use std log use std repeat const NAME = "dragoonfly" const LOG_DIR = ($nu.temp-path | path join $NAME) const POWERS_PATH = "setup/powers/powers_test_Fr_155kB" # create a swarm table export def "swarm create" [ n: int, # The number of nodes to create --ssh-addr-file: path, # Add a file containing ssh addresses, first line is always skipped, in the format: username, ip # See ssh_addr.txt for example # If no file is provided, nodes are run on localhost, port 3000, 3001, 3002, etc. # The file should contain at least n distinct username + ip --storage-space: list, # The space for blocks received via send request, default: 20, should be a list of size n --unit-list: list, # The unit in powers of 10 for the space received via send request, default: G; possible values: "", K, M, G, T, should be a list of size n ]: nothing -> table { if $storage_space != null { if ($storage_space | length) != $n { error make --unspanned { msg: "If a list of storage space is provided, it should be the same size as the number of nodes" } } if $unit_list != null { if ($unit_list | length) != $n { error make --unspanned { msg: "If a list of unit is provided, it should be the same size as the number of nodes" } } } } let storage_space = match $storage_space { null => (20 | repeat $n), _ => $storage_space, } let unit_list = match $unit_list { null => ("G" | repeat $n), _ => $unit_list, } let addr_list = match $ssh_addr_file { null => ({user: "local", ip: ""} | repeat $n), _ => {cat $ssh_addr_file | lines | skip 1 | take $n | parse "{user},{ip}"}, } if ($addr_list | length) != $n { error make { msg: $"Tried to create a network with ($n) nodes but the list of addr only had ($addr_list | length) entries: ($addr_list)" } } seq 0 ($n - 1) | each { |index| { user: ($addr_list | get $index | get user), ip_port: $"($addr_list | get $index | get ip):(3_000 + $index)", seed: $index, multiaddr: $"/ip4/($addr_list | get $index | get ip)/tcp/(31_200 + $index)", storage: ($storage_space | get $index) unit: ($unit_list | get $index) } } } # run a swarm export def "swarm run" [ swarm: table, # the table of nodes to run --no-compile, # do not compile the rust binary again --replace-file-dir, # clear the file directory for each node --features: list = [], # features to include in the nodes, there are currently none available that are node specific, but features of imported modules can be used --no-shell # do not create a subshell after running this command --label-list: list = [] # list of labels for node names, default is the node's peer id, should have has many values as there are nodes, no space allowed in names ]: nothing -> string { if ($swarm | is-empty) { error make --unspanned { msg: "`swarm create` requires a non empty swarm" } } if ($swarm.0.user != "local") { error make --unspanned { msg: "The first node should be spawned locally" } } let label_list = ( if ($label_list | length) < ($swarm | length) { if $label_list != [] { log warning "The list of label is smaller than the size of the swarm, not all nodes will be named" } # fill the list with "" until the size matches with the swarm size $label_list | append ("" | repeat (($swarm | length) - ($label_list | length))) } else if ($label_list | length) > ($swarm | length) { log warning "The list of label is bigger than the size of the swarm, not all labels will be used" $label_list | take ($swarm | length) } else { $label_list } ) let log_dir = $LOG_DIR | path join (random uuid) log info $"logging to `($log_dir)/*.log`" mkdir $log_dir if not $no_compile { ^cargo build --release --features ($features | str join ",") } for index in 0..<($swarm | length) { let node = ($swarm | get $index) let label = ($label_list | get $index) log info $"launching node ($node.seed) \(($node.ip_port)\)" let options = ( $" --ip-port ($node.ip_port)" + $" --seed ($node.seed)" + $" --storage-space ($" + $" --storage-unit ($node.unit)" + ( if $replace_file_dir { " --replace-file-dir" } else { "" } ) + ( if $label != "" { $" --label ($label)" } else { "" } ) ) let redirect = $"1> ($log_dir)/($node.seed).log 2> /dev/null &" if ($node.user == "local") { if not $no_compile { # FIXME: don't use Bash here ^bash -c ( $"cargo run --features '($features | str join ',')' -- --powers-path ($POWERS_PATH) ($options) ($redirect)" ) } else { ^bash -c ( $"target/release/dragoonfly --powers-path ($POWERS_PATH) ($options) ($redirect)" ) } } else { let ip = ($node.ip_port | parse "{ip}:{port}" | into record | get ip) let remote = $"($node.user)@($ip)" let target_path = "/tmp/target/release" let pre_cmd = $"mkdir -p ($target_path) && rsync" # copy the executable and the powers file to the remote # using rsync to not copy the file if it already exists ^rsync -a --rsync-path $pre_cmd target/release/dragoonfly $POWERS_PATH $"($remote):($target_path)" # launch node on the remote ^bash -c ( $"ssh ($remote) '($target_path)/dragoonfly --powers-path ($target_path)/($POWERS_PATH | path basename ) ($options)' ($redirect)" ) } } if not $no_shell { ^$nu.current-exe --execute $' $env.PROMPT_COMMAND = "SWARM-CONTROL-PANEL" $env.NU_LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG" $env.SWARM_LOG_DIR = ($log_dir) use cli/ use cli/ ["swarm kill", "swarm list", "swarm log", "bytes decode"] const SWARM = ($swarm | to nuon) ' } $log_dir } # list the nodes of the swarm export def "swarm list" []: nothing -> table { ps | where name =~ $NAME } def parse-tracing-logs []: string -> table { lines | ansi strip | parse --regex '^(?.{27}) (?.{5}) (?[\w:_-]*): (?.*)' | str trim level | into datetime date } export def "swarm log" []: nothing -> table { # FIXME: this should not require `mut` # related to mut logs = [] for id in (seq 0 (swarm list | length | $in - 1)) { let log_file = $env.SWARM_LOG_DIR | path join $"($id).log" if not ($log_file | path exists) { log warning $"`($log_file)` does not exist" continue } let log = open $log_file --raw | parse-tracing-logs | insert id $id | move id --before file $logs = ($logs | append $log) } let logs = $logs | sort-by date if not ($logs | is-empty) { let start = $ $logs | update date { $in - $start } } else { [] } } # kill the swarm export def "swarm kill" [ swarm: table # the swarm table --no-shell, # in case where swarm run was also used with --no-shell flag ]: nothing -> nothing { # kills all local node process ps | where name =~ $NAME | each {|it| log warning $"killing ($" kill $ } # kills all remote node process $swarm | filter {|node| $node.user != "local"} | each {|node| let ip = ($node.ip_port | parse "{ip}:{port}" | into record | get ip) let remote = $"($node.user)@($ip)" ^ssh $remote "ps -ef | grep 'dragoonfly' | grep -v grep | grep -v nu | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r kill -15" } if not $no_shell { exit } } # decode a list of integer bytes into the underlying encoded string export def "bytes decode" [encoding: string = "utf-8"]: list -> string { each { into binary | bytes at 0..1 } | bytes collect | decode $encoding } # encode an encoded string into the underlying list of integer bytes export def "bytes encode" [encoding: string = "utf-8"]: string -> list { let bytes = $in | encode $encoding seq 1 ($bytes | bytes length) | each {|i| $bytes | bytes at ($i - 1)..($i) | into int } }