{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$id": "https://plugins.dprint.dev/dprint/dprint-plugin-biome/0.0.0/schema.json", "type": "object", "definitions": { "indentSize": { "description": "The number of characters for an indent.", "type": "number" }, "indentStyle": { "description": "Whether to use tabs or spaces.", "type": "string", "default": "tab", "oneOf": [{ "const": "tab", "description": "Use tabs." }, { "const": "space", "description": "Use spaces." }] }, "lineWidth": { "description": "How many characters can be written on a single line.", "type": "number" }, "quoteStyle": { "description": "The type of quote used when representing string literals.", "type": "string", "default": "double", "oneOf": [{ "const": "double", "description": "Use double quotes." }, { "const": "single", "description": "Use single quotes" }] } }, "properties": { "indentSize": { "$ref": "#/definitions/indentSize" }, "indentStyle": { "$ref": "#/definitions/indentStyle" }, "semicolons": { "description": "Whether to use semicolons.", "type": "string", "default": "always", "oneOf": [{ "const": "always", "description": "Semicolons are always added at the end of each statement." }, { "const": "asNeeded", "description": "Semicolons are added only in places where it's needed, to protect from ASI." }] }, "lineWidth": { "$ref": "#/definitions/lineWidth" }, "javascript.indentStyle": { "$ref": "#/definitions/indentStyle" }, "javascript.lineWidth": { "$ref": "#/definitions/lineWidth" }, "javascript.indentSize": { "$ref": "#/definitions/indentSize" }, "json.indentStyle": { "$ref": "#/definitions/indentStyle" }, "json.lineWidth": { "$ref": "#/definitions/lineWidth" }, "json.indentSize": { "$ref": "#/definitions/indentSize" }, "quoteStyle": { "$ref": "#/definitions/quoteStyle" }, "jsxQuoteStyle": { "$ref": "#/definitions/quoteStyle" }, "trailingComma": { "description": "Print trailing commas wherever possible in multi-line comma-separated syntactic structures.", "type": "string", "default": "all", "oneOf": [{ "const": "all", "description": "Trailing commas are always added." }, { "const": "es5", "description": "Trailing commas are added only in places where it's supported in ES5." }, { "const": "none", "description": "Trailing commas are never added." }] }, "arrowParentheses": { "description": "Whether to add non-necessary parentheses to arrow functions.", "type": "string", "default": "always", "oneOf": [{ "const": "always", "description": "Parentheses are always added." }, { "const": "asNeeded", "description": "Parentheses are added only when necessary." }] }, "quoteProperties": { "description": "Whether property names inside objects should be quoted.", "type": "string", "default": "asNeeded", "oneOf": [{ "const": "asNeeded", "description": "Quotes when necessary." }, { "const": "preserve", "description": "Maintains quotes on properties." }] } } }