use std::path::Path; use ark_ff::PrimeField; use ark_serialize::CanonicalSerialize; use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, BatchSize, BenchmarkId, Criterion}; use dragoonfri::{ algorithms::Blake3, dynamic_folding_factor, frida::{nth_evaluations, FridaBuilder, FridaCommitment}, rng::FriChallenger, utils::{to_evaluations, HasherExt}, }; use dragoonfri_test_utils::{ random_file, Fq, BLOWUP_FACTOR, NUMBER_OF_POLYNOMIALS, NUM_QUERIES, POLY_COEFFS_LEN, }; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; /// Parameter to use as the input variable of a parametric bench #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Default)] enum ParameterOfInterest { #[default] FileSize, DegreeBound, NumberOfPolynomials, FoldingFactor, } impl ParameterOfInterest { fn get(self, folding_factor: usize, file_size: usize, k: usize, m: usize) -> usize { match self { Self::FileSize => file_size, Self::DegreeBound => k, Self::NumberOfPolynomials => m, Self::FoldingFactor => folding_factor, } } } struct FridaParametricBencher<'a> { criterion: &'a mut Criterion, id: String, parameters: Vec<(usize, usize, usize, usize)>, interest: ParameterOfInterest, } impl<'a> FridaParametricBencher<'a> { /// `id` should be a unique and clear identifier of this bench. fn new(c: &'a mut Criterion, id: S) -> Self { if !Path::new("target/proof_sizes").try_exists().unwrap() { std::fs::create_dir("target/proof_sizes").unwrap(); } Self { criterion: c, id: id.to_string(), parameters: vec![], interest: ParameterOfInterest::default(), } } /// Sets the parameter that is tested by this [`FridaParameterBencher`]. /// The default value is [`ParameterOfInterest::FileSize`]. /// /// `add_parameters` should not be called (and should not have been called until now) twice with the // same value for this parameter. fn set_parameter_of_interest(&mut self, parameter: ParameterOfInterest) { self.interest = parameter; } /// Adds a set of parameters to be benchmarked. /// /// - `byte_size` must be `Fq::MODULUS_BIT_SIZE / 8 * k * m`. It is still required as an argument /// because it is computed anyway in the caller functions. /// - Note that `k` is the degree bound of the polynomial; the actual domain size in FRI will be /// [`BLOWUP_FACTOR`] times greater. /// - `folding_factor` must be 2, 4, 8 or 16. /// - `k` must be a power of `folding_factor` fn add_parameters(&mut self, folding_factor: usize, byte_size: usize, k: usize, m: usize) { self.parameters.push((folding_factor, byte_size, k, m)); } /// Benchmarks, for each set of parameters specified in `add_parameters`, /// - the time to build a Frida commitment + one proof for each shard /// - the total byte size of the commitment + the proofs, /// - the time to verify a Frida commitment, /// - the time to verify the proof for a random shard in the domain. /// /// This blocks until all the benches complete. This panics if any of the combination of parameters specified /// in `add_parameters` is invalid. fn bench(self, bf: usize, q: usize) { let c = self.criterion; let id = &; // BENCH BUILD PROOF let mut group_prove = c.benchmark_group(format!("prove {id}")); group_prove.sample_size(10); let mut proof_sizes = csv::Writer::from_path(format!("target/proof_sizes/proof_size_{id}.csv")).unwrap(); proof_sizes .write_record(["input", "commit_size", "proof_size"]) .unwrap(); for &(folding_factor, file_size, k, m) in &self.parameters { let parameter = self.interest.get(folding_factor, file_size, k, m); group_prove.bench_with_input(BenchmarkId::from_parameter(parameter), &m, |b, &m| { b.iter_batched( || random_evaluations(k, m), |file_evals| { let builder = frida_builder(folding_factor, &file_evals, bf, q); for i in 0..(k * bf) { black_box(builder.prove_shards(&[i])); } }, BatchSize::LargeInput, ); }); let builder = frida_builder(folding_factor, &random_evaluations(k, m), bf, q); let mut proof_size = 0; for i in 0..(k * bf) { proof_size += builder.prove_shards(&[i]).compressed_size(); } let commit_size = FridaCommitment::from(builder).compressed_size(); proof_sizes .write_record(&[ parameter.to_string(), commit_size.to_string(), proof_size.to_string(), ]) .unwrap(); } group_prove.finish(); proof_sizes.flush().unwrap(); // BENCH VERIFY COMMIT let mut group_verify_commit = c.benchmark_group(format!("verify_commit {id}")); group_verify_commit.sample_size(10); for &(folding_factor, file_size, k, m) in &self.parameters { group_verify_commit.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::from_parameter(self.interest.get(folding_factor, file_size, k, m)), &m, |b, &m| { b.iter_batched( || { FridaCommitment::from(frida_builder( folding_factor, &random_evaluations(k, m), bf, q, )) }, |commit| { dynamic_folding_factor!