence of unsigned 128 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:J ҇-#4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 5,74 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0,פ74 rdr.read_u128_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();7 77 7 7 ^VVџʦͦ  U؟8F Reads a sequence of signed 8 bit integers from the underlying reader.ŨIICF Note that since each `i8` is a single byte, no byte order conversionsIE are used. This method is included because it provides a safe, simpleHD way for the caller to read into a `&mut [i8]` buffer. (Without thisԫGE method, the caller would have to either use `unsafe` code or convertH! each byte to `i8` individually.)$ @\Ɔ8 Read a sequence of signed 8 bit integers from a `Read`:;ȯЯ ҇-, let mut rdr = Cursor::new(vec![2, 251, 3]);/ let mut dst = [0; 3];% rdr.read_i8_into(&mut dst).unwrap();( assert_eq!([2, -5, 3], dst); ۱ 77 7 7  WH? Reads a sequence of signed 16 bit integers from the underlyingBҳ IC @\϶Ɔ׶D Read a sequence of signed 16 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:GƷ ַ҇-03 rdr.read_i16_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();6  77 7 7 YYџ  X؟H? Reads a sequence of signed 32 bit integers from the underlyingB ļ̼IC @Ⱦо\Ɔ̿D Read a sequence of signed 32 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:ԿG ҇-<3 rdr.read_i32_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();6  77 7 7 [[џ  Z؟H? Reads a sequence of signed 64 bit integers from the underlyingB IC @\ƆD Read a sequence of signed 64 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:G ҇-#3 rdr.read_i64_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();6  77 7 7 ]]џ  \؟a@ Reads a sequence of signed 128 bit integers from the underlyingC IC @\ƆE Read a sequence of signed 128 bit big-endian integers from a `Read`:H ҇-#774 rdr.read_i128_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();7 77 7 7 __џ  ^؟H@ Reads a sequence of IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floatingC* point numbers from the underlying reader.-IC @\ƆE Read a sequence of big-endian single-precision floating point numberH from a `Read`: ҇-# 0x3f, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, let mut dst = [0.0; 2];3 rdr.read_f32_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();6) assert_eq!([f32::consts::PI, 1.0], dst);, 77 7 7 Raaџ  `؟i **DEPRECATED**.8 This method is deprecated. Use `read_f32_into` instead.;C-IC @\ƆH ҇-#Ÿ= rdr.read_f32_into_unchecked::(&mut dst).unwrap();@,    1.2.0 "please use `read_f32_into` instead$K77 7 7ccџ  b؟H@ Reads a sequence of IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floatingC-IC @\ƆH ҇-#74 0x3f, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,7Ÿ3 rdr.read_f64_into::(&mut dst).unwrap();6) assert_eq!([f64::consts::PI, 1.0], dst);, 77 7 7 Veeџ  d؟σi8 This method is deprecated. Use `read_f64_into` instead.;C-IC # Safety E This method is unsafe because there are no guarantees made about theHE floating point values. In particular, this method does not check forH8 signaling NaNs, which may result in undefined behavior.; @\ƆH ҇-#ˀ77ÁŸρ= rdr.read_f64_into_unchecked::(&mut dst).unwrap();@,  ȃ   "please use `read_f64_into` instead$K҃77 7 7ggџ  f؟-F All types that implement `Read` get methods defined in `ReadBytesExt`I for free. Rii4Ʌ4ƅ"E Extends [`Write`] with methods for writing numbers. (For `std::io`.)HNNއFƆ: Write unsigned 16 bit big-endian integers to a [`Write`]:= + use byteorder::{BigEndian, WriteBytesExt};. let mut wtr = vec![];* wtr.write_u16::(517).unwrap();׉-* wtr.write_u16::(768).unwrap();-# assert_eq!