use std::panic::catch_unwind; use anyhow::{bail, Context}; use dpc::common::function::FunctionInterface; use dpc::common::ty::{DataType, DataTypeContents, ScoreType, ScoreTypeContents}; use dpc::common::{val::Value, DeclareBinding}; use dpc::ir::{Block, IRFunction, InstrKind, IR}; use dpc::parse::Parser; use dpc::push_instrs; struct Test { name: &'static str, input: &'static str, output: IR, } macro_rules! test { ($name:literal, $output:block) => { Test { name: $name, input: include_str!(concat!("tests/", $name, ".dpc")), output: $output, } }; ($name:literal, $input:literal, $output:block) => { Test { name: $name, input: $input, output: $output, } }; } fn main() { let tests = [test!("simple", { let mut ir = IR::new(); let mut block = Block::new(); push_instrs! { block, InstrKind::Declare { left: "x".into(), ty: DataType::Score(ScoreType::Score), right: DeclareBinding::Value(Value::Constant(DataTypeContents::Score( ScoreTypeContents::Score(7) ))) } } ir.functions.insert( "test:main/main".into(), IRFunction { interface: FunctionInterface::new("test:main/main".into()), block, }, ); ir })]; for test in tests { let name =; catch_unwind(|| { println!(" - Running parse test '{name}'"); run_test(test).expect("Test failed"); }) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Test {name} failed")); } } fn run_test(test: Test) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut parse = Parser::new(); parse.parse(test.input).context("Failed to parse")?; let actual = parse.finish(); for (func_id, func) in test.output.functions { let Some(actual_func) = actual.functions.get(&func_id) else { bail!("Function in output does not exist in input") }; let expected_block = func.block; let actual_block = &actual_func.block; // Check the instructions assert_eq!( expected_block.contents.len(), actual_block.contents.len(), "Blocks are not same size" ); for (i, (l, r)) in expected_block .contents .iter() .zip(actual_block.contents.iter()) .enumerate() { assert_eq!(l, r, "Instruction {i} failed to match"); } } Ok(()) }