{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$id": "https://plugins.dprint.dev/dprint/dprint-plugin-typescript/0.0.0/schema.json", "type": "object", "definitions": { "useTabs": { "description": "Whether to use tabs (true) or spaces (false).", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Uses tabs for indentation." }, { "const": false, "description": "Uses spaces for indentation." }] }, "semiColons": { "description": "How semi-colons should be used.", "type": "string", "default": "prefer", "oneOf": [{ "const": "always", "description": "Always uses semi-colons where applicable." }, { "const": "prefer", "description": "Prefers semi-colons, but doesn't add one in certain scenarios such as for the last member of a single-line type literal." }, { "const": "asi", "description": "Uses automatic semi-colon insertion. Only adds a semi-colon at the start of some expression statements when necessary. Read more: https://standardjs.com/rules.html#semicolons" }] }, "quoteStyle": { "description": "How to use single or double quotes.", "type": "string", "default": "alwaysDouble", "oneOf": [{ "const": "alwaysDouble", "description": "Always uses double quotes." }, { "const": "alwaysSingle", "description": "Always uses single quotes." }, { "const": "preferDouble", "description": "Prefers using double quotes except in scenarios where the string contains more double quotes than single quotes." }, { "const": "preferSingle", "description": "Prefers using single quotes except in scenarios where the string contains more single quotes than double quotes." }] }, "jsx.quoteStyle": { "description": "How to use single or double quotes in JSX attributes.", "type": "string", "default": "preferDouble", "oneOf": [{ "const": "preferDouble", "description": "Prefers using double quotes except in scenarios where the string contains more double quotes than single quotes." }, { "const": "preferSingle", "description": "Prefers using single quotes except in scenarios where the string contains more single quotes than double quotes." }] }, "quoteProps": { "description": "Change when properties in objects are quoted.", "type": "string", "default": "preserve", "oneOf": [{ "const": "asNeeded", "description": "Remove unnecessary quotes around property names." }, { "const": "consistent", "description": "Same as 'asNeeded', but if one property requires quotes then quote them all." }, { "const": "preserve", "description": "Preserve quotes around property names." }] }, "jsx.multiLineParens": { "description": "Surrounds the top-most JSX element or fragment in parentheses when it spans multiple lines.", "type": "string", "default": "prefer", "oneOf": [{ "const": "never", "description": "Never wrap JSX with parentheses." }, { "const": "prefer", "description": "Prefer wrapping with parentheses in most scenarios, except in function arguments and JSX attributes." }, { "const": "always", "description": "Always wrap JSX with parentheses if it spans multiple lines." }] }, "jsx.forceNewLinesSurroundingContent": { "description": "Forces newlines surrounding the content of JSX elements.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "" }, { "const": false, "description": "" }] }, "jsx.bracketPosition": { "description": "If the end angle bracket of a jsx open element or self closing element should be on the same or next line when the attributes span multiple lines.", "type": "string", "default": "nextLine", "oneOf": [{ "const": "maintain", "description": "Maintains the position of the end angle bracket." }, { "const": "sameLine", "description": "Forces the end angle bracket to be on the same line." }, { "const": "nextLine", "description": "Forces the end angle bracket to be on the next line." }] }, "newLineKind": { "description": "The kind of newline to use.", "type": "string", "default": "lf", "oneOf": [{ "const": "auto", "description": "For each file, uses the last newline kind found in the file." }, { "const": "crlf", "description": "Uses carriage return, line feed." }, { "const": "lf", "description": "Uses line feed." }, { "const": "system", "description": "Uses the system standard (ex. crlf on Windows)." }] }, "useBraces": { "description": "If braces should be used or not.", "type": "string", "default": "whenNotSingleLine", "oneOf": [{ "const": "maintain", "description": "Uses braces if they're used. Doesn't use braces if they're not used." }, { "const": "whenNotSingleLine", "description": "Uses braces when the body is on a different line." }, { "const": "always", "description": "Forces the use of braces. Will add them if they aren't used." }, { "const": "preferNone", "description": "Forces no braces when the header is one line and body is one line. Otherwise forces braces." }] }, "bracePosition": { "description": "Where to place the opening brace.", "type": "string", "default": "sameLineUnlessHanging", "oneOf": [{ "const": "maintain", "description": "Maintains the brace being on the next line or the same line." }, { "const": "sameLine", "description": "Forces the brace to be on the same line." }, { "const": "nextLine", "description": "Forces the brace to be on the next line." }, { "const": "sameLineUnlessHanging", "description": "Forces the brace to be on the next line if the same line is hanging, but otherwise uses the same line." }] }, "singleBodyPosition": { "description": "Where to place the expression of a statement that could possibly be on one line (ex. `if (true) console.log(5);`).", "type": "string", "default": "maintain", "oneOf": [{ "const": "maintain", "description": "Maintains