(wtr, vec![2, 5, 3, 0]);&ڊ&Ɗ,= [`Write`]: jj jklmpsvy|klmpsvy|+; Writes an unsigned 8 bit integer to the underlying writer.>E Note that since this writes a single byte, no byte order conversionsH. = This method returns the same errors as [`Write::write_all`].@ՎY [`Write::write_all`]:ݎ\ƆƏُ, Write unsigned 8 bit integers to a `Write`:/  use byteorder::WriteBytesExt;!Ӑ let mut wtr = Vec::new();ې wtr.write_u8(2).unwrap(); wtr.write_u8(5).unwrap(); assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x02\x05");!7 7jj kn+8 Writes a signed 8 bit integer to the underlying writer.ג;H. @\Ɔ* Write signed 8 bit integers to a `Write`:-Ö˖ ۖ! wtr.write_i8(2).unwrap(); wtr.write_i8(-5).unwrap();͗ assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x02\xfb");!7 7jj lǘ;< Writes an unsigned 16 bit integer to the underlying writer.?Йؙ @\Ɔ8 Write unsigned 16 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:›; .͜՜--& assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x02\x05\x03\x00");۝) 7 7[jnnjџ  m؟ÞɞDmm8ݤ;9 Writes a signed 16 bit integer to the underlying writer.ʟ< @\ڡƆ6 Write signed 16 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:9â Ӣ.* wtr.write_i16::(193).unwrap();-+ wtr.write_i16::(-132).unwrap();.& assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x00\xc1\xff\x7c");)ä 7 7jqqjџ  p؟Epp8;< Writes an unsigned 24 bit integer to the underlying writer.?ȦЦ @\Ɔ8 Write unsigned 24 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:; .ũͩ* wtr.write_u24::(267).unwrap();-- wtr.write_u24::(120111).unwrap();0. assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x00\x01\x0b\x01\xd5\x2f");֪1 7 7Rjttjџ  s؟ƫ̫Ess8;9 Writes a signed 24 bit integer to the underlying writer.ͬ< @\ݮƆ6 Write signed 24 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:9Ư ֯.- wtr.write_i24::(-34253).unwrap();0- wtr.write_i24::(120111).unwrap();0. assert_eq!(wtr, b"\xff\x7a\x33\x01\xd5\x2f");1ӱ 7 7jwwjџ  v؟Fvv8¸;< Writes an unsigned 32 bit integer to the underlying writer.?س @ƴ\Ɔµ8 Write unsigned 32 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:ʵ; .նݶ* wtr.write_u32::(267).unwrap();-1 wtr.write_u32::(1205419366).unwrap();46 assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x00\x00\x01\x0b\x47\xd9\x3d\x66");9Ÿ 7 7RjzzݸjџϸҸ  y؟Gyy8;9 Writes a signed 32 bit integer to the underlying writer.< ú˺@\Ɔ6 Write signed 32 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:9ڼ .- wtr.write_i32::(-34253).unwrap();Ͻ01 wtr.write_i32::(1205419366).unwrap();46 assert_eq!(wtr, b"\xff\xff\x7a\x33\x47\xd9\x3d\x66");9 7 7j}}jџ  |؟G||8;< Writes an unsigned 48 bit integer to the underlying writer.? @\Ɔ8 Write unsigned 48 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:; .5 wtr.write_u48::(52360336390828).unwrap();8* wtr.write_u48::(541).unwrap();-F assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x2f\x9f\x17\x40\x3a\xac\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x1d");I 7 7Ujjџ  ؟H8;9 Writes a signed 48 bit integer to the underlying writer.< @\Ɔ6 Write signed 48 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:9 .7 wtr.write_i48::(-108363435763825).unwrap();:) wtr.write_i48::(77).unwrap();,F assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x9d\x71\xab\xe7\x97\x8f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x4d");I 7 7jjџ  ؟