~~ lineWidth: 80, arguments.preferHanging: always ~~ == should use the parenthesis before the argument for deciding whether to use multiple lines == function test() { call(fileNames).then(() => { }).catch(/*istanbul ignore next*/ err => { onFinished(err); }); } [expect] function test() { call(fileNames).then(() => { }).catch(/*istanbul ignore next*/ err => { onFinished(err); }); } == should put the argument that goes over the width on a newline rather than the property value start == const obj = { "testing": call(asdfasdfkjasdfasdfasdf, asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfsadfas) }; [expect] const obj = { "testing": call(asdfasdfkjasdfasdfasdf, asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfsadfas), }; == should not indent within object literal == export function test() { const obj = new Test({ prop: "" }); } [expect] export function test() { const obj = new Test({ prop: "", }); } == should not split up within an argument that exceeds the line width == test(param1, testingThisOut, testingThisOut, moreAndMoreAndMore, test * other * 1000); [expect] test(param1, testingThisOut, testingThisOut, moreAndMoreAndMore, test * other * 1000);