the position of the expression." }, { "const": "sameLine", "description": "Forces the whole statement to be on one line." }, { "const": "nextLine", "description": "Forces the expression to be on the next line." }] }, "nextControlFlowPosition": { "description": "Where to place the next control flow within a control flow statement.", "type": "string", "default": "sameLine", "oneOf": [{ "const": "maintain", "description": "Maintains the next control flow being on the next line or the same line." }, { "const": "sameLine", "description": "Forces the next control flow to be on the same line." }, { "const": "nextLine", "description": "Forces the next control flow to be on the next line." }] }, "trailingCommas": { "description": "If trailing commas should be used.", "type": "string", "default": "onlyMultiLine", "oneOf": [{ "const": "never", "description": "Trailing commas should not be used." }, { "const": "always", "description": "Trailing commas should always be used." }, { "const": "onlyMultiLine", "description": "Trailing commas should only be used in multi-line scenarios." }] }, "operatorPosition": { "description": "Where to place the operator for expressions that span multiple lines.", "type": "string", "default": "nextLine", "oneOf": [{ "const": "maintain", "description": "Maintains the operator being on the next line or the same line." }, { "const": "sameLine", "description": "Forces the operator to be on the same line." }, { "const": "nextLine", "description": "Forces the operator to be on the next line." }] }, "preferHanging": { "description": "Set to prefer hanging indentation when exceeding the line width instead of making code split up on multiple lines.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "" }, { "const": false, "description": "" }] }, "preferHangingGranular": { "description": "Set to prefer hanging indentation when exceeding the line width instead of making code split up on multiple lines.", "type": "string", "default": "never", "oneOf": [{ "const": "always", "description": "Always prefers hanging regardless of the number of elements." }, { "const": "onlySingleItem", "description": "Only prefers hanging if there is a single item." }, { "const": "never", "description": "Never prefers hanging." }] }, "preferSingleLine": { "description": "If code should revert back from being on multiple lines to being on a single line when able.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "" }, { "const": false, "description": "" }] }, "forceSingleLine": { "description": "If code should be forced to be on a single line if able.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "" }, { "const": false, "description": "" }] }, "forceMultiLineSpecifiers": { "description": "If code import/export specifiers should be forced to be on multiple lines.", "type": "string", "default": "never", "oneOf": [{ "const": "always", "description": "" }, { "const": "never", "description": "" }, { "const": "whenMultiple", "description": "Force multiple lines only if importing more than one thing." }] }, "typeOnlyImportsExportsSortOrder": { "description": "The kind of sort ordering to use for typed imports and exports.", "type": "string", "default": "none", "oneOf": [{ "const": "first", "description": "Puts type-only named imports and exports first." }, { "const": "last", "description": "Puts type-only named imports and exports last." }, { "const": "none", "description": "Does not sort based on if a type-only named import or export." }] }, "sortOrder": { "description": "The kind of sort ordering to use.", "type": "string", "default": "caseInsensitive", "oneOf": [{ "const": "maintain", "description": "Maintains the current ordering." }, { "const": "caseSensitive", "description": "Alphabetically and case sensitive." }, { "const": "caseInsensitive", "description": "Alphabetically and case insensitive." }] }, "deno": { "description": "Top level configuration that sets the configuration to what is used in Deno.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "" }, { "const": false, "description": "" }] }, "arrowFunction.useParentheses": { "description": "Whether to use parentheses around a single parameter in an arrow function.", "type": "string", "default": "maintain", "oneOf": [{ "const": "force", "description": "Forces parentheses." }, { "const": "maintain", "description": "Maintains the current state of the parentheses." }, { "const": "preferNone", "description": "Prefers not using parentheses when possible." }] }, "binaryExpression.linePerExpression": { "description": "Whether to force a line per expression when spanning multiple lines.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Formats with each part on a new line." }, { "const": false, "description": "Maintains the line breaks as written by the programmer." }] }, "conditionalExpression.linePerExpression": { "description": "Whether to force a line per expression when spanning multiple lines.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Formats with each part on a new line." }, { "const": false, "description": "Maintains the line breaks as written by the programmer." }] }, "memberExpression.linePerExpression": { "description": "Whether to force a line per expression when spanning multiple lines.