I8;< Writes an unsigned 64 bit integer to the underlying writer.? @\Ɔ8 Write unsigned 64 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:; .6 wtr.write_u64::(918733457491587).unwrap();9* wtr.write_u64::(143).unwrap();-V assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x00\x03\x43\x95\x4d\x60\x86\x83\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8f");Y 7 7Ujjџ  ؟I8;9 Writes a signed 64 bit integer to the underlying writer.< @\Ɔ6 Write signed 64 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:9 .7 wtr.write_i64::(i64::min_value()).unwrap();:7 wtr.write_i64::(i64::max_value()).unwrap();:V assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x7f\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff");Y 7 7jjџ  ؟J8== Writes an unsigned 128 bit integer to the underlying writer.@ 7 7^jjџ  ؟K8=: Writes a signed 128 bit integer to the underlying writer.= 7 7jjџ  ؟K8j= Writes an unsigned n-bytes integer to the underlying writer.@ @\ # Panics H If the given integer is not representable in the given number of bytes,K9 this method panics. If `nbytes > 8`, this method panics.<Ɔ8 Write unsigned 40 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:; .7 wtr.write_uint::(312550384361, 5).unwrap();:- wtr.write_uint::(43, 5).unwrap();0> assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x48\xc5\x74\x62\xe9\x00\x00\x00\x00\x2b");A 7 7U8jjџ  ؟L8i: Writes a signed n-bytes integer to the underlying writer.= @\ K<Ɔ6 Write signed 56 bit big-endian integers to a `Write`:9 .; wtr.write_int::(-3548172039376767, 7).unwrap();>, wtr.write_int::(43, 7).unwrap();/N assert_eq!(wtr, b"\xf3\x64\xf4\xd1\xfd\xb0\x81\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x2b");Q 7 78jjџ  ؟DzDzM8n@K: this method panics. If `nbytes > 16`, this method panics.= 7 7^8jjџ  ؟M8m=K= 7 78jjџ  ؟N8;E Writes a IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point number toH the underlying writer. @\ƆH Write a big-endian single-precision floating point number to a `Write`:K .6 wtr.write_f32::(f32::consts::PI).unwrap();9& assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x40\x49\x0f\xdb");) 7 7Rjjџ  ؟O8…;E Writes a IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point number toH׀߀ @Ł\ƆH Write a big-endian double-precision floating point number to a `Write`:ɂK ǃσ.6 wtr.write_f64::(f64::consts::PI).unwrap();96 assert_eq!(wtr, b"\x40\x09\x21\xfb\x54\x44\x2d\x18");9Ņ 7 7Vj݅jџυ҅  ؟O8/H All types that implement `Write` get methods defined in `WriteBytesExt`K R4ɇ 4Ƈ@ 7 7  7 ԊĊNJ  ͊. U8  3^8  0 8U  58^   U8 ! ^8 " """##R4# R4,B `ByteOrder` describes types that can serialize integers as bytes.#E$F Note that `Self` does not appear anywhere in this trait's definition!$I> Therefore, in order to use it, you'll need to use syntax like$A9 `T::read_u16(&[0, 1])` where `T` implements `ByteOrder`.%<%H This crate provides two types that implement `ByteOrder`: [`BigEndian`]%K and [`LittleEndian`].&D This trait is sealed and cannot be implemented for callers to avoid&GA breaking backwards compatibility when adding new derived traits.'D'Ɔ''5 Write and read `u32` numbers in little endian order:(8(( * use byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian};(-( let mut buf = [0; 4];(. LittleEndian::write_u32(&mut buf, 1_000_000);)15 assert_eq!(1_000_000, LittleEndian::read_u32(&buf));)8**2 Write and read `i16` numbers in big endian order:*5** ' use byteorder::{ByteOrder, BigEndian};*** let mut buf = [0; 2];+( BigEndian::write_i16(&mut buf, -5_000);++/ assert_eq!