== should format an array of tables == [[products]] name = "Hammer" sku = 738594937 [[products]] # empty table within the array [[products]] name = "Nail" sku = 284758393 color = "gray" [[fruits]] name = "apple" [fruits . physical] # subtable color = "red" shape = "round" [[fruits . varieties . "other" ]] # nested array of tables name = "red delicious" [expect] [[products]] name = "Hammer" sku = 738594937 [[products]] # empty table within the array [[products]] name = "Nail" sku = 284758393 color = "gray" [[fruits]] name = "apple" [fruits.physical] # subtable color = "red" shape = "round" [[fruits.varieties."other"]] # nested array of tables name = "red delicious"