~~ lineWidth: 1000, indentWidth: 4, operatorPosition: sameLine ~~ == should format same as the below == // these should both format the same, regardless of whether there is an // optional chain or not at symbol.declarations?.map function getSymbolParentOrFail() { return `Declarations: ${ symbol.declarations?.map(d => { return true; }).join(", ") }.`; } [expect] // these should both format the same, regardless of whether there is an // optional chain or not at symbol.declarations?.map function getSymbolParentOrFail() { return `Declarations: ${ symbol.declarations?.map(d => { return true; }).join(", ") }.`; } == should format this the same as the above == function getSymbolParentOrFail() { return `Declarations: ${ symbol.declarations.map(d => { return true; }).join(", ") }.`; } [expect] function getSymbolParentOrFail() { return `Declarations: ${ symbol.declarations.map(d => { return true; }).join(", ") }.`; }