(-5_000, BigEndian::read_i16(&buf));+2+,,&Ɗ,,,  ,,M---O--- - - .- Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer from `buf`.-0.. . Panics when `buf.len() < 2`.. .7 7[/ buf/2< Reads an unsigned 24 bit integer from `buf`, stored in u32./?// / Panics when `buf.len() < 3`./ 0Ɔ00< Write and read 24 bit `u32` numbers in little endian order:0?11 1-1 let mut buf = [0; 3];1. LittleEndian::write_u24(&mut buf, 1_000_000);115 assert_eq!(1_000_000, LittleEndian::read_u24(&buf));28227 7R3 37- Reads an unsigned 32 bit integer from `buf`.3044 4 Panics when `buf.len() < 4`.4 4Ɔ444855 5-556168777 7R7 7;< Reads an unsigned 48 bit integer from `buf`, stored in u64.7?78 8 Panics when `buf.len() < 6`.8 8Ɔ88< Write and read 48 bit `u64` numbers in little endian order:8?99 9-9 let mut buf = [0; 6];96 LittleEndian::write_u48(&mut buf, 1_000_000_000_000);:9= assert_eq!(1_000_000_000_000, LittleEndian::read_u48(&buf));:@;;7 7U; ;?- Reads an unsigned 64 bit integer from `buf`.;0<< < Panics when `buf.len() < 8`.< <Ɔ==5 Write and read `u64` numbers in little endian order:=8== =-> let mut buf = [0; 8];>. LittleEndian::write_u64(&mut buf, 1_000_000);>15 assert_eq!(1_000_000, LittleEndian::read_u64(&buf));>8??7 7U? ?C!. Reads an unsigned 128 bit integer from `buf`.?1@@ @ Panics when `buf.len() < 16`.@!@Ɔ@A6 Write and read `u128` numbers in little endian order:A9AA A-B let mut buf = [0; 16];B/ LittleEndian::write_u128(&mut buf, 1_000_000);B26 assert_eq!(1_000_000, LittleEndian::read_u128(&buf));B9CC 7 7^C CG/. Reads an unsigned n-bytes integer from `buf`.C1DD D, Panics when `nbytes < 1` or `nbytes > 8` orD/ `buf.len() < nbytes`DEƆEE8 Write and read an n-byte number in little endian order:E;EE F-FF2 LittleEndian::write_uint(&mut buf, 1_000_000, 3);F59 assert_eq!(1_000_000, LittleEndian::read_uint(&buf, 3));G<GG 7 78UG GGL3H1HH H- Panics when `nbytes < 1` or `nbytes > 16` orH0IIƆIII;JJ J-JJ5 LittleEndian::write_uint128(&mut buf, 1_000_000, 3);K8< assert_eq!(1_000_000, LittleEndian::read_uint128(&buf, 3));K?LL 7 78^L LLP%0 Writes an unsigned 16 bit integer `n` to `buf`.L3MM MM MƆMM5 Write and read `u16` numbers in little endian order:M8NN N-OO* LittleEndian::write_u16(&mut buf, 1_000);O-1 assert_eq!(1_000, LittleEndian::read_u16(&buf));O4PP 7 7[SP PPT$? Writes an unsigned 24 bit integer `n` to `buf`, stored in u32.PBQQ QQ QƆQQQ?RR R-SSS1S8TT 7 7RST TTX%0 Writes an unsigned 32 bit integer `n` to `buf`.U3UU UU VƆVVV8VV W-WWW1X8XX 7 7RSX XX\$? Writes an unsigned 48 bit integer `n` to `buf`, stored in u64.YBYY YY ZƆZZZ?Z[ [-[[[9\@\\ 7 7US] ]]a%0 Writes an unsigned 64 bit integer `n` to `buf`.]3^^ ^^ ^Ɔ^^^8__ _-_``1`8aa 7 7USa aae'1 Writes an unsigned 128 bit integer `n` to `buf`.a4bb bb!bƆbbb9cc c-cdd2d9ee 7 7^Se eei5= Writes an unsigned integer `n` to `buf` using only `nbytes`.e@ff fG If `n` is not representable in `nbytes`, or if `nbytes` is `> 8`, thenfJ this method panics.ggƆggg;hh h-hhh5i<ii 7 7U8Sj jjjn9j@jk kH If `n` is not representable in `nbytes`, or if `nbytes` is `> 16`, thenkKԏklƆlll;ll m-mmm8n?nn 7 7^8Sn noor* Reads a signed 16 bit integer from `buf`.o-oo oo pƆpp5 Write and read `i16` numbers in little endian order:p8pq q-qq+ LittleEndian::write_i16(&mut buf, -1_000);q.2 assert_eq!(-1_000, LittleEndian::read_i16(&buf));r5rr7 7s rw9 Reads a signed 24 bit integer from `buf`, stored in i32.s<tt tt tƆtt< Write and read 24 bit `i32` numbers in little endian order:t?uu u-uv/ LittleEndian::write_i24(&mut buf, -1_000_000);v26 assert_eq!