(let N = folding_factor => commit .verify::( FriChallenger::::default(), q, k, k * bf, ) .unwrap()) }, BatchSize::LargeInput, ) }, ); } group_verify_commit.finish(); // BENCH VERIFY ONE PROOF let mut group_verify_proof = c.benchmark_group(format!("verify_proof {id}")); group_verify_proof.sample_size(10); for &(folding_factor, file_size, k, m) in &self.parameters { group_verify_proof.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::from_parameter(self.interest.get(folding_factor, file_size, k, m)), &m, |b, &m| { b.iter_batched( || { let evals = random_evaluations(k, m); let builder = frida_builder(folding_factor, &evals, bf, q); let pos = thread_rng().gen_range(0..(k * bf)); let proof = builder.prove_shards(&[pos]); ( FridaCommitment::from(builder), proof, pos, Blake3::hash_item( &nth_evaluations(&evals, pos).collect::>(), ), ) }, |(commit, proof, pos, eval)| { assert!(proof.verify(commit.tree_root(), &[pos], &[eval], k * bf)) }, BatchSize::LargeInput, ) }, ); } group_verify_proof.finish(); } } fn parametric_num_poly( c: &mut Criterion, k: usize, max_file_size: usize, folding_factor: usize, bf: usize, q: usize, ) { let mut bencher = FridaParametricBencher::new(c, format!("k={k},m=#,N={folding_factor},bf={bf},q={q}")); bencher.set_parameter_of_interest(ParameterOfInterest::NumberOfPolynomials); let mut num_poly = 1usize; let mut byte_size = k * Fq::MODULUS_BIT_SIZE as usize / 8; while byte_size <= max_file_size { bencher.add_parameters(folding_factor, byte_size, k, num_poly); num_poly *= 2; byte_size *= 2; } bencher.bench(bf, q) } fn parametric_degree_bound( c: &mut Criterion, m: usize, max_file_size: usize, folding_factor: usize, bf: usize, q: usize, ) { let mut bencher = FridaParametricBencher::new(c, format!("k=#,m={m},N={folding_factor},bf={bf},q={q}")); bencher.set_parameter_of_interest(ParameterOfInterest::DegreeBound); let mut k = folding_factor; let mut byte_size = k * m * Fq::MODULUS_BIT_SIZE as usize / 8; while byte_size <= max_file_size { bencher.add_parameters(folding_factor, byte_size, k, m); k *= folding_factor; byte_size *= folding_factor; } bencher.bench(bf, q) } fn parametric_degree_bound_fixed_size( c: &mut Criterion, file_size: usize, folding_factor: usize, bf: usize, q: usize, ) { let mut bencher = FridaParametricBencher::new( c, format!("k=#,m=#,N={folding_factor},nbytes={file_size},bf={bf},q={q}"), ); bencher.set_parameter_of_interest(ParameterOfInterest::DegreeBound); let mut k = folding_factor; let mut m = file_size * 8 / Fq::MODULUS_BIT_SIZE as usize / k; while k * m * Fq::MODULUS_BIT_SIZE as usize / 8 == file_size { bencher.add_parameters(folding_factor, file_size, k, m); k *= folding_factor; m /= folding_factor; } if m > 0 { println!( "Warning: Min `m` = {}. Cannot divide by {folding_factor} anymore.", file_size * 8 * folding_factor / Fq::MODULUS_BIT_SIZE as usize / k ); } bencher.bench(bf, q) } fn parametric_folding_factor(c: &mut Criterion, k: usize, m: usize, bf: usize, q: usize) { let mut bencher = FridaParametricBencher::new(c, format!("k={k},m={m},N=#,bf={bf},q={q}")); bencher.set_parameter_of_interest(ParameterOfInterest::FoldingFactor); let file_size = m * k * Fq::MODULUS_BIT_SIZE as usize / 8; for folding_factor in [2, 4, 8, 16] { bencher.add_parameters(folding_factor, file_size, k, m); } bencher.bench(bf, q) } fn random_evaluations(k: usize, m: usize) -> Vec> { random_file::(k, m) .into_iter() .map(|poly| to_evaluations(poly, k * BLOWUP_FACTOR)) .collect() } fn frida_builder( folding_factor: usize, evaluations: &[Vec], bf: usize, q: usize, ) -> FridaBuilder { dynamic_folding_factor!(let N = folding_factor => FridaBuilder::<_, Blake3>::new::( evaluations, FriChallenger::::default(), bf, 1, q, )) } fn measure_frida(c: &mut Criterion) { /// Like in PCS-FED-ID, but not adapted to FRI const K1: usize = 64; /// More suitable degree for FRI const K2: usize = POLY_COEFFS_LEN; const MAX_FILE_SIZE: usize = 134_217_728; // 128 MiB const FOLDING_FACTOR: usize = 4; // Increasing file size with fixed `k` parametric_num_poly( c, K1, MAX_FILE_SIZE, FOLDING_FACTOR, BLOWUP_FACTOR, NUM_QUERIES, ); parametric_num_poly( c, K2, MAX_FILE_SIZE, FOLDING_FACTOR, BLOWUP_FACTOR, NUM_QUERIES, ); // Increasing file size with fixed `m` parametric_degree_bound( c, NUMBER_OF_POLYNOMIALS, MAX_FILE_SIZE, FOLDING_FACTOR, BLOWUP_FACTOR, NUM_QUERIES, ); // Finding best folding factor parametric_folding_factor(c, K2, NUMBER_OF_POLYNOMIALS, BLOWUP_FACTOR, NUM_QUERIES); // Finding best `k` for fixed file size parametric_degree_bound_fixed_size(c, 67_108_864, FOLDING_FACTOR, BLOWUP_FACTOR, NUM_QUERIES); } criterion_group!(benches, measure_frida); criterion_main!(benches);