/*! \file Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy) All rights reserved. The source code is distributed under BSD license, see the file License.txt at the top-level directory. */ #include "slu_mt_ddefs.h" void pxgstrf_pruneL( const int_t jcol, /* current column */ const int_t *perm_r, /* row pivotings */ const int_t pivrow, /* pivot row of column jcol */ const int_t nseg, /* number of U-segments */ const int_t *segrep, /* in */ const int_t *repfnz, /* in */ int_t *xprune, /* modified */ int_t *ispruned, /* modified */ GlobalLU_t *Glu /* modified - global LU data structures */ ) { /* * -- SuperLU MT routine (version 1.0) -- * Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, * and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. * August 15, 1997 * * Purpose * ======= * Reduces the L-structure of those supernodes whose L-structure * contains the current pivot row "pivrow". * */ register int_t jsupno, irep, isupno, irep1, kmin, kmax, krow; register int_t i, ktemp; register int_t do_prune; /* logical variable */ int_t *xsup, *xsup_end, *supno; int_t *lsub, *xlsub, *xlsub_end; xsup = Glu->xsup; xsup_end = Glu->xsup_end; supno = Glu->supno; lsub = Glu->lsub; xlsub = Glu->xlsub; xlsub_end = Glu->xlsub_end; /* * For each supernode-rep irep in U[*,j] */ jsupno = supno[jcol]; for (i = 0; i < nseg; i++) { irep = segrep[i]; irep1 = irep + 1; /* Don't prune with a zero U-segment */ if ( repfnz[irep] == EMPTY ) continue; /* If a supernode overlaps with the next panel, then the U-segment * is fragmented into two parts - irep and irep1. We should let * pruning occur at the rep-column in irep1's supernode. */ isupno = supno[irep]; if ( isupno == supno[irep1] ) continue; /* Don't prune */ /* * If it is not pruned & it has a nonz in row L[pivrow,i] */ do_prune = FALSE; if ( isupno != jsupno ) { if ( ! ispruned[irep] ) { kmin = SINGLETON( isupno ) ? xlsub_end[irep] : xlsub[irep]; kmax = xprune[irep] - 1; for (krow = kmin; krow <= kmax; krow++) if ( lsub[krow] == pivrow ) { do_prune = TRUE; break; } } if ( do_prune ) { /* Do a quicksort-type partition */ while ( kmin <= kmax ) { if ( perm_r[lsub[kmax]] == EMPTY ) kmax--; else if ( perm_r[lsub[kmin]] != EMPTY ) kmin++; else { /* kmin below pivrow, and kmax above pivrow: * interchange the two subscripts */ ktemp = lsub[kmin]; lsub[kmin] = lsub[kmax]; lsub[kmax] = ktemp; kmin++; kmax--; } } /* while */ xprune[irep] = kmin; /* Pruning */ ispruned[irep] = 1; #ifdef CHK_PRUNE if (irep >= LOCOL && irep >= HICOL && jcol >= LOCOL && jcol <= HICOL) printf("pxgstrf_pruneL() for irep %d using col %d: xprune %d - %d\n", irep, jcol, xlsub[irep], kmin); #endif } /* if do_prune */ } /* if */ } /* for each U-segment... */ }