(-1_000_000, LittleEndian::read_i24(&buf));v9ww7 7w w{* Reads a signed 32 bit integer from `buf`.x-xx xx xƆyy5 Write and read `i32` numbers in little endian order:y8yy y-zz/ LittleEndian::write_i32(&mut buf, -1_000_000);z26 assert_eq!(-1_000_000, LittleEndian::read_i32(&buf));{9{{7 7{ {9 Reads a signed 48 bit integer from `buf`, stored in i64.|<|| }} }Ɔ}}< Write and read 48 bit `i64` numbers in little endian order:}?~~ ~-~~7 LittleEndian::write_i48(&mut buf, -1_000_000_000_000);:> assert_eq!(-1_000_000_000_000, LittleEndian::read_i48(&buf));A7 7 Մ* Reads a signed 64 bit integer from `buf`.- Ɂ Ɔ5 Write and read `i64` numbers in little endian order:8΂ւ -3 LittleEndian::write_i64(&mut buf, -1_000_000_000);6: assert_eq!(-1_000_000_000, LittleEndian::read_i64(&buf));=؄7 7  + Reads a signed 128 bit integer from `buf`..ׅ߅ !Ɔ6 Write and read `i128` numbers in little endian order:9 -ɇч4 LittleEndian::write_i128(&mut buf, -1_000_000_000);7; assert_eq!(-1_000_000_000, LittleEndian::read_i128(&buf));> 7 7 -+ Reads a signed n-bytes integer from `buf`.܉. /Ɔ? Write and read n-length signed numbers in little endian order:B -. LittleEndian::write_int(&mut buf, -1_000, 3);ی15 assert_eq!(-1_000, LittleEndian::read_int(&buf, 3));8΍7 78 1ݎ. 0ƆB -1 LittleEndian::write_int128(&mut buf, -1_000, 3);ݑ48 assert_eq!(-1_000, LittleEndian::read_int128(&buf, 3));;֒ 7 78 B Reads a IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point number.E Ҕڔ Ɔ5 Write and read `f32` numbers in little endian order:8ߕ - let e = 2.71828;ʖ& LittleEndian::write_f32(&mut buf, e);)- assert_eq!(e, LittleEndian::read_f32(&buf));0˗7 7R B Reads a IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point number.E  ͙Ɔՙ5 Write and read `f64` numbers in little endian order:8 Ś- let phi = 1.6180339887;( LittleEndian::write_f64(&mut buf, phi);+/ assert_eq!(phi, LittleEndian::read_f64(&buf));27 7VϜ ʜ$- Writes a signed 16 bit integer `n` to `buf`.0˝ӝ  Ɔٖ8 -ßݗ.5Π 7 7S $< Writes a signed 24 bit integer `n` to `buf`, stored in i32.?  ˢƆӢ? ʣ-2٤9 7 7Så Υ$- Writes a signed 32 bit integer `n` to `buf`.0¦ʦ ۦ Ɔ8 -ب29ͩ 7 7S $< Writes a signed 48 bit integer `n` to `buf`, stored in i64.?  ʫƆҫ? ɬ-:ؤAî 7 7SҮ ͮݮ$- Writes a signed 64 bit integer `n` to `buf`.0ѯٯ  Ɔ8 -ɱ6= 7 7S Ʒ&. Writes a signed 128 bit integer `n` to `buf`.׳1 !ԴƆܴ= Write and read n-byte `i128` numbers in little endian order:@ĵ Ե-7>ɷ 7 7Sٷ ԷѼ3: Writes a signed integer `n` to `buf` using only `nbytes`.= JԏչƆ;Ժܺ -Ļ1ݱ8Լ 7 78S ޼7ҽ= ǒKԏƆĿB -4; 7 78S $C Writes a IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point number.F  Ɔ8 -޹)0 7 7RS $C Writes a IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point number.F  Ɔ8 -+۾2 7 7VS .6 Reads unsigned 16 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.9 ( Panics when `src.len() != 2*dst.len()`.+Ɔ8 - let mut bytes = [0; 8];, let numbers_given = [1, 2, 0xf00f, 0xffee];/: LittleEndian::write_u16_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);= let mut numbers_got = [0; 4];!7 LittleEndian::read_u16_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);:( assert_eq!(numbers_given, numbers_got);+ 77 7 7S src.6 Reads unsigned 32 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.9 ( Panics when `src.len() != 4*dst.len()`.+Ɔ8 - let mut bytes = [0; 16];/: LittleEndian::write_u32_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);=!7 LittleEndian::read_u32_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);:+ 77 7 7S .6 Reads unsigned 64 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.9 ( Panics when `src.len() != 8*dst.len()`.