~~ lineWidth: 40 ~~ == should format == type T = () => void; type U = (param: string ) => void; type V = < T>(param: string ) => void; type W = () => Date; [expect] type T = () => void; type U = (param: string) => void; type V = (param: string) => void; type W = < TestingThisOut, ByGoingOverLimit, >() => Date; == should force multi-line parameters when exceeding the line width == type Test = (testing, thisOut, byExceeding, theLineWidth) => Date; [expect] type Test = ( testing, thisOut, byExceeding, theLineWidth, ) => Date; == should not be multi-line when not exceeding the line width == type Test = (testing, out) => Date; [expect] type Test = (testing, out) => Date;