~~ lineWidth: 40 ~~ == should format == function t([ a , b ]) { } [expect] function t([a, b]) { } == should format with a type annotation == function t([ a , b ]: [string , number]) { } [expect] function t([a, b]: [string, number]) { } == should allow empty elements == [a, , b] = 0; const [a, , ,] = something; const [a,] = something; const [a, , ,test,] = something; const [a, , ,test] = something; [expect] [a, , b] = 0; const [a] = something; const [a] = something; const [a, , , test] = something; const [a, , , test] = something; == should format as multi-line when exceeding the line width == function t( [testing, thisOutWhere, itGoesOverTheLineWidth] ) { } [expect] function t( [ testing, thisOutWhere, itGoesOverTheLineWidth, ], ) { } == should format when optional == export declare class EventInit { constructor([t]?: string[]); } [expect] export declare class EventInit { constructor([t]?: string[]); }