+Ɔ8 - let mut bytes = [0; 32];/: LittleEndian::write_u64_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);=!7 LittleEndian::read_u64_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);:+ 77 7 7ˌS 07 Reads unsigned 128 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.: ) Panics when `src.len() != 16*dst.len()`.,Ɔ9 - let mut bytes = [0; 64];/; LittleEndian::write_u128_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);>!8 LittleEndian::read_u128_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);;+77 7 7S -2 Reads signed 16 bit integers from `src` to `dst`.5 ( Panics when `buf.len() != 2*dst.len()`.+Ɔٖ8 -( let numbers_given = [1, 2, 0x0f, 0xee];+: LittleEndian::write_i16_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);=!7 LittleEndian::read_i16_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);:+ 77 7 7S -4 Reads signed 32 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.7 +Ɔ8 -/: LittleEndian::write_i32_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);=!7 LittleEndian::read_i32_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);:+ 77 7 7קS -4 Reads signed 64 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.7 +Ɔ8 -/: LittleEndian::write_i64_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);=!7 LittleEndian::read_i64_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);:+ 77 7 7߭S /5 Reads signed 128 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.8 ,Ɔ׫9 -/; LittleEndian::write_i128_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);>!8 LittleEndian::read_i128_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);;+77 7 7S -E Reads IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point numbers fromH `src` into `dst`. +Ɔ8 -6 let numbers_given = [1.0, 2.0, 31.312e31, -11.32e19];9: LittleEndian::write_f32_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);= let mut numbers_got = [0.0; 4];ȁ#7 LittleEndian::read_f32_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);:+߂ 77 7 7S Ѓ փS7޻;HȆ +Ɔ·և8 -݈Ҍ9ĉ=#A LittleEndian::read_f32_into_unchecked(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);D+ˋ ǓՋ  ֋܋1.3.0ދ $ɋK77 7 7S ʒ-Hҍ +ƆŎ؎8 -7 let numbers_given = [1.0, 2.0, 31.312e211, -11.32e91];:: LittleEndian::write_f64_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);ϐ=#7 LittleEndian::read_f64_into(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);:+͒ 77 7 7S ے S7;̕ԕHÖ Ԗܖ+Ɔ8 -ʗߘ:=#A LittleEndian::read_f64_into_unchecked(&bytes, &mut numbers_got);Dٚ+    ƛț$K77 7 7S /7 Writes unsigned 16 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.ߜ: ( Panics when `dst.len() != 2*src.len()`.+Ɔ8Ϟמ -/=!:+ԡ77 7 7S /7 Writes unsigned 32 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.:Ԣܢ ( Panics when `dst.len() != 4*src.len()`.+Ɔȣ8 -Ϥפ/=!:ۦ+77 7 7S ά/7 Writes unsigned 64 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.̧: ( Panics when `dst.len() != 8*src.len()`.+ܨƆ8ĩ ԩ-/=!ӫ:+¬Ѭ77 7ˌ 7S 18 Writes unsigned 128 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.;í˭ ܭ) Panics when `dst.len() != 16*src.len()`.,Ɔ9 -ȯ/>!;α+77 7 7S ,4 Writes signed 8 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.7ϔIӳHA way for the caller to write from a `&[i8]` buffer. (Without thisDȖH! each byte to `u8` individually.)$ߵ & Panics when `buf.len() != src.len()`.)