~~ lineWidth: 50 ~~ == should format == const obj = { method() { return 5; }, *method2(): string { // testing return ""; }, get test( ) : string { return ""; }, set test (value: string) { }, method3(): string { }, method4(): string { }, }; [expect] const obj = { method() { return 5; }, *method2(): string { // testing return ""; }, get test(): string { return ""; }, set test(value: string) { }, method3(): string { }, method4< TestingThisOut, Testinggggggggggggggg, >(): string { }, }; == should force multi-line parameters when exceeding the line width == const o = { test(testing, thisOut, byExceeding, theLineWidth) { } }; [expect] const o = { test( testing, thisOut, byExceeding, theLineWidth, ) { }, }; == should not be multi-line when not exceeding the line width == const o = { test(testing, this) { } }; [expect] const o = { test(testing, this) { }, }; == should format the params as multi-line when the return type exceeds the line width == const obj = { method(param: string): test | otherr | number { } } [expect] const obj = { method( param: string, ): test | otherr | number { }, };