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 B Show the example behind the screenshots above.E ```rust,should_panic> // 1. add the `pretty_assertions` dependency to `Cargo.toml`.A< // 2. insert this line at the top of each module, as needed?2 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct Foo {  lorem: &'static str,  ipsum: u32, # dolor: Result, & }  U let x = Some(Foo { lorem: "Hello World!", ipsum: 42, dolor: Ok("hey".to_string())}); XY let y = Some(Foo { lorem: "Hello Wrold!", ipsum: 42, dolor: Ok("hey ho!".to_string())}); \  assert_eq!(x, y);  
   ## Tip  q Specify it as [`[dev-dependencies]`]( tH and it will only be used for compiling tests, examples, and benchmarks. K> This way the compile time of `cargo build` won't be affected! A= Also add `#[cfg(test)]` to your `use` statements, like this:@  #[cfg(test)]2 ## Note 1 * Since `Rust 2018` edition, you need to declare4? `use pretty_assertions::{assert_eq, assert_ne};` per module.BI Before you would write `#[macro_use] extern crate pretty_assertions;`.LN * The replacement is only effective in your own crate, not in other librariesQ you include.O * `assert_ne` is also switched to multi-line presentation, but does _not_ showR a diff. ) %uMuM~M9 : * ';Fixed ++ Green% ++ Red, ++ 6I%:*,*++++++,,D,O\bhi jk lpr coloursy z~       write   {} -         A B7C7 B7MMMflagsJMfillJMJMwidthJM precisionJMbufJҠ᷷C7  y  * ;;=>楼 5!D7 D76  5    % E7 E76  7    FF7G7 F76 G7 4 9M9  988t H7I7J7 H7  I7 J74 :M: :  ::##    #< #   4 <4 #<;;;#  <# #  foreground backgroundis_bold is_dimmed is_italic is_underlineis_blink is_reverse is_hiddenis_strikethroughǛ#G* " #"#<#M<$    4" <$%&#???$!$ " <@!! $" <$&E&K7L7 K7@ L7>4!&! %" <&& &*#*M7 M7@4!*! &" <*-`-N7O7P7 N7: O7 P74 ((.;-;- ':. . .CC( A comparison of two values.W Where both values implement `Debug`, the comparison can be displayed as a pretty diff.Z# use pretty_assertions::Comparison;&+ print!("{}", Comparison::new(&123, &134));.U The values may have different types, although in practice they are usually the same.X  * + ,,*+* * )) - . зܼ* зܼ-.HHHG)) * H)) * b* 0 1 2012)) - . зܼ0 3JJJO+ Store two values to be compared in future..: Expensive diffing is deferred until calling `Debug::fmt`.= 0  0 K// 30   ~* 5 6 7567MM8MMM4Q7R7S7 Q7 R7MMM2JM2JMJM3JM3JM3JҠ᷷S7444 85 #L Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other (using [`PartialEq`]).OP On panic, this macro will print a diff derived from [`Debug`] representation ofS each value.  7 This is a drop in replacement for [`std::assert_eq!`]. :3 You can provide a custom panic message if desired. 6! # Examples!!!" use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;!%! let a = 3;! let b = 1 + 2;" assert_eq!(a, b);""B assert_eq!(a, b, "we are testing addition with {} and {}", a, b);"E"# U##+ ## #  ## ###  ## ######## ## #  ####  ###  ##$$ $  $$ $$$  $$ $$$'$' $$$ $$$$  $$ $$$$  $$'$$ left_val$$ right_val$ $$' % %%% % [%% % [% %'%  %% % %%' assertion failed: `(left == right)`\ \n\ \n{}\ \n%&& &&  & & &&' [&' [' ''' '  '' '''  '' '''''' arg''  ' '''+'+ '(( ((((  (( ((((  ((+(( [(( [( ((+ ( ((( ( [(( ( [( (+)  )) ) ))+ assertion failed: `(left == right)`: {}\ \n\ \n{}\ \n)* *  ******* `* *** **  * * *++ [++ [+ +/P Asserts that two expressions are not equal to each other (using [`PartialEq`]).+S,I On panic, this macro will print the values of the expressions with their,L [`Debug`] representations.,-7 This is a drop in replacement for [`std::assert_ne!`].-:R-6.R..." use pretty_assertions::assert_ne;.%.S. let b = 2;. assert_ne!(a, b);./B assert_ne!(a, b, "we are testing that the values are not equal");/E// m//?00 0  00 000  00 0000000 00  0  000 00  000  000000000 0  00 000  00 00011111 11  1  111 11  111  111111111 1  11 111  11 111111 `11  1 1112121 12  2  222 22  222  22: 222222 `2 22222 22  22 222  22 222 maybe_semicolon22 222222 `22  2 222?2? 333 3333  33 3333  33?33 [33 [3 33? 3 3 [33 3 [3 3> 4 left_dbg444  44 4 444{:?}44 4 4 [44 4 right_dbg4 44  44 4 445~44 4 4 [4 5 5 }55 5 5;5  55 5 55;!assertion failed: `(left != right)`{}{}\ \n\ \n{}\ \n{}: According to the `PartialEq` implementation, both of the values \ are partially equivalent, even if the `Debug` outputs differ.\ \n\ \n588 y88 9  9999999 `9 999 99  9 9 999 [99 [9 9: :: :: :::: bold:::: underline: ::;  ;;;Note;;  ;; ; ;;>assertion failed: `(left != right)`{}{}\ \n\ \n{}:\ \n{:#?}\ \n\ \n;== y== =  ======= `= ==> >> >> >>>> ҇>>>>  >>> Both sides> > [>? <<;;=>楼< 楼=>;;   <  ;; * @@A?? 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