Ɔɶ4 Write and read `i8` numbers in little endian order:Ѷ7 8 use byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};; let mut bytes = [0; 4];& let numbers_given = [1, 2, 0xf, 0xe];)9 LittleEndian::write_i8_into(&numbers_given, &mut bytes);<!/ bytes.as_ref().read_i8_into(&mut numbers_got);2+ 77 7ܜ 7S .5 Writes signed 16 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.8 ( Panics when `buf.len() != 2*src.len()`.ż+Ɔٖ8սݽ -Ǿ+=!:+77 7 7S .5 Writes signed 32 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.8 ٥+Ɔ8 -/=!:+77 7ק 7S .5 Writes signed 64 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.8 +Ɔ8 -/=!:+77 7߭ 7S 06 Writes signed 128 bit integers from `src` into `dst`.9 ,Ɔ׫9 -/և>!;+77 7 7S .F Writes IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating point numbers fromI +Ɔ8 -Ҍ9=#:+77 7 7S .F Writes IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point numbers fromI +Ɔ8 -ʗ:=#:+77 7 7S 'E Converts the given slice of unsigned 16 bit integers to a particularH endianness.D If the endianness matches the endianness of the host platform, thenG this is a no-op.Ɔ6 Convert the host platform's endianness to big-endian:9 * let mut numbers = [5, 65000];!) BigEndian::from_slice_u16(&mut numbers);,7 assert_eq!(numbers, [5u16.to_be(), 65000u16.to_be()]);:7 7S numbers'E Converts the given slice of unsigned 32 bit integers to a particularHGƆ9 *!) BigEndian::from_slice_u32(&mut numbers);,7 assert_eq!(numbers, [5u32.to_be(), 65000u32.to_be()]);:7 7S 'E Converts the given slice of unsigned 64 bit integers to a particularHGƆ9 *!) BigEndian::from_slice_u64(&mut numbers);,7 assert_eq!(numbers, [5u64.to_be(), 65000u64.to_be()]);:7 7ˌS )F Converts the given slice of unsigned 128 bit integers to a particularIGƆ9 *!* BigEndian::from_slice_u128(&mut numbers);-9 assert_eq!(numbers, [5u128.to_be(), 65000u128.to_be()]);<7 7S "C Converts the given slice of signed 16 bit integers to a particularFGƆ9 * let mut numbers = [5, 6500]; ) BigEndian::from_slice_i16(&mut numbers);,6 assert_eq!(numbers, [5i16.to_be(), 6500i16.to_be()]);97 7S "C Converts the given slice of signed 32 bit integers to a particularFGƆ9 *!) BigEndian::from_slice_i32(&mut numbers);,7 assert_eq!(numbers, [5i32.to_be(), 65000i32.to_be()]);ˀ:7 7קS "C Converts the given slice of signed 64 bit integers to a particularF˃ӃGƆӄۄ9 *!) BigEndian::from_slice_i64(&mut numbers);,7 assert_eq!(numbers, [5i64.to_be(), 65000i64.to_be()]);:7 7߭S $D Converts the given slice of signed 128 bit integers to a particularGȉGƆȊЊ9 *Ջ݋!* BigEndian::from_slice_i128(&mut numbers);-9 assert_eq!(numbers, [5i128.to_be(), 65000i128.to_be()]);<7 7S ː'H Converts the given slice of IEEE754 single-precision (4 bytes) floating܎K* point numbers to a particular endianness.-ޏGΐ7 7S ݐ'H Converts the given slice of IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floatingKȑ-GΒ7 7S R44   A type alias for [`BigEndian`].#&ǘ4ݜR44  # A type alias for [`LittleEndian`].Н&Ɗ,4* Defines network byte order serialization.Ş-H Network byte order is defined by [RFC 1700][1] to be big-endian, and isKJ referred to in several protocol specifications. This type is an alias ofßM [`BigEndian`].) [1]:,ՠG Note that this type has no value constructor. It is used purely at the٠J type level.Ɔǡˡ5 6 use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NetworkEndian, BigEndian};9ˢϢ+3 assert_eq!(-5_000, NetworkEndian::read_i16(&buf));6̣ԣأ& 4Ʀ, Defines system native-endian serialization./ԤؤJ9 On this platform, this is an alias for [`LittleEndian`].