~~ singleBodyPosition: maintain, useBraces: maintain ~~ == should not add newline for single line body and multi line condition == if (someFunction({ xyz: 1234 })) return; for (let x = 0; someFunction({ xyz: 1234 }); x++) return; for (const x in someFunction({ xyz: 1234 })) return; for (const x of someFunction({ xyz: 1234 })) return; while (someFunction({ xyz: 1234 })) return; [expect] if ( someFunction({ xyz: 1234, }) ) return; for ( let x = 0; someFunction({ xyz: 1234, }); x++ ) return; for ( const x in someFunction({ xyz: 1234, }) ) return; for ( const x of someFunction({ xyz: 1234, }) ) return; while ( someFunction({ xyz: 1234, }) ) return;