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Formats with each part on a new line." }, { "const": false, "description": "Maintains the line breaks as written by the programmer." }] }, "enumDeclaration.memberSpacing": { "description": "How to space the members of an enum.", "type": "string", "default": "maintain", "oneOf": [{ "const": "newLine", "description": "Forces a new line between members." }, { "const": "blankLine", "description": "Forces a blank line between members." }, { "const": "maintain", "description": "Maintains whether a newline or blankline is used." }] }, "typeLiteral.separatorKind": { "description": "The kind of separator to use in type literals.", "type": "string", "default": "semiColon", "oneOf": [{ "const": "semiColon", "description": "Use semi-colons." }, { "const": "comma", "description": "Use commas." }] }, "spaceAround": { "description": "Whether to place spaces around enclosed expressions.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `myFunction( true )`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `myFunction(true)`" }] }, "spaceSurroundingProperties": { "description": "Whether to add a space surrounding the properties of single line object-like nodes.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `{ key: value }`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `{key: value}`" }] }, "objectExpression.spaceSurroundingProperties": { "description": "Whether to add a space surrounding the properties of a single line object expression.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `{ key: value }`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `{key: value}`" }] }, "objectPattern.spaceSurroundingProperties": { "description": "Whether to add a space surrounding the properties of a single line object pattern.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `{ key: value } = obj`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `{key: value} = obj`" }] }, "typeLiteral.spaceSurroundingProperties": { "description": "Whether to add a space surrounding the properties of a single line type literal.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `type Test = { key: string }`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `type Test = {key: string}`" }] }, "binaryExpression.spaceSurroundingBitwiseAndArithmeticOperator": { "description": "Whether to surround the operator in a binary expression with spaces.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `1 + 2`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `1+2`" }] }, "commentLine.forceSpaceAfterSlashes": { "description": "Forces a space after the double slash in a comment line.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `//test` -> `// test`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `//test` -> `//test`" }] }, "constructor.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "description": "Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a constructor.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `constructor ()`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `constructor()`" }] }, "constructorType.spaceAfterNewKeyword": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the `new` keyword in a constructor type.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `type MyClassCtor = new () => MyClass;`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `type MyClassCtor = new() => MyClass;`" }] }, "constructSignature.spaceAfterNewKeyword": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the `new` keyword in a construct signature.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `new (): MyClass;`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `new(): MyClass;`" }] }, "doWhileStatement.spaceAfterWhileKeyword": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the `while` keyword in a do while statement.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `do {\n} while (condition);`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `do {\n} while(condition);`" }] }, "exportDeclaration.spaceSurroundingNamedExports": { "description": "Whether to add spaces around named exports in an export declaration.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `export { SomeExport, OtherExport };`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `export {SomeExport, OtherExport};`" }] }, "forInStatement.spaceAfterForKeyword": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the `for` keyword in a \"for in\" statement.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `for (const prop in obj)`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `for(const prop in obj)`" }] }, "forOfStatement.spaceAfterForKeyword": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the `for` keyword in a \"for of\" statement.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `for (const value of myArray)`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `for(const value of myArray)`" }] }, "forStatement.spaceAfterForKeyword": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the `for` keyword in a \"for\" statement.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++)`" }] }, "forStatement.spaceAfterSemiColons": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the semi-colons in a \"for\" statement.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `for (let i = 0;i < 5;i++)`" }] }, "functionDeclaration.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "description": "Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a function declaration.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `function myFunction ()`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `function myFunction()`" }] }, "functionExpression.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "description": "Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a function expression.