<Ɗ,#æ   little Ϧ 4          from_bytes  «ūƫ3 Ы $֫ګ  ܫ  mem            ĬǬ ɬ ʬάҬϬ  ЬԬ֬ ׬ڬ         $      chunks_exact  $ zipЭ ­ŭ ƭέϭҭ                     to_bytes ðưǰ3 Ѱ $װ۰  ݰ             ± Ʊɱ ˱ ̱бӱ  ѱձױ ر۱       $         Ѳ  chunks_exact_mut˲в $̲Ӳ  copy_from_slice   ʑR4γѳ7 7[߳ ڳĴ7 7RҴ ʹ7 7Uŵ   7 7^ . 7 78U W8й2ӹ 7 78^ X8$ 7 7[S $ 7 7RS $ 7 7US & 7 7^S ۿ4޿ 7 7U8S X88 7 7^8S Y8- 77 7 7S - 77 7 7S - 77 7 7ˌS /77 7 7S .77 7 7S .77 7 7S .77 7ˌ 7S 077 7 7S &7 7S &7 7S &7 7ˌS (7 7S &7 7S &7 7S R47 7[ 7 7R 7 7U   7 7^ . 7 78U a82 7 78^ b8$ 7 7[S $ 7 7RS $ 7 7US & 7 7^S 4 7 7U8S b88 7 7^8S c8- 77 7 7S - 77 7 7S - 77 7 7ˌS /77 7 7S .77 7 7S .77 7 7S .77 7ˌ 7S 077 7 7S &7 7S &7 7S &7 7ˌS (7 7S &7 7S &7 7S " Defines big-endian serialization.%JƆ2 Write and read `u32` numbers in big endian order:5 *+ BigEndian::write_u32(&mut buf, 1_000_000);.2 assert_eq!(1_000_000, BigEndian::read_u32(&buf));5 4֟⨞00R47 744  01R4 02R4777 74 7MMMflagsJMfillJMJMwidthJM precisionJMJҠ᷷7  yS    ǖ03R403R40 0 7 74S ǖ ǖ ˖04R477 74 7S ˖O ˖  і15R477 74 74LessGreaterӳp і і֖ 16R416R477 74 74֖ ֖  17R477 74 74    Ü% Defines little-endian serialization.ؘ(JЙƆ8 -18̜ 4΋ŭE2:R47 744 2;R42<R4777 74 7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJҠ᷷7 2=R42=R42 2 7 74S 2>R477 74 7S  2?R477 74 74  3@R43@R477 74 74   3AR477 74 74  -Ы-֫8/Ы/֫81Ы1֫83Ы3֫85Ѱ5װ87Ѱ7װ89Ѱ9װ8;Ѱ;װ8OЫO֫8QЫQ֫8SЫS֫8UЫU֫8WѰWװ8YѰYװ8[Ѱ[װ8]Ѱ]װ8RRĞRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRړRRRߒRRRRRRRRRRRRϺRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRޫRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRĄRՇR׊RڍRґRRRRRRRRRʶRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRˏRRRŌRRRRRRRĨRR׬RRRRRRϼRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR˟RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRîRRǯRRRRR߲R³RRԵRRRRRRRݻRμRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBenum.BigEndian.htmlenum.LittleEndian.htmlWritetype.NativeEndian.htmltype.NetworkEndian.htmltrait.ByteOrder.htmlĀ#!big-endian or little-endian order trait.ReadBytesExt.html0Ā"("܁RFC 1700#ރ܁j# ރ"# ރ"#Read::read_exactWrite::write_allރ#͆ރ""#͆j==>==>-?=Y/?=YVqZ?=Yyϛ?=Y&u?=YpdT ^?=Yh?=YTBn?=YcՐ?=Y8+>F8?=YZ?=YOd*6?=Y Z?=YAEh98<\?=Yl̟*?=Y,MB?=YS/#yd?=Yb ܿ@Ϥ?=YĎ?=YW@SH?=Y{{ݷ?=Y w?=YURa?=Ye%?=Yw8"?=YHݞ=?=Y4h ?=Yҧb yʅ?=Ye7 ?=Y_Or2?=Y朊Nk?=YKNR}@e?=YΕ?k'2?=Y߬:AM?=Y*R?=YL\-iw?=Y>XA?=YH=?=YA#-K?=YIijC?=YX!-z?=YS;n :^?=Y'?=Y.XSI?=Yp5-&?=Y%u̎?=Y"w46?=Y(tw9?=YB8m-c?=YBk^)?=Y{yVi?=Yr?=YMVֵ'?=Y`0 H?=Yw%S?q?=Y>@V?=YB[:24c?=YM|A?=YCs?=YJ߂k?=Y7]vx+?=Y@IJ(kâ?=Y@Fڢ?=YV`J?=Yͥ)_?=Y/+?=YyLY$z?=Y~]pɳr?=YL8w?=YQ!R?=Y_ %u?=Yu-&ѭ?=YaP&?=Y8t?=Y>+W?=YSN~z?=YjK0?=YD۩?=Y\P3?=Yb`"8?=Y 4. ?=Yr<\?=YD,?=Y+;E?=Y *h?=YKSyZ;?=Y6Xz?=YM--d?=Ytь]c?=Yi]Se[?=Y@?=Yb~uěc?=Y: ?=Y5ߍ?=Y`39?=Y-᷺?=Y$c?=YNc5?=Y_G ?=Y i?=YԺr?=YSOhv?=Ysv ?=Yc-Vk?=YJ#}6MH?=Y#Fl[?=Y ~?=Y_鄈?=Yu]h 9?=Y{FO?=YFW.K?=Y4k.?=YR{?=Y'M?=Y~ E?=YT;au0?=Yj* ?=Y} :?=Y%k_b/?=Y~)Z$%?=Y ?=Y 1w?=YI TR\?=YuaQJP?=Ynp?=YF >ne?=Y' s?=Yel L?=Ylx?=Y 3~+?=Ybv>?=YBnyf?=Y[yTU?=Y2̜"3?=Yn?=Y_tˊi?=YgRhm-?=YHr(l?=Y b?=Yu`Sr?=Y%: ?=Yz?=Yᔐ~|?=YZ;~p[#?=YG;uK\?=Y~Õ'2kң?=Y<;?=Y1E,(?=Yd#_r?=Y`.ٿ?=Y/O?=YJ'ݞ4?=YlAI?=Y,Uv?=Y_4?=Y//W=?=Y@ 1?=Yɷ@?=Y%ޜ텂Q?=Y4n7f?=Y|B0X?=Y&6W`؊?=YK3?=YƝS?=YY&p?=Y3ݘhau?=YoPľ?=Ytf;?=Y#?=Yh'N?=YVCq ?=Y, * ?=Y=\N1?=Yh7"~?=Y i-?=Ygh?=YO̫:C$}?=Y~([?=Y\g}?=Y\?=Y‰?=YWN;?=YLE^'(Y?=Y P?=Y$6~rH?=Y9Ϥ?=YesY}'?=Y0zct?=Yy}*ú?=YۯKY(?=Y.Q=5?=Y[3 K?=Y|_&E?=Yk\d?=YiM?=Yp@\Ύ?=Y! 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