~~ lineWidth: 40 ~~ == should format == test=5; [expect] test = 5; == should indent the right side when the left side is hanging and the right is hanging == testingtesting() .this = 523452346236 + 234345234652465246; [expect] testingtesting() .this = 523452346236 + 234345234652465246; == should format if the right side goes over the line width == testing.this = testingthisouttttttttttttt; [expect] testing.this = testingthisouttttttttttttt; == should format when the left side is hanging and the right side goes over the line width == testingtesting() .this = testingthisoutttttttttttttttt; [expect] testingtesting() .this = testingthisoutttttttttttttttt; == should not do a newline if the assignment is below the indent width == a = ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt; [expect] a = ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt; == should support these new TS 4.0 assignments == a &&= b; a ||= b; a ??= b; [expect] a &&= b; a ||= b; a ??= b; == should go multi-line once excessive -- probably minified file, so don't really care about this == a = b = c = d; a = b = c = d = e; [expect] a = b = c = d; a = b = c = d = e;