~~ lineWidth: 40, textWrap: always ~~ !! should not move dash to next line to prevent creating a list !! [testtttesttinasidfnaisodfasdifidtt](https://github.com) - Testing this out [expect] [testtttesttinasidfnaisodfasdifidtt](https://github.com) - Testing this out !! should not move asterisk to next line to prevent creating a list !! [testtttesttinasidfnaisodfasdifidtt](https://github.com) * Testing this out [expect] [testtttesttinasidfnaisodfasdifidtt](https://github.com) * Testing this out !! should not move dash to next line to prevent creating a list inside text !! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - testing [expect] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - testing !! should not wrap a number with a dot on the end to the next line !! testing this out with some text thatt 40. [expect] testing this out with some text thatt 40. !! should not wrap a number with a paren on the end to the next line !! testing this out with some text thatt 40) [expect] testing this out with some text thatt 40) !! should not wrap a number with a dot on the end to the next line when preceeded by another node !! testing this out with some text `tht` 40. [expect] testing this out with some text `tht` 40. !! should not wrap a number with a paren on the end to the next line when preceeded by another node !! testing this out with some text `tht` 40) [expect] testing this out with some text `tht` 40) !! should handle non-breaking spaces !! testing testing testing testing testing `code` testing testing testing testing `code` testing [expect] testing testing testing testing testing `code` testing testing testing testing `code` testing !! should wrap according to Unicode Standard Annex #11 rules !! 대충 한국어로 아무 말이나 적고 있습니다. '아무말'은 표준국어대사전에 등재되지 않은 단어이므로 '아무 말'로 띄어 씁니다. 아무 말일까요? 누군가에게는 [expect] 대충 한국어로 아무 말이나 적고 있습니다. '아무말'은 표준국어대사전에 등재되지 않은 단어이므로 '아무 말'로 띄어 씁니다. 아무 말일까요? 누군가에게는