~~ lineWidth: 40 ~~ == should not go multiline when going above line width for a describe == describe("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); [expect] describe("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); == should not go multiline when it has a property == describe.only("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); [expect] describe.only("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); == should not go multiline for an it == it("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); [expect] it("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); == should not be hanging for template literal == it(`testing this out ${test} testing testing`, () => { }); [expect] it(`testing this out ${test} testing testing`, () => { }); == should make multi-line when the arrow function expression is not on the same line (since doing this makes it not match the test library code) == it("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); [expect] it( "testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }, ); == should not go multiline when going above line width for a test call expression == test("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); [expect] test("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); == should not go multiline when going above line width for an x.test call expression == Deno.test("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); [expect] Deno.test("testing this out with a long string", () => { // etc... }); == should not go multiline for `Deno.test` call with parameter == Deno.test("testing this out testing testing testing testing", async (t) => { // etc... }); Deno.test("testing this out testing testing testing testing", (t) => { // etc... }); [expect] Deno.test("testing this out testing testing testing testing", async (t) => { // etc... }); Deno.test("testing this out testing testing testing testing", (t) => { // etc... }); == should go multi-line if the parameter has a comment inside == Deno.test("testing this out testing testing testing testing", (/*1*/t) => { // etc... }); [expect] Deno.test( "testing this out testing testing testing testing", (/*1*/ t) => { // etc... }, );