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `function ()`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `function()`" }] }, "functionExpression.spaceAfterFunctionKeyword": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the function keyword of a function expression.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `function ()`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `function()`" }] }, "getAccessor.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "description": "Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a get accessor.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `get myProp ()`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `get myProp()`" }] }, "ifStatement.spaceAfterIfKeyword": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the `if` keyword in an \"if\" statement.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `if (true)`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `if(true)`" }] }, "importDeclaration.spaceSurroundingNamedImports": { "description": "Whether to add spaces around named imports in an import declaration.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `import { SomeExport, OtherExport } from \"my-module\";`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `import {SomeExport, OtherExport} from \"my-module\";`" }] }, "jsxSelfClosingElement.spaceBeforeSlash": { "description": "Whether to add a space before a JSX element's slash when self closing.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. ``" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. ``" }] }, "jsxExpressionContainer.spaceSurroundingExpression": { "description": "Whether to add a space surrounding the expression of a JSX container.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `{ myValue }`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `{myValue}`" }] }, "method.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "description": "Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a method.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `myMethod ()`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `myMethod()`" }] }, "setAccessor.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "description": "Whether to add a space before the parentheses of a set accessor.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `set myProp (value: string)`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `set myProp(value: string)`" }] }, "taggedTemplate.spaceBeforeLiteral": { "description": "Whether to add a space before the literal in a tagged template.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `html ```" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `html```" }] }, "typeAnnotation.spaceBeforeColon": { "description": "Whether to add a space before the colon of a type annotation.", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `function myFunction() : string`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `function myFunction(): string`" }] }, "typeAssertion.spaceBeforeExpression": { "description": "Whether to add a space before the expression in a type assertion.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. ` myValue`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `myValue`" }] }, "whileStatement.spaceAfterWhileKeyword": { "description": "Whether to add a space after the `while` keyword in a while statement.", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "oneOf": [{ "const": true, "description": "Ex. `while (true)`" }, { "const": false, "description": "Ex. `while(true)`" }] } }, "properties": { "locked": { "description": "Whether the configuration is not allowed to be overridden or extended.", "type": "boolean" }, "lineWidth": { "description": "The width of a line the printer will try to stay under. Note that the printer may exceed this width in certain cases.", "default": 120, "type": "number" }, "indentWidth": { "description": "The number of columns for an indent.", "default": 2, "type": "number" }, "useTabs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/useTabs" }, "semiColons": { "$ref": "#/definitions/semiColons" }, "quoteStyle": { "$ref": "#/definitions/quoteStyle" }, "quoteProps": { "$ref": "#/definitions/quoteProps" }, "newLineKind": { "$ref": "#/definitions/newLineKind" }, "useBraces": { "$ref": "#/definitions/useBraces" }, "bracePosition": { "$ref": "#/definitions/bracePosition" }, "singleBodyPosition": { "$ref": "#/definitions/singleBodyPosition" }, "nextControlFlowPosition": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nextControlFlowPosition" }, "trailingCommas": { "$ref": "#/definitions/trailingCommas" }, "operatorPosition": { "$ref": "#/definitions/operatorPosition" }, "preferHanging": { "$ref": "#/definitions/preferHanging" }, "preferSingleLine": { "$ref": "#/definitions/preferSingleLine" }, "deno": { "$ref": "#/definitions/deno" }, "arrowFunction.useParentheses": { "$ref": "#/definitions/arrowFunction.useParentheses" }, "binaryExpression.linePerExpression": { "$ref": "#/definitions/binaryExpression.linePerExpression" }, "jsx.bracketPosition": { "$ref": "#/definitions/jsx.bracketPosition" }, "jsxOpeningElement.bracketPosition": { "$ref": "#/definitions/jsx.bracketPosition" }, "jsxSelfClosingElement.bracketPosition": { "$ref": "#/definitions/jsx.bracketPosition" }, "jsx.forceNewLinesSurroundingContent": { "$ref": "#/definitions/jsx.forceNewLinesSurroundingContent" }, "jsx.quoteStyle": { "$ref": "#/definitions/jsx.quoteStyle" }, "jsx.multiLineParens": { "$ref": "#/definitions/jsx.multiLineParens" }, "memberExpression.linePerExpression": { "$ref": "#/definitions/memberExpression.linePerExpression" }, "typeLiteral.separatorKind": { "$ref": "#/definitions/typeLiteral.separatorKind" }, "typeLiteral.separatorKind.singleLine": { "$ref": "#/definitions/typeLiteral.separatorKind" }, "typeLiteral.separatorKind.multiLine": { "$ref": "#/definitions/typeLiteral.separatorKind" }, "enumDeclaration.memberSpacing": { "$ref": "#/definitions/enumDeclaration.memberSpacing" }, "spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "arguments.