# Release _DoHy_ is published in [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/dohy). ## How to release DoHy 1. The code to publish must be in _main_ branch, merged after a _pull request_. 2. The crate version must be updated in the [Cargo.toml](./Cargo.toml) file using SemVer. 3. A tag must be created in the last commit with the code to publish. Read [how to add tags](https://github.com/isfegu/samuel/blob/main/README.md#versioning-and-tags) in _Samuel_. 4. The publication of _DoHy_ must be done using the [Github Action Workflow](../.github/workflows/cd.yml): 1. Selecting the member to publish. 2. Selecting the tag to publish.