5.1.1 ===== - Removed use of `let_chain` to restore compatibility with stable Rust - Validate counts of parsed objects before allocating memory for them - Ignore PACK chunks for read / write - Added serialization for scene graphs 5.1.0 ===== - Added rotation type 5.0.0 ===== - Added scenegraph support ([#23](https://github.com/dust-engine/dot_vox/pull/23)) - Upgrade parser to nom 7 - Upgrade to Rust 2021 4.1.0 ===== - Feature: Added the ability to write out data in `.vox` format. 4.0.0 ===== - Migrated to use Nom 4 which involved a bit of a rewrite. 3.1.0 ===== - Feature: Can load `.vox` data from a `byte[]`. 3.0.0 ===== - Breaking Change - MagicaVoxel changed the way they output material chunks. This version of `dot_vox` removes the ability to parse the old material format as it is possible to migrate files by re-saving them in a recent version of MagicaVoxel. 2.0.0 ===== - Migrated to use Nom 3, and improved the parsing method. 1.0.1 ===== - Bugfix: When parsing some materials, a panic would occur. This now emits an `Unknown` material type instead. 1.0.0 ===== - First stable release.