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "arrayExpression.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "arrayPattern.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "catchClause.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "doWhileStatement.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "forInStatement.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "forOfStatement.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "forStatement.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "ifStatement.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "parameters.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "parenExpression.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "switchStatement.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "tupleType.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "whileStatement.spaceAround": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceAround" }, "spaceSurroundingProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/spaceSurroundingProperties" }, "objectExpression.spaceSurroundingProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/objectExpression.spaceSurroundingProperties" }, "objectPattern.spaceSurroundingProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/objectPattern.spaceSurroundingProperties" }, "typeLiteral.spaceSurroundingProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/typeLiteral.spaceSurroundingProperties" }, "binaryExpression.spaceSurroundingBitwiseAndArithmeticOperator": { "$ref": "#/definitions/binaryExpression.spaceSurroundingBitwiseAndArithmeticOperator" }, "commentLine.forceSpaceAfterSlashes": { "$ref": "#/definitions/commentLine.forceSpaceAfterSlashes" }, "constructor.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "$ref": "#/definitions/constructor.spaceBeforeParentheses" }, "constructorType.spaceAfterNewKeyword": { "$ref": "#/definitions/constructorType.spaceAfterNewKeyword" }, "constructSignature.spaceAfterNewKeyword": { "$ref": "#/definitions/constructSignature.spaceAfterNewKeyword" }, "doWhileStatement.spaceAfterWhileKeyword": { "$ref": "#/definitions/doWhileStatement.spaceAfterWhileKeyword" }, "exportDeclaration.spaceSurroundingNamedExports": { "$ref": "#/definitions/exportDeclaration.spaceSurroundingNamedExports" }, "forInStatement.spaceAfterForKeyword": { "$ref": "#/definitions/forInStatement.spaceAfterForKeyword" }, "forOfStatement.spaceAfterForKeyword": { "$ref": "#/definitions/forOfStatement.spaceAfterForKeyword" }, "forStatement.spaceAfterForKeyword": { "$ref": "#/definitions/forStatement.spaceAfterForKeyword" }, "forStatement.spaceAfterSemiColons": { "$ref": "#/definitions/forStatement.spaceAfterSemiColons" }, "functionDeclaration.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "$ref": "#/definitions/functionDeclaration.spaceBeforeParentheses" }, "functionExpression.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "$ref": "#/definitions/functionExpression.spaceBeforeParentheses" }, "functionExpression.spaceAfterFunctionKeyword": { "$ref": "#/definitions/functionExpression.spaceAfterFunctionKeyword" }, "getAccessor.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "$ref": "#/definitions/getAccessor.spaceBeforeParentheses" }, "ifStatement.spaceAfterIfKeyword": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ifStatement.spaceAfterIfKeyword" }, "importDeclaration.spaceSurroundingNamedImports": { "$ref": "#/definitions/importDeclaration.spaceSurroundingNamedImports" }, "jsxSelfClosingElement.spaceBeforeSlash": { "$ref": "#/definitions/jsxSelfClosingElement.spaceBeforeSlash" }, "jsxExpressionContainer.spaceSurroundingExpression": { "$ref": "#/definitions/jsxExpressionContainer.spaceSurroundingExpression" }, "method.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "$ref": "#/definitions/method.spaceBeforeParentheses" }, "setAccessor.spaceBeforeParentheses": { "$ref": "#/definitions/setAccessor.spaceBeforeParentheses" }, "taggedTemplate.spaceBeforeLiteral": { "$ref": "#/definitions/taggedTemplate.spaceBeforeLiteral" }, "typeAnnotation.spaceBeforeColon": { "$ref": "#/definitions/typeAnnotation.spaceBeforeColon" }, "typeAssertion.spaceBeforeExpression": { "$ref": "#/definitions/typeAssertion.spaceBeforeExpression" }, "whileStatement.spaceAfterWhileKeyword": { "$ref": "#/definitions/whileStatement.spaceAfterWhileKeyword" }, "module.sortImportDeclarations": { "$ref": "#/definitions/sortOrder" }, "module.sortExportDeclarations": { "$ref": "#/definitions/sortOrder" }, "exportDeclaration.sortNamedExports": { "$ref": "#/definitions/sortOrder" }, "exportDeclaration.sortTypeOnlyExports": { "$ref": "#/definitions/typeOnlyImportsExportsSortOrder" }, "importDeclaration.sortNamedImports": { "$ref": "#/definitions/sortOrder" }, "importDeclaration.sortTypeOnlyImports": { "$ref": "#/definitions/typeOnlyImportsExportsSortOrder" }, "ignoreNodeCommentText": { 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