* Dotcopter [[https://crates.io/crates/dotcopter][file:https://img.shields.io/crates/v/dotcopter.svg]] [[https://travis-ci.org/bomgar/dotcopter][file:https://travis-ci.org/bomgar/dotcopter.svg?branch=master]] Tool to manage your dotfile installation. This is a very early version so bugs are to be expected. ** Installation #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script cargo install dotcopter #+END_SRC ** Configuration Just provide a file describing your dotfiles ([[file:install.conf.yaml][example]]). Dotcopter will not overwrite existing files without the force flag. ** Usage *** Help #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script dotcopter --help #+END_SRC *** Apply a configuration #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script dotcopter install.conf.yaml apply #+END_SRC *** Add a new link to a dotfile #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script dotcopter install.conf.yaml ln zshrc "~/.zshrc" #+END_SRC *** Import directory To make the initial configuration easier dotcopter can import existing links. #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script dotcopter install.conf.yaml import ~ #+END_SRC