This directory contains sample programs to illustrate how to use various functions provded in SuperLU_MT. The users can modify these templates to suit their applications. The command line option "nprocs" indicates the number of processes to be used. If this option is not provided at the command line, the programs will run on a single processor. 1. To run example calling simple driver xGSSV: % pslinsol -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pdlinsol -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pclinsol -p [nprocs] < cmat % pzlinsol -p [nprocs] < cmat 2. To run example calling expert driver xGSSVX: % pslinsolx -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pdlinsolx -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pclinsolx -p [nprocs] < cmat % pzlinsolx -p [nprocs] < cmat 3. To run example calling expert driver xGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity pattern: % pslinsolx1 -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pdlinsolx1 -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pclinsolx1 -p [nprocs] < cmat % pzlinsolx1 -p [nprocs] < cmat 4. To run example that uses the symmetric mode: % pslinsolx2 -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pdlinsolx2 -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pclinsolx2 -p [nprocs] < cmat % pzlinsolx2 -p [nprocs] < cmat 5. To run example that performs repeated factorizations for the matrix with the same sparsity pattern: % psrepeat -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pdrepeat -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pcrepeat -p [nprocs] < cmat % pzrepeat -p [nprocs] < cmat 6. To run example that integrates with other multithreaded application, but threads are created only once: % psspmd -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pdspmd -p [nprocs] < big.rua % pcspmd -p [nprocs] < cmat % pzspmd -p [nprocs] < cmat 7. To use Fortran interface, do the following: 1) make f77exm 2) f77exm -p [nprocs] < g10