~~ lineWidth: 40 ~~ == should format == const { t=5, u=4, v: other } = obj; [expect] const { t = 5, u = 4, v: other } = obj; == should format multi-line == const { t=5, u=4 } = obj; [expect] const { t = 5, u = 4, } = obj; == should split up between the items when the line width is on the last brace (rather than splitting up right before the brace) == const { testingThisOut, withAVeryLongNameeeeeeee } = obj; [expect] const { testingThisOut, withAVeryLongNameeeeeeee, } = obj; == should format when optional == export declare class EventInit { constructor({ t }?: { t?: any }); } [expect] export declare class EventInit { constructor({ t }?: { t?: any }); }