~~ lineWidth: 60 ~~ == should format as-is when multi-line == for ( let c = s.charAt(position); position < s.length && !(c == "\r" || c == "\n"); c = s.charAt(++position) ); [expect] for ( let c = s.charAt(position); position < s.length && !(c == "\r" || c == "\n"); c = s.charAt(++position) ); == should breakup to multi-line based on the expressions == for (let c = s.charAt(position); position < s.length && !(c == "\r" || c == "\n"); c = s.charAt(++position)); [expect] for ( let c = s.charAt(position); position < s.length && !(c == "\r" || c == "\n"); c = s.charAt(++position) );