# strip_unstable @preserve "test:main" { call run "sh:ort"; call run "test:dont_strip_me"; call run "test:dont_strip_me_either"; call run "test:should_be_shortest"; call run "test:should_be_shortest"; call run "test:should_be_shortest"; call run "test:func1"; call run "test:func2"; call run "test:func3"; } "sh:ort" { say "I should not be stripped because my ID is already shorter than the stripped version"; let x: score = val 7s; } @preserve "test:dont_strip_me" { say "Don't strip me, I am marked with preserve"; } @no_strip "test:dont_strip_me_either" { say "Don't strip me, I am marked with no_strip"; } "test:should_be_shortest" { say "I should be the shortest ID since I am called the most"; let x: score = val 7s; } "test:func1" { let x: score = val 10s; let y: score = val 11s; say "1"; } "test:func2" { let x: score = val 10s; let y: score = val 11s; say "2"; } "test:func3" { let x: score = val 10s; let y: score = val 11s; say "3"; }